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with you before, and our advanced research and technology program is gaining momentum to provide us with a better understanding of the possibilities and problems of such aircraft.

This program places special emphasis on the study of hypersonic propulsion, structures, and aerodynamic parameters. Figure 385 shows the effect on pay

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NASA R67-1994


load of changes in each of these three parameters for a possible hypersonic transport. It is clear from this figure that increased performance in the form of increased payload is especially sensitive to decreases in propulsion system and airframe structural weight. In addition, payload can be significantly increased by increasing the aerodynamic lift to drag ratio of the airplane and by increasing the specific impulse of the propulsion system.

In the light of these considerations, we have configured our hypersonic aircraft technology program as shown on Figure 386. Note first on this figure that the over-all trend of our effort is to carry the promising results of our ground-based program into flight test using the X-15 as the test bed, and perhaps ultimately going to a specially designed hypersonic research airplane to prove out the most attractive concepts in combination. Ground-based research plays, of course, a continuing supporting role in this process. Thus, we note that research on hypersonic engines is carrying us into the hypersonic ramjet engine program which will include pre-flight engine tests in the hypersonic propulsion facility being developed at our Lewis Research Center.

Following these tests, we will go to flight test of the engine on the X-15 as we have described to you previously. We plan in a similar manner to extend our current aerodynamics and structures research utilizing the X-15. The program on structures will involve testing new structural concepts on wingtips of the X-15, and the design and construction of these wingtips will be completed in FY68. Tests in wind tunnel and then in flight on the X-15 will follow. During FY68, we will also complete design studies determining the feasibility of rebuilding one X-15 as a delta-wing airplane. The delta wing appears, from our ground-based research, to be both aerodynamically and structurally attractive for hypersonic cruise vehicles. A version of such a delta-wing X-15 is shown on figure 387 and it would incorporate structural advances developed in prior research (such as on the X-15 wingtips) and aerodynamics advances resulting from continuing wind tunnel tests. The inset on figure 387 illustrates one attractive high temperature structural concept now under study. Our CofF request for funds to modify the 3.5 foot hypersonic wind tunnel at the Ames Research Center is a key part of the hypersonic research program to achieve more nearly flight aerodynamic conditions in ground-based research.

Our planning in all the areas of our aeronautics program has followed the pattern just described for STOL Short Haul Commercial Transports, subsonic jets and jet noise, and hypersonic aircraft. Some essential funding elements of the proposed FY68 program in aeronautics are as follows: safety and utility of general aviation aircraft ($0.4M), subsonic jet noise ($5.5M), jet augmented flap STOL aircraft ($1M), hypersonic research engine ($7M), and delta wing X-15 design study ($1M). In addition, in V/STOL, approximately $0.5 million will be spent in repairing the XV-5A aircraft so that NASA can continue research on this promising fan-in-wing principle. New versions of the jet flap helicopter rotor will be procured jointly with the Army ($0.3M).

Support of supersonic aircraft development, in particular the SST, will continue through use of the B-70 aircraft ($10M) in a joint program with the Air Force, with special emphasis placed on studying flight operational problems. Of particular importance will be the use of the B-70 to obtain flying qualities data for comparison with those obtained in moving-base simulators on the ground. An F-106 aircraft, obtained through the cooperation of the FAA and DOD, will be used to conduct flight research at transonic and low supersonic speeds on scale models of the SST engine-nacelle system. The models of this system will be constructed around J-85 engines and installed on the lower aft wing surface of the F-106 which simulates the SST engine installation. Flight research will enable study of engine-inlet-nozzle interactions and the effect of aircraft operations on these interactions. In FY68, $2 million will be required to support this program. The more general supporting research and technology program reflects the effect of a substantial expansion of effort in several important areas. In particular, research on system dynamics, which had been distributed through other aeronautics research activities in previous years, has been concentrated into a single program with total funding at a level of $6.7 million in FY68. This research involves the study of achieving satisfactory interaction and interrelation between all elements of the aircraft including the man, and it is directed at finding solutions to a large number of problems which are limiting increasingly the usable performance of aircraft. This is a total system problem involving guidance and control, propulsion systems dynamics, structural dynamics, information presen

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dynamics effort should occur in these research areas. A substantial increase ($1M) is also proposed in fundamental research on airbreathing propulsion. This increase is to support the further broadening of the basic research at the Lewis Research Center in subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic propulsion, and it will include efforts on minimizing air pollution due to the products of combustion in engine exhausts.

Another area requiring increased funding is the operational support for research aircraft, support previously provided by the DOD. Thus, for example, the program includes $4 million in support of X-15 operations and $0.5 million in support of the F-111. An additional $4.5 million is required for support and modification of a number of other select aircraft used in support of our flight research programs.

In summary, the R&D budget request in Aeronautics for FY68 represents a level nearly double that for FY67. This expansion reflects recognition of the rapidly growing importance of air transportation and the need for increased R&D to provide required advances in the associated technology. Aeronautics is already the order of a $24 billion a year industry, and it is netting the nation better than $1 billion per annum in favorable balance of payments. Accordingly, our proposed major strengthening of aeronautics R&D will be to the great commercial as well as military benefit of the nation in the future.


Our space technology program is aimed at providing the full technical base for attractive future space missions in accordance with the normal timing and time phasing identified for these missions. They fall into a number of categories including especially major goal missions which are intended to achieve major national goals in science, applications, or manned space flight. Some of the key missions in this category are shown in figures 388 and 389, along with the continuing technology programs and associated technology ready times which must precede initiation of mission development and operations. Other mission categories includes precursor and environment definition missions, logistic and operational support missions, and technology development missions. Many missions serve a dual purpose. For example, while Voyager-Mars missions will be directed at achieving major scientific goals, they will also serve as environment definition missions for possible later manned exploration of Mars.

In our program planning, we have considered well over 50 different future mission possibilities that have valid justification for being considered attractive in the foreseeable future. These include all attractive missions known to us that have been proposed within or without NASA. These missions have been analyzed to identify the technology objectives they pose and the logical timing and time phasing for their achievement. Thus, the major goal missions shown on figure 388 for Earth-orbit, and figure 389 for lunar, planetary, and interplanetary flight have been so analyzed to determine the nature and extent of the major OART research and technology programs required for technology readiness in the indicated time periods.

The time phasing of missions is especially important to consider in determining the relative distribution and pacing of the associated technology programs. This point is illustrated in Figure 390, where for a total program leading to manned exploration of Mars and Venus, we have shown the precursor missions required to provide environmental data and technologies for the development of the manned planetary vehicles and associated propulsion systems. The first three missions at the top of figure 390 are aimed at identification of the natural environment through which the manned vehicles must proceed. Thus, Voyager should be especially useful in determining the radiation and atmospheric environment at and near the target planets; the interplanetary meteoroid mission would determine the meteoroid environment especially in the vicinity of the asteroid belt which is approached by the manned vehicles for Mars missions, and an Advanced Pioneer would be especially useful for determining the solar radiation environment from 0.6 AU to 2 AU which is traversed by the manned vehicles. Again, it should be noted, of course, that such environment definition missions must be considered of great scientific value in their own right as well as important precursors to manned exploration of the near planets.

The AAP and Space Station missions will serve as technology development missions, and will serve to investigate man and his ability to function efficiently in the space environment for very extended periods of time. The technology development and qualification testing of many of the manned planetary mission

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