Imágenes de páginas

Hiawatha and the Onondaga Indians, C. L. Henning, OC. Hittite Inscriptions, Decipherment of the, A. H. Sayce, Mon R.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jurist, G. P. Morris, AMRR. Holmes, Sherlock, Plots and Strategy of, J. B. Mackenzie, GBag.

Horses: Schooling the Thoroughbred for the Race Track, W. F. Pond, O.

Hotels as Homes? Lady Grove, Corn.

House of Commons: Parliamentary Quotations, Mac. Howard, Newman, A New English Poet, J. B. Gilder, Bkman. Hudson, Literary Associations of the, E. M. Bacon, Crit. Humbert Swindle, E. P. Lyle, Jr., FrL.

Humor, American, H. W. Boynton, Atlant.

Humorists, Some, Humor of, La T. Hancock, Bkman.
Hymns, Ancient and Modern, Earl Nelson, NineC.
Idealisms, The Two, G. Santayana, Int.

Immortality-III., Emma M. Caillard, Contem.

Immortality, Professor Hyslop's Report on Mrs. Piper and the Doctrine of, W. T. Marvin, EaR.

Imperialism, Scientific Basis of. J. A. Hobson, PSQ.
India, Jails in, A. T. Sibbald, GBag.

India, Literary Life in, Lida R. McCabe, BB.
India, Native States of, W. Lee-Warner, Int.
Industrial Betterment, R. T. Ely, Harp.

Industrial Syndicates and Their Significance-II., G. Sorel,
RSoc, August.

Industrial Unit, Organization of an, E. H. Mullin, CasM.
Injunctions, Misuse of, G. Gunton, Gunt.

Insects, Mimetic, R. Meldola, PMM.

Interstate Commerce Commission, B. H. Meyer, PSQ.

Irish, Placate the, R. Stein, AngA, August.

Irrigated Community, A Typical, J. Blethen, WW.

Irrigation and the American Frontier, E. E. Sparks, Chaut. Irrigation: Property Rights in Water, E. Mead, Int.

Isaiah, Light From the Monuments of the Times of, A. H. Sayce, Hom.

Islands, Our Equatorial, J. D. Hague, Cent.

Isthmian Canal, Sanitary Problems Connected with the
Construction of the, G. M. Sternberg, NAR.

Italy, Glimpses of School Life in, Mary S. Pepper, Chaut.
Italy, Public Debt of, M. Ferraris, NAR.

Japan, Every-Day, B. Blake, Chaut.

Japan, Religious Situation in, R. B. Peery, MisR.

Jesus' Family, Culture of, C. F. Sitterly, MRNY.

Jew, Russian, in America, M. Fishberg, AMRR.

Joseph, The Late Rabbi, Hebrew Patriarch of New York, A. Cahan, AMRR.

Journalists, Child, L. Ferriani, Revue, September 1. Judiciary of the German Empire, J. W. Garner, PSQ. Kansas Farms, World-Wide Lessons From, C. H. Matson, WW.

Kansas of To-day, C. M. Harger, Atlant.

Keller, Helen: The Story of My Life-VI., LHJ.

English Study, Need for, Mary C. May, Kind.

International Kindergarten Union, Caroline T. Haven, Kind R.

Language, Child's Powers in, Mrs. A. H. Putnam, Kind. Language, Hindrances to Development of, Cecilia Adams, Kind.

National Educational Association Convention, Kindergarten Department of the, Kind; Kind R. Punishment, Patty S. Hill, Kind R. Purpose, Cultivation of, J. Lee, Kind R. Kitchen, The Engineer in the, R. P. Bolton, CasM. Knots, The Way to Tie, A. Banfield, Pear.

Knox, Attorney-General Philander C., L. A. Coolidge, McCl. Kubelik, Jan, the Wonderful, W. Dry, Cass.

Labor and Capital, Organized, Control of, BankNY, August. Labor, Bonus System of Rewarding, H. L. Gantt, AMRR. Labor Congress at Düsseldorf, M. Bellom, RPP, August. Labor Days of History, D. Story, Mun.

Labor Problem, Humanity's Part in the, G. F. Spinney, Arena.

Labor-Unions from the Inside, M. G. Cunniff, WW. Labrador Coast, Summer Sail to the, A. P. Silver, Bad. Lacrosse in Canada, B. W. Collison and J. K. Munro, Can. La Follette, Robert M., H. W. Wilbur, Gunt.

Land Values, Urban, Distribution of, R. M. Hurd, Yale, August.

Law: Mistaken Identity, GBag.

League for Social Service, Work of the, SocS.

Libraries, Public: What they are Doing for Children, H. C.
Wellman, Atlant.

Lick Observatory and Its Problems, W. W. Campbell, Over.
Life, Chemical Basis of-II., N. C. Macnamara, West.
Light and Colors, Theory of, I. Newton, PopS.
Lightning, F. Street, FrL.

Lincoln, Abraham, Monument to, in Edinburgh, G. Thow,

Literary Criticism, Contradictions of, H. C. Howe, NAR. Literature, Continental, A Year of-II., Dial, September 1. Literature, English, Engel's History of, S. J. MacKnight, AngA, August.

Literature, Modern Italian, L. D. Ventura, Over.

Literature: The Higher Hysterics, J. P. Mowbray, Crit.
Locomotive Types, British Tank, J. F. Gairns, CasM.
Lombroso's Teaching, R. Frank, Deut. August.

Betterment of London, H. Ricardo, Mon R.

Cabinet Ministers, Town Residences of, W. Sidebotham

Dickens' London, Relics of, C. W. Dickens, Mun.
London in Verse, B. Solomon, Gent.

Night Side of London, J. Corbin, BB.

Slum Overcrowding, West.

Wage-Earners, Among the, W. A. Wyckoff, Scrib. Workhouse, In the Day-Room of a, Edith Sellers, NineC. Lowe Observatory, California, E. L. Larkin, PhoT. Luisa de Carvajal, M. P. Heffernan, Cath. Macaulay's English, T. E. Blakely, Harp.

Maeterlinck, Maurice, and the Forbidden Play, F. T. Cooper, Bkman.

Maeterlinck, Maurice, on "Monna Vanna," F. Lees, PMM. Magnetism, Terrestrial, Uses of the Study of, J. C. A. Nippoldt, Deut, August.

Maltese Crisis, E. Fallot, Nou, August 1.

Mammal, Story of the Word, T. Gill, PopS.

Man, Average, Outlook for the, in a Non-Competitive Society, A. Shaw, Ed R.

Man, Unconscious, A. L. P. Weedon, West.

Mankind in the Making, H. G. Wells, Cos; Fort,

Manufactures, Census of, S. N. D. North, AMRR.

Marine-Engine Shop, Changes in the, E. P. Watson, Eng.

Mark Twain." Boyhood Home of, H. M. Wharton, Cent. Markets, Our Natural Foreign, O. P. Austin, WW. Marksmanship in America, A. S. Jones, O.

Maxim, Sir Hiram Stevens, C. W. Price, Cos.

Mediterranean Coast: The "Cote d'Azur," S. de Pierrelée,


Mexico's Isthmian Railroad, H. Eliot, Ains.

Migrations Westward, Early, in the United States, W. Wilson, Harp.

Milkweed's Story, H. A. Doty, CLA.

Milky Way as It Appears to Observers, PopA.

Miner as He Is, Economic Study of the, R. Cartright, Cath.
Mines, Organization of, C. Benoist, RDM, August 15.
Mining Region, Life in the, F. Norris, Ev.

Bulgarians, Missionaries to the, C. F. More, MisH.
Enterprise, Aggressive, in Missions, A. T. Pierson, MisR.
Friends and Foreign Missions, E. P. Ellyson, MisR.
Gucheng, Story of III., S. McFarlane, MisR.
Japan, Religious Situation in, R. B. Peery, MisR.
Japan, Taikyo Dendo, or Forward Movement in, T. M. Mc-
Nair, Mis R.

Korea, Golden Opportunity in, H. G. Underwood, MisR. Matsuyama, Japan, Christian and a Buddhist Propaganda in, S. L. Gulick, MisH.

Philippine Islands, Religion in the, C. G. Roop, MisR. Thoburn, Isabella, Tribute to, Mrs. N. M. Mansell, MisR. Mitchell, Donald G., Glimpses of the Home of, A. R. Kimball, BB.

Mithraic Mysteries, Doctrine of the, F. Cumont, OC.
Mongolia, Trip Through, M. Valli, NA, August 1 and 16.
Mont Blanc, With a Camera up, A. P. Abraham, Cass.
Montenegrin Sketches, R. Wyon, Black.

Moon and the Weather, A. K. Bartlett, PopA.
Morris, William, Education of, Elizabeth L. Cary, Crit.
Moses-An Up-to-date Statesman-II., J. M. Ludlow, Hom.
Motor-Car Races, Paris-Vienna, C. R. D'Esterre, Eng.
Motor Cycling A New Pastime, A. J. Wilson, Cass.
Music, Church, Reform of, L. M. Gimmestad, Mus.
Music Culture for the Untalented Ones, E. F. Beale, Mus.
Music, Ethical Aspects of-II., F. Niecks, Mus.
Napoleon I. and Josephine, A. Schulte, Deut, August.
Napoleon in the Light of Posthumous Testimony and Recent
Historical Works, M. Debrit, Int.

National Guard, Military Engineering in the, E. Jadwin,

National Prejudices: Can They Be Eradicated? T.S. Knowlson, AngA, August.

Nature and Modern Pessimism, H. C. Corrance, Cath.
Nature, Music of, C. W. Beebe, Chaut.

Nature: The Music of the Marsh, G. Stratton-Porter, O.

Naval Engineer, Doom of the, C. M. Johnson, Eng.

Naval Engineer of the Future, W. M. McFarland, Eng.
Navy, British, Prospects for a Young Man in the, Corn.
Navy on the Pacific Coast, 1845-47, JMSI.
Navy, The New, T. Williams, Atlant.
Navy's Greatest Need, R. C. Smith, NAR.
Negative, Concept of the, W. H. Sheldon, Phil.

Negro, The American, C. Smith, FrL.

Negroes as Cotton Manufacturers, J. Dowd, Gunt.

Negroes: Of the Training of Black Men, W. E. B. Du Bois,

New York, Churches and Creeds of, Kathleen E. Barry, Ros.
New York, Literary Landmarks of-III., C. Hemstreet, Crit.
New Zealand, Conditions of Labor in, T. Mann, NineC.
New Zealand, Problems of, H. D. Lloyd, NatGM.
Newport Present and Past, Mary Moss, Era.

Newspaper Criticisms of Public Men, D. Mowry, Arena.
Nitrogen from the Atmosphere, "Fixing," T. C. Martin,

Normandy, Ramble in, H. W. Mabie, Out.

Novel: Will It Disappear? J. L. Allen, W. D. Howells, H.
Garland, H. W. Mabie, and J. K. Bangs, NAR.

Old Testament Criticism, A. J. F. Behrends, MRNY.
Opera in Russia, M. Delines, BU.

Operatic Criticism by Experts, E. Swayne, Mus.
Opinions, Concerning, W. J. Baylis, West.

Oxford and Cambridge, Culture at, H. E. Armstrong, NatR.
Pacific, Problems of the, W J McGee, NatGM.
Packing on the Trail, W. S. Harwood, O.

Palestine, Those Laymen of, W. Harrison, MRNY.

Panics: Can They Be Prevented? S. C. Flynn, BankNY,

Paris Revolution of '48, Temp.

Partridge, Potency of the, E. Clavering, Mun.
Patterson, John Henry, G. A. Townsend, Cos.
Paul, Social Teaching of-VIII., S. Mathews, Bib.
Peach-Growing, Essentials in, W. E. Andrews, CLA.
Pelée, A Study of, R. T. Hill, Cent.

Pelée, Mont, in Its Might, A. Heilprin, Fort.
Pelée, the Destroyer, A. F. Jaccaci, McCl.

Persian Gulf and International Relations, A. T. Mahan,

Pett, Phineas, Naval Constructor, E. W. Williams, Gent.
Philippine Civil Government Law, H. C. Lodge, NatM;
S. Webster, NAR.

Philippine Islands, Religion in the, C. G. Roop, MisR.
Philippines: Vexed Question of the Friars, A. P. Doyle, Cath.
Phillpotts, Eden, The Devon of, BB.

Acetone as a Developer, J. Bardwell, WPM, August.
Animals, Domestic, Photographing, J. H. McFarland,
WPM, August.

Architectural Photography-IX., H. C. Delery, PhoT.
Bird-Nest Photography, J. C. Crowley, Bad.

Masking, Improvement of Negatives by, P. Mathy, WPM,

Mounting and Framing Photographs, A. H. Kingsbor-
ough, WPM, August.

Natural History Photography, E. W. Konnard, WPM,

Negative Density, WPM, August.

Platinotype Process, WPM, August.

Porcelain, Carbons on, W. H. Dunham, PhoT.

Residues, G. W. Webster, WPM, August.

Stains, F. Graves, WPM, August.

Street Photography, J. Bartlett, WPM, August.
Tropics, Plates in the, R. Dellont, WPM, August.
Piano Technics: A Few Suggestions, W. G. Smith, Mus.
Planets, Other: Are They Inhabited? D. G. Parker, PopA.
Plants, Fossil, and Evolution, A. C. Seward, Contem.
Poetry, Contemporary French, H. Aubert, BU.
Poets, Anglo-Celtic, Anna B. McGill, Cath.

Politics and Business Prosperity, G. Gunton, Gunt.

Polo Match, International, Lessons of the, J. E. Cowdin, O.
Polo, Water, A. H. Broadwell, Str.

Popham, Maine ("The Door-Step of New England "), J. K.
Wilson, NEng.

Porto Rico, Jury System in, E. L. MacRay, GBag.
Portuguese Contrasts, C. Edwardes, Cham.

Preacher, Debt of the Republic to the, W. A. Quayle, MRNY.
Privacy, Law of, E. L. Adams, NAR.

Privateers of 1812, E. L. Sabin, Chaut.

Production and Industrial Investment, W. D. Ennis, Eng.
Profit-Sharing, Instance of, S. Cabot, AMRR.
Protestantism: Must It Go? J. B. Thomas, Hom.

Psychical and the Physical, Relation Between the, H. H.
Bawden, Phil.

Psychological Analysis in System-Making, Margaret F.
Washburn, Phil.

Psychology and Digestion, R. Romme, August 15.
Publishing, An Intimate View of, W. H. Page, WW.
Queens of Europe, Margaret Sherrington, Can.

Racing in India, D. Fraser, Bad.

Railroads, Highest of All, E. C. Rost, WW.

Railway Companies, British, Financial Policy of, C. H. Grin-
ling, BankL.

Railways, Metropolitan-Underground and Overhead, D. T.
Timins, Cass.

Rainsford, Dr. W. S.. Addresses by, J. H. Finley, BB.

Real Estate, A New Era in Financing, WW.

Realism, C. G. Brown, West.

Religion, Evolution of, A. L. Cady, Mind.

Reciprocity, E. Maxey, AngA, August.

Religion, Philosophy of, F. C. French, Phil.

Religious Fusion, C. H. Toy, Int.

Religious Journalism, Personal Forces in, D. Williamson,

Religious Literature, Recent, J. W. Platner, Atlant.

Renan, Holiday Pilgrimage to the Birthplace of, Alys and
T. E. Macklin, PMM.

Rhinoceros, Hunting, on the Upper Nile, E. S. Grogan, O.
Richard II., A Pre-Shakespearean, F. S. Boas, Fort.

Rivers, Great, Sources of, L. Filliol, Nou, August 1.
Rochelle, At the Time of the Siege of, L. Batiffol, RPar,
September 1.

Rogers, Henry Huddleston, S. E. Moffett, Cos.

Rome: Prix de Rome Students at the Villa Medici, L. E.
Fournier, Scrib.

Rothiemurchus-V., Glen Eunach, H. Macmillan, AJ.
Rubber Plantations, Commercial, J. S. Cannon, Over.
Russia, Law of Illegitimacy in, RRL.

Sailors of Fortune, Yankee, J. R. Spears, Mun.

St. Louis, E. W. Mayo, Ains.

St. Louis in the Revolution, Mary L. Dalton, AMonM.

St. Mark's, Campanile of, A. Conti, RasN, August.
Salisbury, Lord, C. Palcidini, NA, August 16; J. McCarthy,

Salmon-Fishing in Canada, E. T. D. Chambers, CLA.
Santos-Dumont, Alberto: How I Became an Aëronaut-II.,

Scotland: In Western Highlands, A. F. L. Bacon, Bad.
Seal, Great, of the United States, GBag.

Sea-Shore, A Reverie at the, S. Hartmann, Harp.
Servant, The Lot of the, Florence Bell, NatR.

Sex, Origin and Determination of, A. Döderlein, Deut, Au-

Sexual Education, Errors of, G. Obici, Revue, August 15.
Shakespeare's Hamlet, L. Campbell, Fort.

Shibuzawa, Baron Yeiichi, the Creator of Industrial Japan,
S. Sams, AMRR.

Shipping Combine, Atlantic, E. Robertson, PMM.

Shovel, Steam, in Mining, A. W. Robinson, CasM.

Sight Under Normal and Abnormal Conditions, A. Biel-
schowsky, Deut, August.

Sigourney, Lydia Huntley, Grace L. Collin, NEng.

Simplon Tunnel, H. C. Fyfe, Pear.

Sinsinawa Mound, Teresa B. O'Hare, Ros.

Socialism, Artistic Ideal of—II., M, A. Leblond, RSoc, Au-

Society as an Organism, H. Wilson, West.

Society, Salvation of, W. W. McLane, Hom.

Solar Observations for 1901 at Alta, Iowa, D. E. Hadden,

Song of Songs, Outline for Studying the, G. L. Robinson, Bib.
South Africa: see also Great Britain.

Boer Generals, Ex-President Steyn, Lukas Meyer, General
Delary, Louis Botha, and Christian De Wet, W. T. Stead,

British Army, French View of the, W. Verner, Mac.
Cape Constitution, Proposed Suspension of the, A. E. Mil-
ler, Contem.

Devastation in South Africa, J. I. Marin, EM, August.
Guerrilla War in South Africa, C. Favre, BU.

Language of South Africa, A. A. MacCullah, Contem.
Lessons of the South African War, Contem; F. E. Goltz,
Deut, August.

Milner, Lord, Plan of, H. Reade, West.

Rhodes, Cecil, Lord Milner, and the South African Land
Question, E. B. Iwan-Müller, Fort.

Tugela, With the Boers on the North of the, A.von Maltzan,

South America, The United States in, W. Bulfin, WW.
Southborough, Massachusetts, Martha E. D. White, NEng.
Spanish Literature in the Fourteenth Century, A. G. Clava-
rini, RasN, August.

Spanish People, Religious Psychology of the, E. G. Blanco,
EM, August.

Spencer, Herbert, and What to Study, W. T. Harris, EdR.
Sponges, F. Westbury, Str.

Sports, Country, M. Tindal, Pear.

Stage, Children of the, Elizabeth McCracken, Cos.
Stanford University, Ideals of the, D. S. Jordan, Over.
Stars, Transiting, New Method of, M. B. Snyder, PopA.
Statistical Practice, American, H. T. Newcomb, Yale,

Stevenson, Robert Louis, G. Bonet-Maury, RDM, Septem-
ber 1.

Stevenson, Robert Louis, In the Country of, W. Sharp, Harp.
Sticklebacks for the Home Aquarium, C. Rutter, CLA.
Stock Exchange, “Bulls" and "Bears" on the, W. H. Wil-
liamson, Cham.

Stone, Ellen M.: Six Months Among Brigands-IV., McCl.
Stone, Queer Things Found in, C. Brown, Pear.
Stonehenge, Inclosure of, R. Hunter, NineC.
"Stranded," A Clergyman's Study of the, WW.

Strauss, Richard, M. Marnold, Mus.

Structural Materials, Testing of, P. Kreuzpointner, CasM.

Sudermann, Hermann, R. M. Meyer, Int.

Sudermann, Hermann, New Play by, W. S. Lilly, Fort.

Sultan of Turkey, R. S. Baker, Out.

Superstitions, Some Hebridean, Cham.

Swimming: In Peace and in War, K. Blind, Cham.

Switzerland, Referendum and the Right of Initiative in, G.
Renard, RPP, August.

Taine, H. A., Critical Work of, F. Brunetière, RDM, Septem-
ber 1.

Talleyrand: Was He Born at Mount Desert, Maine? Jane
M. Parker, Bkman.

Tariff Revision: "In Desperate Straits." G. Gunton, Gunt.
Telegraphy, Wireless, Possibilities of, C. Bright, MonR.
Tenerife, A Climb Up the Peak of, S. Parkes, LeisH.
Theaters and Concerts. The Proletariat in the World of,
P. Pottier, Revue, September 1.

Theater, The Municipal, C. Charrington, Contem.
Thief, Autobiography of a, FrL.

Thoreau, Henry D., and Isaac Hecker, Correspondence Between, E. H. Russell, Atlant.

Thoreau, Henry David --II., M. Moret, Revue, September 1.
Toadstools, Some Autumnal, C. McIlvaine, Era.
Tolstoy, Count Leo, T. Bentzon, RDM, August 15.
Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, A Week on a, II. Jenner-Fust, PMM.
Touring in a Carriage, J. L. Wright, CLA.

Trade Unions: Do They Limit Output? J. Martin, PSQ.
Trains, British and French Express, H. G. Archer, PMM.
Trains, Special, Stories of, C. Hovey, Ains.
Transvaal: see South Africa.

Treasury Department, United States, Work of the Chief
Clerk of the, C. Howard, LHJ.

Trolley, By, from New York to Chicago. A. B. Paine, WW.
Trusts, Early, in Holland, A. E. Sayous, PSQ.

Trusts, New Jersey the Home of, S. McReynolds, WW.
Tupper, Martin, Viscount St. Cyres, Corn.

Turkey, Why Brigands Thrive in, Emma P. Telford, Chaut.
Tyrolean Bishopric, Brixen, and Its Millennial Festival,
Charlotte H. Coursen, Cath.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin," Fifty Years of, F. S. Arnett, Mun.
Uncle Tom's Cabin " in Kentucky, J. M. Rogers, Era.
University Control, J. J. Stevenson, Pops.
University of California, V. Henderson, Over

Utilitarianism, Extreme, W. H. Dilworth, Arena.
Varga, Francis, F. G. Moorhead, GBag.

Venice: Ave Venezia atque Vale, E. Hutton, Black.
Volcano, A Night in the Crater of a, Mrs. Alec-Tweedie, Str.
Wagner, Richard, Art of, F. Graves, West.

War, Modern, Offensive Tactics in, F. N. Maude, USM.
War, Transport Service in, C. Hackett, Mun.
War, Transportation Problem in, J. A. Baer, JMSI.
Wasps, O. H. Latter, Corn.

Wasps, The Cities of the, M. Berthelot, RPar, September 1.
Wasps, Wood, and Mud-Daubers, A. R. M. Spaid, CLA.
Water, Growth of Property Rights in, E. Mead, Int.
Watson, William, G. E. Woodberry, Cent.
Weather and Trade, Year of, R. DeC. Ward, PopS.
Wellington's Great Concentration Camp, H. N. Shore,

Whitman, Marcus, True Story of, Belle M. Brain, MisR.
West Indian Eruptions, Phases of the, I. C. Russell, Cent.
Westminster Abbey, Fabric Fund of, Rose M. Bradley,

Woman Question, Early Writers on the, Harriett McIlquham, West.

Woman that Toils, Bessie Van Vorst, Ev.

Woman's Commonwealth of Washington, Margarita S.
Gerry, Ains.

Women in Athletics, Christine T. Herrick, O.
Woods, Going Into the, E. G. Scott, Atlant.
Work with the Hands, B. T. Washington, Ev.
Working Classes, Letter to the, J. H. Schooling, Fort.
Yachts of the Millionaires, S. A. Wood, Ains.
Zionism, M. Nordau, Int.

[blocks in formation]

Abbreviations of Magazine Titles used in the Index.

[All the articles in the leading reviews are indexed, but only the more important articles in the other magazines.]

Ainslee's Magazine, N. Y.

ACQR. American Catholic Quarterly

American Law Review, St.

A MonM.American Monthly Magazine,
Washington, D. C.

AMRR. American Monthly Review of

American Naturalist, Boston.
Anglo-American Magazine,
N. Y.

Annals. Annals of the American Acad

A Nat.


Reviews, N. Y.

Atlant. Atlantic Monthly, Boston.


Badminton, London.

BankL. Bankers' Magazine, London.
BankNY Bankers' Magazine, N. Y.

Biblical World, Chicago.
Bibliotheca Sacra, Oberlin, O.
Bibliothèque Universelle, Lau-

Dublin Review, Dublin.
Edinburgh Review, London.
Education, Boston.

Green Bag, Boston.

Gunton's Magazine, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

Educational Review, N. Y.

Engineering Magazine, N. Y.
Era, Philadelphia.

España Moderna, Madrid.
Everybody's Magazine, N. Y.
Fortnightly Review, London.
Forum, N. Y.





Frank Leslie's Monthly, N. Y.
Gentleman's Magazine, Lon-


Out W.




Hartford Seminary Record,
Hartford, Conn.



[blocks in formation]


International Quarterly, Bur


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[blocks in formation]



John Edward Redmond, M. P.......... Frontispiece

The Settlement of the Coal Strike..


[blocks in formation]

With portraits of W. H. Truesdale, F. D. Underwood,
George F. Baer, R. M. Olyphant, T. P. Fowler, E. B.
Thomas, Frank P. Sargent, J. Pierpont Morgan,
John M. Wilson, Thomas H. Watkins, John L.
Spalding, George Gray, Edward W. Parker, Edward
E. Clark, George W. Perkins, Bird S. Coler, John L.
Bates, F. W. Reitz, Woodrow Wilson, Edmund J.
James, and Frank Strong, cartoons, and other illus-

Record of Current Events...

With portraits of Jefferson Davis, John F. Hill, D. C.
Heyward, William A. Gaston, John Markle, Thom-
as J. Stewart, J. P. S. Gobin, H. Matzen, Crown
Prince of Siam, William Booth, and the late Queen
Henrietta of Belgium.

Cartoon Comments on the Coal Strike and
Its Settlement



How New Zealand would have Settled the Coal





Labor Unions: As Viewed by Col. Carroll D.




The Rights of Non-Union Workmen and
Union Men




Anarchism at Close Quarters..



The Story of a Russian Reformer..


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Carroll D. Wright: A Character Sketch.... 548
By H. T. Newcomb.


With portrait of Colonel Wright.

The New Books ..
Index to Periodicals.


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Leader of the Irish Nationalists in the House of Commons and head of the United Irish League, who arrived in this country on October 17.

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