| 1857 - 780 páginas
...food? " But why do / tnlk of dirt, Where nothing else is known ? I hardly know the foul thing's form. It seems so — like my own. It seems so like my own — While three in a bed we sleep, Till filth doth grow to the poor man dew, While water and soap am... | |
| 740 páginas
...men, with mothers and wives, It is uot linen you're wearing out, But human creatures' lives ! Stitch, stitch, stitch! In poverty, hunger, and dirt, Sewing...with a double thread, A shroud as well as a shirt." " Stop," says a Spitalfields weaver, " God plants truth in the hearts of men, and this is of it." "... | |
| George Pope Morris, Nathaniel Parker Willis - 1843 - 530 páginas
...with mothers and wivee ! It is not linen you're wearing out, But human creatures' lives ! sin i'Ii — stitch — stitch. In poverty, hunger, and dirt, Sewing at once, with a double tbread, A sbroud as well as a shirt. " But wby do I talk of Death — That phantom of grisly bone,... | |
| Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna - 1844 - 622 páginas
...with mothers and wives ! It is not linen you're wearing out, But human creatures' lives? Stitch — stitch — stitch, In poverty, hunger, and dirt, Sewing...seems so like my own, Because of the fasts I keep, Oh ! God ! that bread should be so dear, And flesh and blood so cheap ! " Work — work — work ;... | |
| Johann Georg Kohl - 1844 - 316 páginas
...poverty, hunger an dirt, Sewing at »иге, with a double thread, A Shroud as well as a Shirt *). Bat why do I talk of Death ? That Phantom of grisly bone,...seems so like my own, Because of the fasts I keep, Oh, God ! that bread should be so dear, And flesh and blood so cheap ! **) Work ! work ! work ? My... | |
| 1847 - 802 páginas
...her hard condition. The case may apply as well to laborers of the other sex, if not even better. " But why do I talk of death. That phantom of grisly...— It seems so like my own, Because of the fasts 1 keep, U God ! that bread should be to dear, And flesh and blood so cheap ! " Work, work, work ! My... | |
| 1844 - 878 páginas
...with mothers and wives I It is not linen you're wearing out, But human creatures' lives ! Stitch— stitch— stitch ! In poverty, hunger, and dirt, Sewing...But why do I talk of Death ? That phantom of grisly hone, 1 hardly fear his terrible shape, It seems so like my own. It Booms so like my own, Because of... | |
| Johann Georg Kohl - 1844 - 316 páginas
...hunger an dirt, Sewing at once, with a doable thread, Л Shroud as well as a Shirt *). But why do [ talk of Death? That Phantom of grisly bone, I hardly...seems so like my own, Because of the fasts I keep, Oh, God ! that bread should be so dear, And flesh and blood so cheap! ") Work ! work ! work ! My labour... | |
| 1846 - 608 páginas
...human creatures' lived! Stitch — stich — stitch. In poverty, hunger, and dirt, Sewing nt onre, with a double thread, A Shroud as well as a Shirt. " ' But why do I talk of Death > That phantom of grizly bone, I hardly fear his terrible shape, It seems fo like my own — It seems so like my own,... | |
| 1844 - 858 páginas
...stitch— stitch ! In poverty, hunger, and dirt, Sowing at once, with a double thread, A shroud as welt os a shirt. But why do I talk of Death ? That phantom of grisly hone, 1 hardly fear his terrible shape, It seems но like my own. It seems so like my own. Because... | |
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