Christmas Diamonds On Credit The $5 or $10 which you would pay for a cheap and trashy gift for the loved one's Christmas, would make the first pay ment on, and secure the immediate delivery of a beautiful Diamond ring, brooch, locket, earrings, stud, scarf pin, selected from our million dollar stock. cuff buttons, watch or other article A Diamond is a gift that will last forever and every day be a well-spring of delight to the wearer, and a perpetual reminder of the giver and his generosity. HOW TO DO IT: Send for our handsome, new, illustrated Catalogue which shows thousands of beautiful things for Christmas-all goods being reproduced by photograph-select what you like and we will send it to your home, place of business or Express office, where you may examine it critic ally. If you like it and want to keep it, pay one-fifth of the price and send us the balance in eightequal monthly payments. REMEMBER: We pay all Express charges, give a written guarantee with every Diamond; make liberal exchanges, allowing the full price paid in ex change for other goods or a larger Diamond, or cheerfully refund all that Keeps your trousers always in shape-smooth, as if just ironed. Occupies small space. Easy to put up. Simple to operate. Does not mark nor stretch the ma terial. Keeps all proper creases, does not form others. Holds one to ten pairs, each pair readily get-at-able. Hangs all your neckties, too. May be quickly taken Price complete, $2.00 Delivered apart, put into your trunk, and put up anywhere. you have paid, if the goods are not en N. A. PETRY, Dept. E tirely satisfactory. IT IS SAFE to send us money with order, but you need not pay a penny until you get the goods if you prefer not to do so. We are the largest house in the world in our line of business and one of the oldest-Established in 1858. Our references are any bank in America. For instance: Ask your local bank how weare rated in Dun's or Bradstreet's book of commercial ratings. You will be told that we stand at the top in credit, promptness and responsibility. All you need to do is to make a select ion, and enjoy all of the advantages of our Liberal Credit System. There is nothing disagreeable to be anticipated, 401 Commerce Street, Philadelphia no publicity, delay, security, interest, or in fact anything that you would not experience in shopping at your home store. Our Catalogue explains every feature of our system, terms, goods and prices; is a work of art and worth its weight in gold to any Christmas purchaser. postal card today witl fetch it. TO CASH BUYERS: If you wisn to buy a Diamond for cash, we will allow you a discount of eight per cent. Wear It one year or less, then if you wish bring it back and get spot cash for all you paid-less ten per cent. the reasonable cost of doing business. For instance; suppose you buy a fifty dollar then send or bring it back and get $45 in Diamond and wearitone year, you could cash. It would thus cost you but $5 to wear a splendid Diamond a whole year, or less than ten cents per week. This is only one of the many unique and liberal innovations originated by us in selling Coulter, Jr. SHOE HOLDER Holds the shoe perfectly rigid, leaving both wall or casing, permitting hold er to be removed Diamond Importers and The COULTER MFG. CO. Manufacturing Jewelers, P. 0. Box 1414 Dept. R, Philadelphia, Pa. Delivered free of duty in Canada By the Kodak system every step in picture taking and picture making is accomplished in daylight-loading, unleading, developing, fixing, printing. The Kodak way gives better results than the old way, too. Dark-Room Abolished Kodaks, $5.00 to $75.00. Kodak Developing Machines, $2.00, $6.00 and $7.50. Ask your dealer or write us for the new booklet, "The Kodak Way." EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester, N. Y. Mention the Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers |