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Christmas Announcement.

By communicating with us immediately you can possess our beautiful catalogue of pianos, unexcelled from an artistic standpoint, and which will wear a lifetime. Also full information as to how one of these gems of art can be placed in your home before Christmas, even though you live in the portion of the United States farthest distant from "the Hub." Our plan includes our making a personal selection of a piano of the style you may choose, the same care being taken by us in every way as if we were selecting the piano for our own home; sending it to you on approval, not to be retained by you unless perfectly satisfactory. If desired, instead of all cash at once, you can make a small cash payment down and monthly payments barely more than rent till it is paid for. Practically renting a piano till accumulated rent buys it. Mail us your name and address and we will immediately send you a catalogue, and (if we have no dealer in your locality) prices for cash or time, and valuable information showing you how simple, safe, and in every way to your satisfaction our method is. Old pianos taken in exchange at a liberal valuation.

Louis XV. Model. Style 112.

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THE "COUFFIELD" (Rapid Transit
in your office)

Sectional Vertical Files
Afford the most practical and economical
system of letter-filing extant. Sectional
construction-Filing space can be added
as required. Numerical method-All the
letters of any concern can be referred to
instantly. Unit system-One drawer can
be added at a time. Roller bearings-
Drawers run easily when loaded. These,
and many other exclusive features, make
it highly important for every business
man to "look into" the merits of "Couf-
field" Files. They are used in every part
of the U.S., and throughout the world, and
like Britain, the sun never sets on "Couf-
field" Files.

Special Offer: We want every business
man to prove our claims, hence have a
"special offer" to make that will compel
attention! Write on your business
letter-head for Il. folder "P," and ask
for our "special offer," mentioning

"Couffield Pays the Freight."

H. L. COUFFIELD CO., 94 W, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Mention the Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers

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