REVIEW OF REVIEWS. AN INTERN NAL MAGAZINE. EDITED BY ALBERT SHAW. VOLUME XXVI. JULY-DECEMBER, 1902. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY: NEW YORK: 13 ASTOR PLACE. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY JULY-DECEMBER, 1902. ADAMS. Henry C. The Diffusion of Agricultural Pros- perity, 335. Adams. The Late Dr. Charles Kendall, 310. Africa: The Cape to Cairo Telegraph, 355. Alabama and the Negro Suffrage, 656. Benjamin-Constant, Art of, 349. Asia: see China, Japan, Manchuria, Philippines. Atlantic Monthly reviewed, 111, 242, 371, 493, 623, 739. General of, 150. Austria, Affairs in, 25, 150. Austria, Bohemian Question in, 606. Automobile, The Deadly, 105. BALFOUR, Arthur James, 161. Barrett, John. New Japan: The Schoolmaster of Asia, 694. Barrows, President John H., Death of, 25. Beattie, Robert H. Governor Odell: A Character Sketch, 676. Beit, Alfred, the Crœsus of South Africa, 472. American History and Biography, New Books of, 746. Nature Writers, Rise of the, 567. Novels of 1902, Notes on the, 758. Religious and Theological Literature, 751. Social, Industrial, and Political Studies, 749. Young, The Season's Books for the, 753. Bonus System of Rewarding Labor, 326. Brazil and Bolivia, Dispute Between, Regarding the Acre Territory, 404, 530. Bridges Robert. President Woodrow Wilson, 36. Business Prosperity, 21, 149, 259, 406, 661. CABOT, Samuel. An Instance of Profit-Sharing, 325. Patriarch of New York, 311. California, Gubernatorial Campaign in, 402. Canada, Reciprocity with, 393. Canadian Northwest, Migration to the, 293. Canteen, The, in Europe, 727. Cartoons, Current History in, 31, 155, 285, 413, 541, 671. Century Magazine reviewed, 107, 239, 368, 491, 621, 738. Allen, Capt. Henry T., 436. Eggleston, Edward, 448. Odell, Gov. Benjamin B., Jr., 676. Wilson, President Woodrow, 36. Zola, Emile, 572. Chicago, Political Revival in, 653. China, Affairs in, 150, 280, 408. China, Empress Dowager's System of Modern Colleges for, 72. Chinese, In Praise of the, 103. Civilta Cattolica reviewed, 630, 744. Clark University, Carroll D. Wright Installed as Presi- dent of the Collegiate Department of, 534. Coal Mines, French, 620. Coal Strike: Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, 523. Capitalistic Interests, Attitude of, 515-520, 526, 529. Coal Strike, General View of the, 64. Coal Strike, Professor Gunton's Views on the End of the, 598. Investigation by the Commission, 659. Mitchell, John, as Strike Leader, 520. Morgan, J. Pierpont, Influence of, 516, 522. New Zealand, How the Strike would have been Settled by, 599. Perkins, George W., Influence of, 527. Progress of the Strike, 17-19, 148, 278, 405, 515-527. Railroads, Position of the, 18, 66. Relief System of the Coal Mine Workers, 468. the Strike, 515-527. Settlement of the Strike, 515-527, 552. Situation of the Spring of 1901, 519. Strike of 1900, 519. Substitutes for Anthracite, 18. Trades Unionism, Interests of, 518-520. Coast-Defence Problem, 277. College Course, Shortening the, 535, 589. Colombia, Revolution in, 24, 149, 275, 357, 666. Colombia the Victim of Bad Finance, 473. Combes, M., Physician, Scholar, and Radical Leader, 78. Comet, The New, 733. Conant, Charles A.: The Growth of Trust Companies, 574. Admission of New States, Problem of, 645-649. Altercation Between Senators Bailey and Beveridge, 147. Anarchists, Legislation Regarding, 16. Army and Navy, Legislation Affecting the, 14, 145. Cuban Reciprocity, 10-12, 144, 391. Henderson, Speaker, Retirement of, 387, 388. House of Representatives Responsive to Public Opin- Isthmian Canal Legislation, 12, 13, 143. Money, Banking, and Business, Questions of, 17. Philippine Government Bill, 8, 142. Republican Losses in the Elections, 650. Senate Seats, Rivalries for, 651, 652. Senators, Direct Election of, 17, 644-648. Speakership, Candidates for the, 388. Statehood Bill, "Omnibus," 15, 145, 647-649. Tariff Revision, 265-267, 389, 390, 392, 406. Connecticut, Rejection of the New Constitution in, 21. Contemporary Review reviewed, 115, 245, 374, 497, 625, 742. Contents, Monthly Table of, 1, 129, 257, 385, 513, 641. Cosmopolitan reviewed, 107, 240, 369, 492, 622, 738. Industrial and Commercial Conditions in Cuba, 195. United States, Relations with the, 10-12, 89, 144, 270, Currency Stringency, 662. DANISH West Indies Transfer Rejected by the Danish Delaware, Mr. Addicks and, 651. Deutsche Revue reviewed, 249, 501, 629. Deutsche Rundschau reviewed, 501, 630. Dickens, Charles, Appreciation of, by Algernon Charles Drama, German, Elevation of the, 232. Draper, William R. Solving the Labor Problem of the Draper, William R., The Farmer's Balance Sheet for Drowning Man, How to Save a, 228. Edinburgh Review reviewed, 377, 741. Edison, Thomas A., at Home, 347. Agriculture in the Public Schools, Teaching of, 475. British and American Education Situation, 609. Budget for a Small College, 104. China, Empress Dowager's System of Modern Col- College Course, The Shorter, 535. College Course, Two Years': Shall There Be One? 589. Consolidation of Country Schools, 261, 702. Educational Enthusiasm, New, 262. Knoxville and Other Summer Schools, 262–264. Newspaper, Education by, 233. Platforms of the Teaching Profession, 263, 264. Edward VII., King, Coronation of, 3, 91, 131-135, 138, Edwards, E. J. Andrew D. White, Educator and Dip- FARM Colony, A Successful, in the Irrigation Country, Farmer's Balance Sheet for 1902, The, 332. Farmer's Life, American, Improved Conditions in the, Fiction, World's, for a Year, 440. Financial Situation: Is It Sound? 729. Fishberg, Maurice. The Russian Jew in America, 315. Fisheries Question, Atlantic, 732. Food, Distasteful: Why It Is Unwholesome, 485. Forests, How the Government Aids Private Ownership Formosa Under Japanese Rule, 216. Associations Law, Enforcement of the, 272, 407, 533. Legion of Honor, 229. Ministry, Change of, 24, 149. Pelletan, M., Speeches of, 407. Premiers, Two French: Waldeck-Rousseau and His Siam, Settlement of Disputes with, 665. Socialist Campaign in France, 94. Venezuela, Arbitration of Disputes with, 149. Frank Leslie's Monthly reviewed, 110, 241, 371. Freight Rates on Argentina Wheat, 227. GAMBLING, A Century's Loss in, 105. Gantt, H. L. The Bonus System of Rewarding Labor, Georgia Governorship Campaign, 170. Affairs in Germany, 25, 150, 279, 408, 532, 665. Navies, British and German, Compared, 224. Pools and Trusts in Germany, 729. White, Andrew D., Succeeded by Charlemagne Tower as United States Minister, 532. Gotti, Cardinal, and the Propaganda, 607. Great Britain: see also Australia, Canada, Edward Affairs in England, 24, 274, 279, 406, 530, 531, 663–665. Archbishops Who Crowned the King and Queen, 438. Balfour Cabinet, British Criticisms of the, 465. Bluejackets? Does Britain Starve Her, 224. Boer Generals, Demands of the, 407. Colonial Conference at London, 137, 279, 353, 407. Coronation Postponement, 131-135. Education Bill, Struggle Over the, 273, 406, 530, 663. Germany, Attitude Toward, 665. Industrial Questions, 531, 663. Navies, British and German, Compared, 224. Protection, The Case Against, 226. South African Peace, the Coronation, and the British South African War Investigations, 664. Transvaal and Orange River Colonies Aided, 665. William, Emperor, Visit of, 665. Guerlac, Othon. Two French Premiers: Waldeck- Rousseau and His Successor, 74. Gun, New, That Shoots Twenty-One Miles, 173. HAGUE Court, The United States and Mexico at the Haiti Revolution, 149, 276, 403. Halsey, Francis W., The Rise of the Nature Writers, 567. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jurist, 307. IMMIGRATION, Labor and, 662. Index to Periodicals, 124, 252, 380, 508, 636, 764. Industrial Conditions: see also Agriculture, Business, "Prosperity" and the Wage-Earner, 82. Ireland, Housing of the Rural Poor in, 490. Colombia, Canal Treaty with, 659. Congressional Legislation, 12, 13, 143, 144. Panama versus Nicaragua, 357. Italy, Affairs in, 666. JAPAN, Affairs in, 280, 408. Japan, Industrial, Baron Yeiichi Shibuzawa, the Cre- Japan, New: The Schoolmaster of Asia, 694. Jenks, Jeremiah W. Self-Government in Oriental De- Jenks, Jeremiah W. The Philippine Constabulary and Jew, Russian, in America, 315. Jews in Roumania, 724. Jews in Roumania, Action of the United States Regard- Johnson, Rossiter. Edward Eggleston, 448. Johnson, Tom L., and the Ohio Campaign, 146, 401, 654. Journalism: The First Public Man Interviewed in Eng- McClure's Magazine reviewed, 108, 240, 369, 491, 621, 738. Mahan, Capt. A. T.: A French View of His Theories, Maine, Gubernatorial Campaign in, 22, 145, 398. Maps and Diagrams: Anthracite Coal Fields and Railroads, 69. Arizona and New Mexico, Map to Show Inhabited Comet b 1902, Diagram of, 734. Crops in the United States, Map Showing the Dis- District No. 10, Knox County, Tennessee, Public German Confederation of Central Europe in 1950-A Oklahoma's Absurd Boundaries, Map to Show, 647. Panama Canal Route, Profile of the, 215. Sault Ste. Marie: Map Showing Rapids and Location Volcanoes, Map of the World Showing Distribution Mars Is It Inhabited? 484. Martin, Thomas Commerford. from the Atmosphere, 338. "Fixing" Nitrogen Marvin, Winthrop L. The Great Ship "Combine," 679. Mexico, A Great Cattle King of, 477. Mexico and the United States at the Hague Court, 419, Meyer, Gen. Lucas, Death of, 274. Mitchell, John, 210. New England Magazine reviewed, 109. New Liberal Review reviewed, 496. New Mexico, Question of the Admission of, 648. New York, Gubernatorial Campaign in, 145, 269, 399, Newcomb, H. T. Carroll D. Wright: A Character Newcomb, H. T. The Anthracite-Carrying Railways, 66. Newspaper, Education by, 233. Nicaragua Canal: see Isthmian Canal. Nineteenth Century and After reviewed, 116, 244, 373, 496, 626, 742. Nitrogen, "Fixing," from the Atmosphere, 338. North, S. N. D. The Census of Manufactures, 319. North Carolina, Political Situation in, 656. |