INDEX TO PERIODICALS. Unless otherwise specified, all references are to the August numbers of periodicals. Accident Prevention in Workshops, W. H. Tolman, CasM. Alaska-Canada Boundary Dispute, T. Hodgins, Contem. Alexandra, Queen, Helène Vacaresco, Contem. Aluminium, G. H. Perry, Ains. Anarchy, Current Tendencies Toward, C. W. Super, MRN. Archæological Discoveries, Recent, B. H. Cunnington, PMM. Bradley House, Exterior of the, W. Bradley, LHJ. Nénot, M., Architect of the New Sorbonne, L. A. de Las- Parthenon, Restoration of the, AI. Store, All Kinds of a, Arch. Aristotle, "The Politics" of, Mr. Newman on, QR, July. Antiques, Purchasing of- II., H. Oatway, Cham. Art Nouveau, S. Bing, Arch. Benjamin-Constant, Jean Joseph, M. H. Spielmann, MA. Chaut. Caricaturists, French, T. Klingsor, Revue, August 1. Crane, Walter, Art of, R. E. Moreland, BP. Cut-Works, New and Old, Ada Sterling, Chaut. Decorative Art, Modern. Turin Exhibition of, W. Crane, AJ; IntS; H. H. Fyfe, MonR. Decorative Painters, French, C. Mauclair, Revue, July 15. Doyle, Richard, The Best of, L. Lusk, AJ. Dutch Humorous Artists, A. Lord, Str. Florence Galleries, Some Masterpieces of the, Maud Burn- Home Arts and Industries Association, Esther Wood, IntS. Jewellery of Mrs. Philip Newman, MA. Klinger, Max: His Statue of Beethoven, F. Morgenthal, Masters, Old, and Modern Critics, C. L. Eastlake, NineC. Moran, Thomas, A Talk with, C. T. Logan, AI. Comfort, BP. New Gallery Exhibition, MA. Ornament, Distribution of-III.-VI., L. Rhead, AI. Pape, Eric, Regina Armstrong, IntS. Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, the Rembrandt of Architec- ture, W. J. Woodworth, BP. Rachmiel, Jean, a Painter of the Champagne, G. Pollen, Roberts, Elizabeth W., Recent Paintings by, W. G. Bow- Salons of 1902, H. Frantz, MA. Scenery of Charles Kean's Plays, E. F. Strange, MA. Watts, George Frederick, W. T. Stead, AMRR. West, J. Walter, C. Hiatt, MA. Artillery, Essays on-IV., Mobility, C. H. Wilson, USM. Asti, California, C. Dondero, OutW. Athens, American School of Classical Studies at, J. R. Wheeler, Out. Automobile, Anatomy of the, L. H. Johnson, Over. Automobile in the Country, J. A. Kingman, CLA. Balfour, Arthur James, A. M. Low, AMRR. Balzac, Some Aspects of, J. D. Bruce, SR, July. Beaconsfield, Lord, A. Cecil, Mon R. Beaconsfield, Viscountess, Strange Story of, J. Sykes, Gent. Bee, The Wrath of the, M. Maeterlinck, Harp. Bible, How We Got Our-II., F. Ballard, YM. Bible, Recent English Versions and Editions of the, T. F. Lockyer, LQ, July. Bible-Teaching as a Function of the Preacher-II., D. S. Bird and Human Music, Parallel Growth of, H. W. Oldys, Bird Life, T. D. Pigott, Contem. Birds, Child, of Our Gardens, Elizabeth Grinnell, OutW. Book Reviewing, Publishers' Views on, G. S. Goodwin, Crit. California: The Right Hand of the Continent-III., C. F. Lummis, Out W. Calvé, Madame: Artist and Woman, Kathleen Schlesinger, Canaan in the Fifteenth Century-II., L. B. Paton, Bib. Canada and the Empire, Stepping Stones to Closer Union of Canada as a Steel Producer, A. J. Moxham, CasM, July. Canada's Future Trade with the British Empire, R. Munro, Can. Cape Cod Folks, C. Johnson, NEng. Cape Horn, Sailing Around, P. E. Stevenson, Ains. Caravans, W. B. Robertson, Cass. Caribou of British Columbia and Alaska, J. A. Allen, O. Cassatt, Alexander Johnston, C. S. Gleed, Cos. Catholicism, French, Inner Life of, W. F. P. Stockley, Cath. Charles River Valley, Augusta W. Kellogg, NEng. Chinese Customs, E. J. Hardy, Cham. Christian Philosophy, F. Aveling, Dub, July. Christian Resources of Our Country, C. W. Heisler, Luth, July. Christian Science, Essential Falsehood of, F. W. Müller, West. Copper, Bessemerizing of, J. Douglas, CasM, July. J. Isabell, Long. Cotton Manufacture in the North and South, H. G. Kittredge, Gunt. Country Home, Making of a-V., The External Aspect of of the House, C. A. Martin, CLA. Country Houses of Millionaires, F. S. Arnett, Ains. Cramer, Mrs. M. E., Sketch of, C. B. Patterson, Mind. Cuba, Industrial and Commercial Conditions in, A. G. Rob inson, AMRR. Cuba, Municipal Government in, V. S. Clark, AMRR. Cuban Reciprocity ("Let Us Face the Truth"), G. Gunton, Gunt. ard, NEng. Gardens, School, D. J. Crosby, Out. Pictures in the Public Schools, Winifred Buck, MunA, June. Summer School of the South, Out. Electric Mine Locomotive, G. Gibbs, CasM, July. Electric Traction for Main Line Railways, C. T. Child, Eng. Electricity in Mining, W. B. Clarke, CasM, July. Engineering, Trend of Prices in, C. L. Redfield, Eng. England, Country Life in, Lady Colin Campbell, Mun. England: see Great Britain. English Customs Fifty Years Ago, LeisH. English Scenery, Causes of, Edin, July. Enjoying. Art of, L. C. Ashworth, Mind. Episcopacy, High-Church, Origin of, A. C. McGiffert, AЈТ, July. Esher, Lord, One of the Builders of Our Law, ALR. Farmer, New England, Day's Work of a, H. F. Day, Ev. July. Fiction, Some Phases in, W. Sichel, Fort. Fiction, Some Racial Contrasts in, Edin, July. Flagler, Henry Morrison, S. E. Moffett, Cos. Coast Line, Northern-II., C. Lenthéric, RDM, July 15. England, France, and the Mediterranean, A. White, Revue, July 15. Literary Generation, New, E. Montfort, Revue, August 1. Orthographic Reform, A. Renard, Revue, July 15. Parisian Elections, P. Lagrange and J. de Nouvion, RGen. Squadrons, New Flying, A. S. Hurd, Fort. Syndicates, A Year of, V. Brants, RGen, July. Universities, Foundation of the, L. Liard, RPar, August 1. Frederick the Great, Apropos of a Statue of, for America, E. E. Sparks, Chaut. Frederick the Great, L. Paul-Dubois, RDM, July 15. Future, Foretelling of the, M. Maeterlinck, Fort. Game, Big, Shooting in Russia, E. M. Sykes, Bad. Gardens, Artistic Private, in America, IntS. Gardens, Japanese, C. H. Townsend, CLA. Gardens, School, D. J. Crosby, Out. Gardens, True Ordering of. E. K. Robinson, Corn. Garrick, David, Winslow's Life of, R. Bergengren, BB. Georgia Governorship Campaign, AMRR. Germany: Alsace-Lorraine and William II., K. Blind, Fort. England and Germany After the South African War, J. Hohenlohe, Prince, as Chancellor, Deut, July. Women Novelists of Germany. Mrs. S. B. Smith, Chaut. Ghetto, Poetry of the, Morris Rosenfeld, A. Créhange, RPar, August 1. Gold Dredging in New Zealand, H. E. Duncan, CasM, July. Arena. Governmental Ownership of the Telegraph and Telephone, F. Parsons, Arena. Great Britain: see also South Africa. Army and Navy, Efficiency in the, QR, July. Cabinet, Changes in the, Fort. Colonial Conference, QR, July. Colonial Premiers, W. T. Stead, RRL. Colonial Question Then and Now, J. A. Ewan, Can. Colonies After the Conference, Fort. Continental Entanglements, Lord Salisbury and, NatR. Coronation of the King of England, QR. July. Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, Imperial Pilgrimage of the, QR, July. Education Bill, M. F. Glancey, Dub, July; Edin, July; F. Greenwood, NineC. Edwards, The Seven, A. H. U. Colquhoun, Can. Fleet, Peace Distribution of the, L. H. Hordern, USM. Germany and England After the War, J. L. Basjford, Contem. Imperialism, Economic Taproot of, J. A. Hobson, Contem. Steamship Subsidies and the Business Position of the Trade, British Preferential, J. Charlton, NAR. Great Eastern, The, J. Horner, CasM. Grouse Shooting in Yorkshire, Agnes Lockwood, PMM. Guizot. Francois-Pierre-Guillaume, R. Blennerhassett, NatR. Gun, The New, That Shoots Twenty-one Miles, AMRR. Hale, Edward Everett: Memories of a Hundred Years-X., Out. Hamilton, Alexander, Hunt for the Mother of, Gertrude July. Italian Writers of To-day, S. de Fornaro, Crit. Japan as I Knew It, D. Sladen, LeisH. Jesuitical Occultism, J. R. Phelps, Mind. Jesus, The Occupation of, J. H. Harris, LQ, July. Jonah, Sign of: What Was It? B. W. Bacon, Bib. Juras, The French, Caroline S. Domett, Chaut. Keller, Helen: The Story of My Life-V., LHJ. Kidd, Benjamin, on Western Civilization, J. Iverach, LQ, July. Kingston, Jamaica, Harbor of, Cham. Labor: How It is Organized, R. S. Baker, WW. Lanier, Sidney, Poetry of, W. P. Woolf, SR, July Law as Treated in Fiction, A. R. Campbell, GBag. Law, Common, of the Federal Courts, E. C. Eliot, ALR. Library, On Becoming Possessed of a, J. A. Gibson, West. Literature: The Golden Age of English Prose, QR, July. Locomotive Construction, Continental-III., C. R. King, Eng. London, Canada, H. S. Culver, SocS. London in the Coronation Period, P. Bigelow, NatM. London, Literary, Artistic and Bohemian, in the Seventies -IV., J. H. Hager, Bkman. London, Royal Palaces of, Edin, July. London Society, Emily H. Westfield, Cos. London: The Reconstruction of Hainault Forest, R. Hun Mining, Electricity in, W. B. Clarke, CasM, July. Mining, Hydraulic, G. H. Evans, CasM, July. Mining, Water Power in, A. P. Brayton, CasM, July. Ministry, Better Education of the, G. G. Findlay, LQ, July. Mint, United States, at Philadelphia, A. Mathews, Era. Missions: Austria, "Los von Rom" Movement in, J. G. Cunningham, MisR. Bithynia High School and Boys' Orphanage, R. Chambers, China, South, Country Chapels in, MisH. Dewey, Rev. Willis C., Work of, C. F. Gates, MisH. Indian Training School at Tucson, Arizona, A. T. Pierson, MisR. International Missionary Union, Annual Session of the, Islam, Effort to Reform, S. Khan, MisR. "Long Ju-Ju," Downfall of the, J. Johnston, MisR. Parker, Peter: Physician, Missionary, and Diplomat, H. C. Trumbull, MisR. Taylor, Bishop William, World Evangelist, MisR. Vellore, India, Municipal Reform in. J. Strong, Socs. Yale Foreign Missionary Society, H. P. Beach, MisH. Mitchell, John, and What He Stands for, L. Steffens, McCl. Mithra and the Imperial Power of Rome, F. Cumont, OC. "Monthly Review" in the Eighteenth Century, G. Paston, MonR. Mormonism not a Menace, J. R. Winder, NatM. Mosquito, Natural History of the, A. Dastre, RDM, August 1. Mosquito Problem, Water-Garden and the, W. L. Under wood, CLA. Mountain Climbs in Britain, Most Difficult, G. D. Abraham, PMM. Mountaineering as a Profession, F. Gribble, O. Municipal Art Notes, MunA, June. Municipal Housing in Germany, K. Bücher, MunA, June. Municipal Socialism in Great Britain, J. Boyle, MunA. June. Music, Epochs of, -The Cantata and the Oratorio, C. Bel laigue, RDM, August 1. Musketry Practice, New, in England, A. H. Broadwell, Str. Nature Study in London, E. Step, PMM. Naval Architecture, Æsthetics of, W. J. Fletcher, NineC. Naval Warfare, The Search-Light in, NatR. New Hampshire, "Summer People Industry" of, WW. New York, Legislative Interference in, J. G. Agar, Mun A, June. Ocean Travellers, State Protection for, G. W. Melville, NAR. Ohio, Home Rule in, M. R. Maltbie, MunA, June. Opal-Fields of New South Wales, Cham. Organisms, Vital Activity of, W. McDonald, Dub, July. Pacific, Mastery of the, Edin, July. Pacific Shore, Picturesque Islands off the, WW. Panama Route for a Ship Canal-II., W. H. Burr, PopS. Party, Strong Opposition, Need of a, G. Gunton, Gunt. Pelée, Tragedy of-VI., G. Kennan, Out. Photography: Architectural Photography-VIII., H. C. Delery, PhoT. Development, Chemistry of, W. I. Scandlin, CDR. Flashlight Portraiture, F. Raymer, WPM, July. Imogen Sulphite, F. C. Lambert, PhoT. Iron and Steel, Photo-Microscopy of, M. A. Richards, PhoT
Landscape Photography-III., About Apparatus, F. Voi- Lens Testing Instruments, W. Taylor, WPM, July. Mist, In Praise of, T. Perkins, PhoT. Night, Photography Outdoors at, E. H. Williamson, Jr., Ortol: A Good Developer, F. B. Hargett, CDR Ozotype, T. Manly, WPM, July. Photography, The New, C. H. Caffin, Mun. Seashore Photography, H. F. Oliver, CDR. Piedmontese Insurrection of 1799, E. Gachot, Nou, July 1. Pigs, Law Regarding, R. V. Rogers, GBag. Poets, Italian, of To-day, QR, July. Poets Laureate of England, T. Seccombe, Bkman. Productive Forces, Variation of, C. J. Bullock, QJEcon. July. Protestantism in America, Present Policy of, R. M. Raab, Hom. June. Religion and the Time-Process, A. O. Lovejoy, AJT, July. "Religious Garb" Decisions, S. FitzSimons, Cath. Rice-Farming, The New, in the South, D. A. Willey, AMRR. Rights, Natural, N. C. Butler, ALR. Rockefeller, William, S. E. Moffett, Cos. Rockies to the Coast, Vacation Resorts from the, WW. Roman History, Prevalent Illusions on, A. M. Stevens, Con- Long, Fort. Sanitary Condition of the Navy, J. C. Wise, San. Santos-Dumont, Alberto: How I Became an Aeronaut, McCl. Scottish Cistercian Houses-II., M. Barrett, Dub, July. Sea, Fighting the, N. Everitt, Str. Sea, Miners of the, S. Hancock, Ains. Sea, The Depths of the, QR, July. Seaton, William Winston, G. F. Mellen, MRN. Secret Service, The, W. H. Moran, NEng. Seton, Ernest Thompson, At Windygoul with, Lida R. Mc- Cabe, BB. Shakespeare on the Problem of Evil, W. I. Cranford, MRN. SR, July. Shipping Combine: A Council of Trade, QR, July. AJS, July. Song, Popular, Making of a, G. Tompkins, Mun. South Africa: see also Great Britain. Cape and Its Parliament, E. Dicey, Fort. Gold Mining in the Transvaal, J. H. Hammond, CasM, July. Peace in South Africa, E. Tallichet, BU; Edin, July; V. Bérard, RPar, July 15; H. Reade, West. Problems, Practical, in South Africa, A. Lyttelton, NAR. Southwest, The Great-IV., The Tragedy of the Range, R. S, Baker, Cent. Spain, Intellectual Life in, F. Candil, Revue, August 1. July. Spider's Web, Building of a, J. H. Comstock, CLA. Spooner, Senator John Coit, W. Wellman, AMRR. Stars, New, J. Palifa, Deut, July. Steel in the Northeast of England, H. Simpson, CasM, July. Stores, New Modern, in New York, Arch. Story, The Short, B. Perry, Atlant. Stratford-on-Avon, Mid-June in, J. B. Carrington, BB. Surf Bathing, D. Osborne, O. Sutherland, Scotland, A Holiday in, Dorothy H. Dean, Bad. RSoc, July. Taine, Youth of II., A. Chevrillon, RPar, July 15. Talmage, Dr. Thomas De Witt, Sermons of, W. E. Griffis, Hom. Talmud, Apostate of the, B. M. Kaplan, OC. Talmud, Jesus in the, A. J. Edmunds, OC. Taxation, Progressive, Justice and, G. Cahan, RPP, July. Telegraphy, Wireless, Future of, P. T. McGrath, NAR. Tolstoy, Count Leo, and the New Quakerism, J. T. Bixby, Arena. Transvaal: see South Africa. Travancore, Maharajah of, P. Loti, RDM, July 15 Troubadours, The, P. Mariéton, Nou, July 1. Trust Companies, Nature and the Field of, WW. Tschackert's "Unaltered Augsburg Confession," S. G. Hef- elbower, Luth, July. Tsilka, Ellencha: "Born Among Brigands," Katerina S. Tsilka, McCl. Turkey, Germany and England in, A. Vambery, Revue, August 1. Turkey, Public Debt of, C. Morawitz, NAR. Turkish Rule East of the Jordan, Gertrude L. Bell, NineC. "Ulysses," Stephen Phillips', C. F. Smith, SR, July. Unity, Conception of, E. Del Mar, Mind. University-Building, D. S. Jordan, PopS. University of Chicago, G. E. Vincent, Out. Vacation, Summer, The People at Play in the, Ww. Vasco Pelota, The Game of, A. Inkersley, Str. Vesuvius, Eruption of, G. Pliny, Cent. Virgin Birth of Jesus, T. A. Hoben, AJT, July. Volcanic Activity of the Earth, N. O. Messenger, Era. Voorhees, Daniel W., as Lawyer and Orator, W. W. Thorn- ton, GBag. Whipping Post, Plea for the, G. W. Carryl, Mun. Whitney, William Collins, C. S. Gleed, Cos. "Who's Who in America," Cham. Wisconsin Lakes, Fishing in, WW. Women: Feminine Mind Worship. J. Swinburne, West. Women, Learned, A City of, Marie D. Walsh, Cath. Women: Opportunities for the Reduced Gentlewoman, Alice K. Fallows, Ains. Women's Colleges, Heads of Some, Mary A. Jordan, Out. Workmen's Compensation Act, Maryland, G. E. Barnett, QJEcon. Workshop Conditions in England, T. Good, Eng. Carpenter, Eng. Yerkes, Charles Tyson, S. E. Moffett, Cos. NEng. Yosemite Valley, Automobiling in the, W. A. Clarke, Youth, Social Rôle of, R. Bazin, RefS, July 1. NEng. New England Magazine, Bos ton. NineC. Nineteenth Century, London. NAR. North American Review,N.Y. Nou. Nouvelle Revue. Paris. NA. Nuova Antologia, Rome Open Court, Chicago. 0. Outing, N. Y. Out. Outlook, N. Y. OutW. Out West, Los Angeles, Cal. Overland Monthly, San Fran- Pall Mall Magazine, London. Poet-Lore, Boston. Political Science Quarterly. Wait, General Benjamin, AMonM. Waldensian Church, J. G. Alexander, MisR. Walker, John Brisben, Sketch of, Ros. War and Poetry, Edin, July. War Correspondents and the Censorship, P. Landon, NineC. War, Effects of Modern Engines of, M. Buret, Nou, July 15. War, Intelligence and Information in, R. N. R. Reade, USM. War, Teaching of History on R. J. Sturdee. West. Westborough and Northborough, Massachusetts, Martha E. D. White, NEng. Wharfedale, England, A. R. Quinton, AJ. liams, Ev. Wheel, The, and the Cross, P. Carus, OC. Ains. Ainslee's Magazine, N. Y. Edin. ACQR. American Catholic Quarterly Ed. Abbreviations of Magazine Titles used in the Index. [All the articles in the leading reviews are indexed, but only the more important articles in the other magazines.] Edinburgh Review, London. Education, Boston. Review, Phila. EdR. Educational Review, N.Y. AHR. American Historical Review, Eng. Engineering Magazine, N.Y. N. Y. Era. Era, Philadelphia. AJS. American Journal of Soci EM. España Moderna, Madrid. ology, Chicago. Ev. AJT. American Journal of The Fort. Everybody's Magazine, N. Y. ology, Chicago. Forum. Forum, N. Y. ALR. American Law Review, St. FrL. Frank Leslie's Monthly, N. Y. Louis. Gent. Gentleman's Magazine, Lon AMonM.American Monthly Magazine, don. Washington, D. C. GBag. Green Bag, Boston. AMRR. American Monthly Review of Gunt. Gunton's Magazine, N. Y. Reviews, N. Y. Harp. Harper's Magazine, N. Y. ANat. American Naturalist, Boston. Hart. Hartford Seminary Record, AngA. Anglo-American Magazine, Hartford, Conn. N. Y. Hom. Homiletic Review, N. Y. Annals. Annals of the American Acad IJE. International emy of Pol. and Soc. Science, Ethics, Phila. Int. International Quarterly, Bur PopA. Arch. Architectural Record, N. Y. lington, Vt. Arena. Arena, N. Y. IntS. AA. Art Amateur, N. Y. JMSI. ΑΙ. Art Interchange, N. Y. AJ. Art Journal, London. International Studio, N. Y. PopS. PRR. PQ. Atlant. Atlantic Monthly, Boston. JPEcon. Journal of Political Economy, Bad. Badminton, London. Chicago. BankL. Bankers' Magazine, London. Kind. Kindergarten Magazine, Chi cago. QR. Bib. BibS. BU. Biblical World, Chicago. KindR. Kindergarten Review, Spring RasN. field. Mass. RefS. LHJ. Ladies' Home Journal, Phila. RRL. sanne. LeisH. Leisure Hour, London. RRM. Black. Blackwood's Magazine, Edin Lipp. burgh. LQ. Lippincott's Magazine, Phila. bourne. Revue. BB. Book Buyer, N. Y. London. RDM. Bkman. Bookman, N. Y. Long. Longman's Magazine, London. RGen. BP. Brush and Pencil, Chicago. Luth. Lutheran Quarterly, Gettys RPar. CDR. Camera and Dark Room, N. Y. burg, Pa. RPP. Can. Canadian Magazine, Toron McCl. McClure's Magazine, N. Y. to. Mac. Macmillan's Magazine, Lon Cass. Cassell's Magazine, London. don. Ros. CasM. Cassier's Magazine, N. Y. MA. Magazine of Art, London. San. Cath. Catholic World, N. Y. MRN. Methodist Review, Nashville. Cent. Century Magazine, N. Y. MRNY. Methodist Review, N. Y. Scrib. Popular Astronomy, North- Popular Science Monthly.N.Y. Presbyterian Quarterly, Char- QJEcon. Quarterly Journal of Econom ics, Boston. Quarterly Review, London. Rassegna Nazionale, Florence. Réforme Sociale, Paris. Review of Reviews, London. Review of Reviews, Mel Revue, La, Paris. Revuedes Deux Mondes, Paris. Revue Générale, Brussels. Revue de Paris, Paris. Revue Politique et Parlemen taire, Paris. RSoc. Revue Socialistic, Paris. Rosary, Somerset, Ohio. Sanitarian, N. Y. School. School Review, Chicago. Scribner's Magazine, N. Y. Cham. Chambers's Journal, Edin Mind. Mind, N. Y. SR. Sewanee Review, N. Y. burgh. MisH. Missionary Herald, Boston. Socs. Social Service, N. Y. Chaut. Chautauquan, Cleveland, O. MisR. Missionary Review, N. Y. Str. Strand Magazine, London. Contem. Contemporary Review, Lon Mon. Monist, Chicago. Temp. Temple Bar, London. don. MonR. Monthly Review, London. USM. Corn. Cornhill, London. MunA. Municipal Affairs, N. Y. United Service Magazine, Cos. Cosmopolitan. N. Y. Mun. CLA. Country Life in America, Mus. Munsey's Magazine, N. Y. West. WPM. N. Y. NatGM. National Geographic Maga zine, N. Y. Crit. Critic, N. Y. Deut. Deutsche Revue, Stuttgart. NatM. zine, Washington, D. С. National Magazine, Boston. wWw. Yale. Dial. Dial, Chicago. Dub. Dublin Review, Dublin. NatR. National Review, London. YM. Westminster Review.London. World's Work, N. Y. New-Church Review, Boston. YW. Young Woman, London. |