Reichstag adjourned on June 12, after having passed a bill to ratify the agreement adopted at the Brussels International Sugar Conference abolishing bounties. The strained relations between the two halves of the Austro-Hungarian empire have reappeared conspicuously in their failure to renew the so called Ausgleich, or tariff and commercial union, which was formed upon the reorganization of the Hapsburg dominions after the disastrous war of 1866. From Russia the reports of serious and widespread disaffection grow worse rather than better, and the enforcement of the new military conscription law in Finland threatens a dangerous crisis. -on President's Patton's motion,-of Dr. Woodrow Wilson, a professor in the university, as his successor. We publish elsewhere a sketch of Woodrow Wilson's career from the pen of his college classmate Robert Bridges, of New York. Dr. Patton remains as a professor in Princeton, and he will not be obscured as a shining light in the educational and theological world or lost as an intellectual force in American life and literature. As for President Woodrow Wilson, it is enough to say that no one doubts his eminent and complete qualifications. Mr. Alexander C. Humphreys, of New York, a well-known engineer, has been chosen to fill the place, as president of the Stevens Institute of Technology at Hoboken, THE LATE LORD PAUNCEFOTE. of the late Henry Morton. Dr. Joseph Swain, president of Indiana University, resigns to become head of Swarthmore College. Dr. Dan F. Bradley was inaugurated president of lowa College on June 11, and Prof. John H. T. Main was installed as dean of the faculty. Dr. George H. Denny was inaugurated as president of Washington and Lee University, on June 17. Obituary Notes. Some distinguished names appear in our obituary list this month. King Albert of Saxony died on June 19 at the age of seventy four, and on the same day Lord Acton, the great English scholar and professor of modern history at Cambridge, died at the age of sixty-eight. To Lord Pauncefote's death we have already referred. The death of President John H. Barrows, of Oberlin College, was deeply deplored. The foremost member of the Southern Presbyterian church was the venerable Dr. Benjamin Morgan Palmer, of New Orleans, who was in his eighty-fourth year. Dean Hoffman, of the General Theological Seminary of New York, and the Rev. Dr. George H. Hepworth, also died last month. PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS. (From May 21 to June 20, 1902.) May 21.-The Senate passes the "omnibus" public building bill (about $20,000,000) and a resolution congratulating the Cuban Republic....The House begins consideration of a bill for the restriction of immigra tion. May 22.-In the Senate, Mr. Hoar (Rep., Mass.) speaks in opposition to the Government's Philippine policy. May 26.-The Senate debates the Philippine civil government bill....The House considers District of Columbia business. May 27.-The House passes the bill restricting immigration, with amendments forbidding the sale of liquors at Ellis Island and in the Capitol building at Washington. May 28.-The House considers a bill for the coinage of subsidiary silver....The "omnibus" public building bill is agreed on in conference ($19,425,000). May 29.-The Senate adopts an amendment to the Philippine civil government bill extending constitutional privileges to the Filipinos....The House passes the bill for the coinage of subsidiary silver. May 31.-In the Senate, Mr. Spooner (Rep., Wis.) concludes his speech in support of the administration's Philippine policy; general debate of the civil government bill is closed. June 2.-In the Senate, Mr. Lodge (Rep., Mass.) offers amendments designed to perfect the Philippine civil government bill. June 3.-The Senate, by a vote of 48 to 30, passes the Philippine civil government bill; the Nicaragua Canal bill is then taken up....The House begins consideration of the bill for the protection of Presidents from anarchists. June 4-In the Senate, Mr. Morgan (Dem., Ala.) speaks in favor of the Nicaragua route for an isthmian canal. June 5.-The Senate passes the Military Academy appropriation bill. June 6.-In the Senate, Mr. Hanna (Rep., O.) presents arguments in favor of the Panama route for an isthmian canal....The House closes debate on the bill for the protection of Presidents. June 9.-The Senate begins consideration of the naval appropriation bill.... The House, by a vote of 175 to 38, passes the bill for the protection of Presidents. June 10.-The Senate passes the naval appropriation bill....The House begins consideration of the Pacific cable bill. June 11.-The House, by a vote of 116 to 77, strikes out the enacting clause of the Corliss bill providing for a government cable to the Philippines. June 12.-In the Senate, Mr. Hoar (Rep., Mass.) offers an amendment to the Nicaragua Canal bill in the form of a substitute, providing for the selection of a route by the President, and appropriating $10,000,000 to begin the work.... The House begins consideration of the bill providing for irrigation in the West. June 13.-A special message is received from President Roosevelt urging the immediate passage of a Cuban reciprocity bill....The House passes the irrigation bill by a vote of 146 to 55. June 14.-The Senate agrees to the slight amendments to the irrigation bill adopted by the House, and passes the District of Columbia appropriation bill....The House passes nearly 200 private pension bills. June 16.-The Senate passes the London dock charges bill.... The House adopts a rule for debate and vote on the Philippine civil government bill, and passes, by a vote of 94 to 18, the Senate bill to increase pensions. June 17.-The Senate continues debate of the Nicaragua Canal bill....The House passes a bill amending the national bankruptcy law. June 18.-The Senate concludes its debate of the isthmian canal question.... The House passes the general deficiency appropriation bill. June 19.-The Senate, by a vote of 42 to 34, adopts the Spooner substitute for the Hepburn isthmian canal bill, providing for a ship canal by the Panama route.... The House begins debate of the Philippine civil government bill. June 20.-The Senate agrees to the conference report on the Military Academy appropriation bill. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT-AMERICAN. May 22.-The Tammany executive committee of New York City votes to abolish the finance committee and chooses an advisory committee of three to manage the affairs of the organization. May 23.-Kansas Democrats nominate W. H. Craddock for governor. May 28.-Kansas Republicans nominate W. J. Bailey for governor....Ohio Republicans adopt a platform and nominate a State ticket. May 29.-Tennessee Democrats nominate James B. Frazer for governor. May 31.-The grand jury at St. Louis makes its final report on municipal corruption, accompanied by indictments of officials.... President Roosevelt, through Secretary Root, issues an order reducing the present army force from 77,287 men to a total strength of 66,497 men. June 2.-George E. Chamberlain (Dem.) is elected governor of Oregon; the Republican candidates for Congress are successful. June 4.-South Dakota Republicans renominate Gov. Charles N. Herreid. June 5.-Returns from Democratic primaries in Georgia indicate the nomination of J. M. Terrell for governor. June 6.-The Virginia Constitutional Convention adopts the new constitution by a vote of 90 to 10. June 9.-In the New York City police department seven new captains are appointed and twenty-seven transfers made. June 10.-Arkansas Democrats renominate Gov. Jefferson Davis. June 11.-Pennsylvania Republicans nominate Judge Samuel W. Pennypacker for governor....The Tammany advisory committee of three, in New York City, issues a statement declaring that Richard Croker will never again be leader of Tammany. June 16.-President Roosevelt nominates Capt. Charles E. Clark, commander of the Oregon in the war with Spain, to be a rear admiral. June 17.-Maine Democrats nominate S. W. Gould for governor. June 18.-Tennessee Republicans nominate Judge H. T. Campbell for governor....Nebraska Republicans nominate John Mickey for governor. June 19.-Vermont Republicans nominate John G. McCullough for governor.... Ex-President Cleveland and ex-Senator Hill speak at the opening of the Tilden Club's new house in New York City. M. WALDECK-ROUSSEAU. (Who resigned the French premiership last month.) POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT-FOREIGN. May 23.-The resignation of M. Waldeck-Rousseau as premier of France is announced (see page 74). May 25.-The Belgian general election results in a gain of four to the Catholic ministerialists, increasing their majority to 24. May 26.-A provisional government is formed in Hayti, with M. Boisrond Canal as President....The Congress of the Cuban Republic passes a bill granting President Palma $300,000 for current expenses of gov ernment. May 29. In the Ontario elections, the government (Liberal) carries 51 of the 98 seats in the Legislature. June 1.-At the meeting of the new French Chamber of Deputies, M. Bourgeois, the Radical, is elected presiding officer over M. Deschanel. June 3.-The French ministry resigns office. June 4.-In the British House of Commons, Sir Michael Hicks Beach reviews the financial situation. June 6.-A new French ministry is formed under the premiership of M. Combes (see page 78). June 7.-M. Rouvier accepts the portfolio of finance in the new French ministry. June 10.-In the British House of Commons the graintax clause of the budget passes the committee stage by a vote of 279 to 192.... Premier Combes outlines the policy of the new French ministry before the Chamber of Deputies. June 11.-Col. Arthur Lynch, the M.P.-elect for Galway, Ireland, who formerly served in the Boer army, is arraigned for high treason in London. June 12.-The French Chamber of Deputies passes a vote of confidence in the new ministry. June 13.-Writs are secured against many members of the Irish Parliamentary party on the charge of conspiracy in connection with tenant troubles in Ireland. June 16.-The Venezuelan revolutionists are reported in possession of Ciudad Bolivar. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. May 21.-President Loubet of France is the guest of the Czar of Russia. May 22.-The members of the Rochambeau mission from France are received at Washington by President Roosevelt. May 23.-A basis for the limitation of naval armaments is agreed on by Chile and Argentina. May 24.-Six Bulgarian revolutionists are killed by Turkish troops in Rumelia.... The Rochambeau statue, at Washington, is dedicated by Representatives of France and the United States. May 25.-President Loubet of France is the guest of the King of Denmark at Copenhagen. May 26.-President Roosevelt nominates Minister McCormick to be ambassador to Austria-Hungary. May 27-An arbitration treaty between Chile and Argentina is signed at Santiago.... King Christian of Denmark grants an extension of time for ratification of the treaty for the sale of the Danish West Indies to the United States....Ratifications of an extradition treaty between the United States and Chile are exchanged at Washington. May 29.-The seventh international Red Cross convention is opened at St. Petersburg. May 31.-The Boer representatives, together with Lords Milner and Kitchener, sign a document at Pretoria embodying terms of surrender, thus bringing the South African war to an end. June 2. The terms of peace agreed upon in South Africa between the Boer and British representatives are read in the House of Commons. June 4.-It is announced that Michael Henry Herbert will succeed Lord Pauncefote as British ambassador to the United States; Señor Ojeda is appointed Spanish minister. June 5.-Governor-General Taft of the Philippines is received by the Pope, and enters on negotiations regarding the friars' lands....President Roosevelt sends a report to Congress on British purchasing agencies in Louisiana, holding that no violation of the neutrality laws has taken place. June 7.-Germany and Russia propose concerted action by the powers against anarchists; President Roosevelt expresses sympathy with the movement. June 9.-President Palma signs the bill passed by the Cuban Congress granting amnesty to all Americans under sentence or awaiting trial in Cuba. June 11.-It is announced that the ministers of the powers at Peking have reached an agreement on the basis of Secretary Hay's proposition making a reduction of about $10,000,000 in the Chinese indemnity. June 16.-Señor de Quesada, Cuban minister to the United States, is received by President Roosevelt. mediation an adjustment is reached and the men return to work. June 5.-The employers of the striking packing-house teamsters of Chicago concede the wage demands of the men, who return to work. June 7.-A strike is declared by the bituminous coalminers of Virginia and West Virginia for an increase of wages. June 12.-Much disorder occurs in connection with the street-railway strike at Pawtucket, R. I. June 3.-There is an outbreak of the volcano Kilauea, on the island of Hawaii. June 9.-Nearly 200 Yaqui Indians-men, women, and children-are massacred by Mexican soldiers. June 9.-The opening exercises of the centennial anniversary of the Military Academy at West Point are held (see page 45).... President Francis L. Patton, of Princeton University, resigns; Prof. Woodrow Wilson is chosen his successor (see page 36). June 16.-A review of 31,000 British troops is held at Aldershot. OBITUARY. May 21.-President William Clarke Whitford, of Milton College (Wisconsin), 74....Major Seward Dill, one of the founders of the Republican party in Maine, 90. May 22.-Gen. Mariano Escobedo, commander-inchief of the republican forces in Mexico which overthrew the government of Emperor Maximilian in 1867, 75....Dr. John Vedder, of Kingston, N. Y., president of the New York State Anti-Vivisection Society, 86. May 23.-Thomas Campbell Bushnell, of Morristown, N. J., a director of the Standard Oil Company, 60. May 24.-Lord Pauncefote, British ambassador at Washington, 74....Justice George P. Andrews, of the New York Supreme Court, 67. May 26.-Jean Joseph Benjamin-Constant, the French painter, 57....Mme. Alice Marie Céleste Durand, a French writer under the name of "Henri Gréville," 60.... Henry Clay McCormick, ex-Congressman and former attorney-general of Pennsylvania, 58. May 28.-Dr. Benj. M. Palmer, of New Orleans, a prom GEN. JOHN M. SCHOFIELD. (A conspicuous figure in the centennial exercises of West Point, in June.) June 18.-President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, issues a call for a convention to decide on a national strike of coal miners. June 19.-A strike of silk dyers at Paterson, N. J., leads to serious rioting. OTHER OCCURRENCES OF THE MONTH. May 21.-A monument in memory of those who fell in the Spanish-American war, erected in Arlington Cemetery, near Washington, by the National Society of Colonial Dames, is unveiled by President Roosevelt. May 22.-By an almost unanimous vote, the Presbyterian General Assembly adopts the revised creed. May 23.-An explosion imprisons 109 miners in a coal mine at Fernie, British Columbia. May 26.-The terms of the agreement of the German steamship lines with the Morgan combination are made public in London. May 27.-The French Rochambeau mission is received in New York City. May 28.-The volcano of Mont Pelée, Martinique, shows renewed activity. May 30.-A soldiers' and sailors' memorial monument is unveiled in New York City. June 1.-Prof. Angelo Heilprin ascends Mont Pelée, Martinique, and views the crater in active eruption. Photo by Gessford, N. Y. AMBASSADOR HORACE PORTER. (Who delivered the principal address at the celebration of the West Point centennial.) inent Presbyterian clergyman, 84.... Prof. Adolf Kussmaul, eminent German physician, who introduced the stomach pump into medical practice, 80.... Walter John Pelham, Earl of Chichester, former member of Parliament for Lewes, 64.... Ex-Congressman Paul J. Sorg, of Middletown, Ohio, 62. May 29.-Judge Frank C. Washbaugh, of Deadwood, S. D., 53....William Lewis, of Chicago, a noted violinist, 67. |