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The Locke Adder has become the standard calculating machine of the world simply on its merits.
It is now recognized as a necessity in the modern business office.

Don't pay a high price for a calculating machine. It's entirely unnecessary. The Locke Adder
you $5.00 and it will perform all
computations higher priced

Costs will only no more than many or a $5.00 computer that it is the only machine that

Adds, Subtracts, Multiplies and Divides and sells for $5.00.

My machine came to hand all right and I am much pleased with it. I find it very valuable in calculating, checking estimates, pay rolls, etc. H. E. COWAN, C. E. Chittenden, Vi. The Locke Adder is all you claim for it.

C. S. MCCLELLAN, Dallas, Texas.
The Locke Adder received and I am highly pleased with it.
C. W. BRANDBORG, Walcott, N. Dakota.

I have just received the Locke Adder and immediately put it into practical use, and am very pleased to inform you that it meets my requirements just as well as a 8125 machine. H. E. FLEMING, (with Howard Ice Co.,) Watertown, Mass.

It would be impossible for me to get along without the
use of the machine. It is worth its weight in gold.
Special Agt. U. S. Dept. Labor, Boston, Mass.
We are glad to be able to advise that the Locke Adder
is eminently satisfactorHONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO.
and a great help to our book-
Honolulu, Hawaii.

The chief value of the machine to me is that I know
results are correct. Whenever you wish a good word for
the Adder you may be sure I will give it.
E. C. TEAGUE, Hebron Academy, Hebron, Maine.

Quickly Pays for Itself in simplifying details, saving work and preventing

errors. Adds all columns simultaneously, capacity 999,999,999. Easily learned and lasts a lifetime. Bookkeepers enthusiastic-employers endorse it Price $5.00 prepaid. Send money order, or draft to-day.

SENT FREE: Illustrated descriptive booklet explaining everything. No trouble to send it-write. C. E. LOCKE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 65 Walnut Street, Kensett, Iowa.

[blocks in formation]



$ 5 $



The Duplicator that cleanly multicopies anything written with pen and typewriter, also music, drawings. etc. One original gives 150 copies Black ink in 15 minutes. Avolds: stencil, washing, delays, and expensive supplies. Price, complete cap-size outfit, 88.00. Lasts years.

Sent on 5 days' free trial without deposit.
THE G. SCHAPIRO-GRAPH CO., 265 Broadway, N. Y.


Save 20 per cent. of a book-keeper's time.""

Instantly applied or moved to meet changing conditions, 400 kinds of printed tags, including Alphabets, Months, etc., kept in stock. Tags to WRITE on, Used by U.S. P. O. & War Depts. Catalogue & Price List Free. Sample Tag, 5 Cents. Dept. D., CHAS. C. SMITH, Exeter, Nebraska.

Mention the Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers

STAFFORD'S $21.00 Desk Finished golden polished, fine quartered oak front, built-up panels and writing bed, double-deck top, moulded stiles, automatic locks, 2 legal-blank draw ers, letter file, 6 all-wood file boxes, supply drawer, hang-over front, center drawer, document file, eard index drawer with eards, back paneled and polished; 48 in. long, 30 in. wide, 48 in. high. Sent to any responsible person on approval. Ask for Cata logs with Factory Prices: Office Furniture, No. 65 House Furniture, No. 66 Typewriters, all makes, "M."

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The WORLD IS LARGE, BUT the TYPEWRITER COVERS IT FROM POLE TO POLE. The Twentieth Century Business Letter-the Letter that Does Business, is TYPEWRITTEN.


1% Barclay St., New York.

38 Bromfield St.. Boston. 124 LaSalle St., Chicago.

817 Wyandotte St., Kansas City. 208 North Ninth St., St. Louis. 536 California St., San Francisco.

Send for samples of writing, with prices, etc. Largest and most complete stock of second-hand Typewriters of any house in the trade. Machines shipped, privilege of inspection. TITLE TO EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED.

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