Imágenes de páginas
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

GALTON, 126, 265, 303, 306
Genius, 227, 327

GOETHE, 146, 157

GOLDSCHEIDER, 11, 64, 68
GOLTZ, 100

GURNEY, EDMUND, 331, 334

Habit, Chapter X, 134 ff.; has a
physical basis, 134; due to
plasticity, 135; due to path-
ways through nerve-centres,
136; effects of, 138; practical
use of, 138; depends on sensa-
tions not attended to, 141;
ethical and pedagogical impor-
tance of 142 ff.; habit the ulti-
mate cause of association, 256

Hallucinations, 330 ff.
HAMILTON, 260, 268
Harmony, 58


Hearing, 47 ff.; centre of, in cor
tex, 113
Heat-sensations, 63 ff.; nerves of

HELMHOLTZ, 26, 42, 43, 55, 56.
58, 121, 226, 227, 231, 233, 234,
Hemispheres, general notion of,
97; chief seat of memory, 98:
effects of deprivation of, or
frogs, 92; on pigeons, 96
HERBART, 222, 326
HERING, 24, 26
HERZEN, 123, 124

HODGSON, 262, 264, 280, 283
HORSLEY, 107, 118
HUME, 161, 244

Hunger, sensations of, 69

Hypnotic conditions, 301

Ideas, the theory of, 154 ff.; never
come twice the same, 154; they
do not permanently exist, 157;
abstract ideas, 240, 251; uni-
versal 240; order of ideas by
association, 253

'Identical retinal points,' 35
Identity, personal, 201; mutations
of, 205 ff.; alternating persou-
ality, 205

Ideo-motor action the type of all
volition, 432

Illusions, 317 ff., 330
Images, mental, compared with
sensations, 14; double, in vis-
ion, 36; after-images,' 43–5;
visual, 302; auditory, 306;
motor, 307; tactile, 308
Imagination, Chapter XIX; de-
fined, 302; differs in individ-
uals, 302; Galton's statistics of,
302; visual, 302; auditory, 306
motor, 307; tactile, 308; patho

logical differences, 308; cere-
bral process of, 310; not locally
distinct from that of sensation,

Imitation, 406

Inattention, 218, 236

Increase of stimulus, 20; serial,


Infundibulum, 82, 84, 88

Inhibition, defective, causes an
Explosive Will, 437

Inhibition of instincts by habits,

Insane delusions, 207

Instinct, Chapter XXV; emotions
compared with, 373; definition
of, 391; every instinct is an
impulse, 392; not always blind
or invariable, 395; modified
by experience, 396; two prin-
ciples of non-uniformity, 398;
man has more than beasts, 398,
406; transitory, 402; of chil-
dren, 406; fear, 407

Intellect, part played by, in
space-perception, 349
Intensity of sensations, 16
Interest, selects certain objects
and determines thoughts 170;
influence in association, 262
Introspection, 118

JANET. 211, 212, 301
Joints, their sensbility, 74


Knowledge, theory of, 2, 464,
467; two kinds of, 14

Labyrinth, 47, 49-52
LANGE, K., 329

Laws, cerebral, of association, 255
Law, Weber's, 17; -, Fechner's
21; - of relativity, 24

LAZARUS, 300, 323
Lenticular nucleus, 81

LEWES, 11, 232, 326

Likeness, 243, 364

LINDSAY, Dr., 413

[blocks in formation]

MARTIN, 40, 44, 45, 49, 52, 53,
60, 61, 65, 69

Materialism and emotion, 380

Measurement, of sensations, 22;
of space, 342.
'Mediumships,' 212
Medulla oblongata, 84, 108
Memory, Chapter XVIII; hem-
ispheres physical seat of; 98;
defined, 287; analysis of the
phenomenon of memory, 287
ff.; return of a mental image is
not memory, 289; association
explains recall and retention,
289; brain-scheme of, 291; con-
'ditions of good memory, 292;
multiple associations favor,
294; effects of cramming on,
295; how to improve memory,
298; recognition, 299; forget-
ting, 300; hypnotics, 301
Mental blindness, 112
Mental images, 14

Mental operations, simultaneous,


Mental states, cannot fuse, 197;

relation of, to their objects, 464
MERKEL, 59, 66

Metaphysics, what the word | Object, the, of sensation, 13–15,

means. 461

MEYER, G. H., 308, 311
MEYNERT, 105, 117

MILL, JAMES, 196, 276, 289
MILL, J. S., 147, 157
Mimicry, 406

Mind depends on brain condi-
tions, 3-7; states of, their rela-
tion to their objects, 464; see
Modesty, 407

of thought, 154, 163; one part
of more interesting than an-
other, 170; object must change
to hold attention, 226; objects
as signs and as realities, 345;
relation of states of mind to
their object, 464

Occipited lobes, seat of visual
centre, 110

Old-fogyism vs. genius, 327
Olfactory lobes, 82, 84

Monistic theories of conscious- Olivary bodies, 85

ness. 462


Mosso, 130, 131

Motion, sensations of, Chapter

VI, 70 ff.; feeling of motion
over surfaces, 70
Motor aphasia, 108
Motor region of cortex, 106
Motor type of imagination, 307
Movement, consciousness and, II,
Chapter I; images of move-
ment, 307; all consciousness is
motor, 370
MUNK, 110


Muscular sensation, 65 ff.; rela-
tions to space, 66, 74; muscular
centre in cortex, 106
MUSSEY, DR., 440

Nerve-currents, 9
Nervous discharge, 120
Nerve endings in the skin, 60; in
muscles and tendons, 66-67;
Pain, 67 ff.; nerve-centres, 92
Nerves, general functions of, 91
Neural activity, general condi-
tions of, Chapter IX, 120;
nervous discharge, 120
Neural functions, general idea of,

Neural process, in habit, 134 ff.;
in association, 255 ff.; in
memory, 291; in imagination,
310; in perception, 329
Nucleus lenticularis, 81, 108:
caudatus, 81, 108

Optic nerve, 82, 89

Optic tracts, 84

Original force, effort feels like
one, 442
Overtones, 55

Pain, 67 ff.; pain and pleasure as
springs of action, 444

Past time, known in a present
feeling, 285; the immediate
past is a portion of the present
duration-block, 280
PAULHAN, 219, 220

Pedagogic remarks on habit, 142-
on attention, 236
Peduncles, 84, 85, 86

Perception, Chapter XX; com
pared with sensation, 312; in
volves reproductive processes,
312; the perceptive state of
mind is not a compound, 313:
perception is of definite and
probable things, 316; illusory
perceptions, 317; physiological
process of perception, 329
Perception of Space, Chapter
PEREZ, M., 408

Personal Identity, 201; mutations
of, 205 ff.; alternating person-
ality, 205 ff.

Personality, alterations of, 205 f.
Philosophy, Psychology and,

Epilogue, 461

Phosphorus and thought, 132
Pia mater, 82

Pigeons' lower centres, 96
Pitch. 5

Pituitary body, 82, 89

Place, a series of positions, 341
Plasticity, as basis of habit, de-
fined, 135
PLATO, 240
Play, 407

Pleasure, and pain, as springs of
action, 444

Psychology and Philosophy, Epi.
logue, 461

Pons Varolii, 79, 84, 108
Positions, place a series of, 341
Practice, improves discrimina
tion, 252

Present, the present moment,

Pressure sense, 60

Probability determines what ob
ject shall be perceived, 316,
Problematic conceptions, 240
Problems, solution of, 272
Projection of sensations, eccen-
tric, 15

Psychology, defined, 1; a natural
science, 2; what data it as
sumes, 2; Psychology and Phil-
osophy, Chapter XXVII.
Psycho-physic law, 17, 24, 46, 59,
66, 67

Pugnacity, 406


Pyramids, 85

Quality, 13, 23, 25, 56

Raehlmann, 349

Rationality, 173
Reaction time, 120 ff.

Real magnitude, determined by
æsthetic and practical interests,
Real space, 337
Reason, 254

Reasoning, Chapter XXIII; what

it is, 351; involves use of ab-
stract characters, 353; what is
meant by an essential charac-
ter, 354; the essence is always
for a subjective interest, 358;
two great points in reasoning,

360; sagacity, 362; help from
association by similarity, 364;
reasoning power of brutes, 367
Recall, 289

Recency, determines association,

Recepts,' 368
Recognition, 299
Recollection, 289 ff.
Redintegration, 264

Reflex acts, defined, 92; reaction.
time measures one, 123; con-
catenated habits are constituted
by a chain of, 140
REID, 313

Relations, between objects, 162;
feelings of, 162

Relativity of knowledge,' 24
Reproduction in memory, 289 ff.;
voluntary, 271
Resemblance, 243

Retention in memory, 289
Retentiveness, organic, 291; it is
unchangeable. 296

Retina, peripheral parts of, act
as sentinels, 73

Revival in memory, 289 ff.
RIBOT. 300

Rivalry of selves, 186


Rolando, fissure of, 106

[blocks in formation]

material self, 177; the social
self, 179; the spiritual self,
181; self-appreciation, 182; self-
seeking, bodily. social, and
spiritual, 184; rivalry of the
mes. 186; their hierarchy, 190;
teleology of self-interest, 193;
the I, or pure ego,' 195;
thoughts are not compounded
offused' sensations, 196; the
soul as a combining medium,
200; the sense of personal
identity, 201; explained by
identity of function in succes-
sive passing thoughts, 203;
mutations of the self, 205; in-
sane delusions, 207; alternating
personalities, 210; medium-
ships, 212; who is the thinker?

Self-appreciation, 182

Self-interest, theological uses of,
193; teleological character of,

Selves, their rivalry, 186
Semicircular canals, 50
Semicircular canals, their re-
lation to sensations of rotation,
Sensations, in General, Chapter
II, p. 9; distinguished from
perceptions. 12; from images,
14: first things in conscious-
ness. 12; make us acquainted
with qualities, 14; their ex-
teriority. 15; intensity of sensa-
tions. 16; their measurement,
21; they are not compounds, 23
Sensations, of touch, 60; of skin,
60 ff.; of smell, 69; of pain, 67;
of heat, 63; of cold, 63; of
hunger, 69; of thirst, 69; of
motion, 70; muscular, 65; of
taste, 69, of pressure, 60; of
joints, 74; of movement
through space, 75; of rotation,
75; of translation, 76
Sense of time, see Time
Sensory centres in the cortex,
113 ff.

Septum lucidum, 87

Serial order of locations, 341

Shame, 374

Sheep's brain, dissection of 81
Sight, 28 ff.; see Vision
Signs, 40; sensations are, to us
of other sensations, whose
space-value is held to be more
real, 345 ff.

Similarity, association by, 267,
364; see Likeness
Size, 40

Skin-senses, 60 ff.; localizing
power of, 61, discrimination
of points on, 247

Smell, 69; centre of, in cortex,

SMITH, T. C, 311
Sociability, 407

Soul, the, as ego or thinker, 196,
as a combining medium, 200,

Sound, 53-59; images of, 306
Space, Perception of, Chapter
XXI: extensity in three di-
mensions primitive to all sensa-
tion, 335; construction of real
space, 337; the processes which
it involves: (1) Subdivision,
338; (2) Coalescence of differ-
ent sensible data into one
thing,' 339; (3) Location in
an environment, 342; objects
which are signs, and objects
which are realities, 345; the
third dimension, 346; Berk-
eley's theory of distance, 346;
part played by intellect in
space-perception, 349

Space, relation of muscular sense
to, 66, 74

SPALDING, 401 ff.

Span of consciousness, 219, 286
Specific energies, 11

Speech, centres of, in cortex, 109,
thought possible withcut it
169; see Aphasia
SPENCER, 103, 387, 390

Spinal cord, conduction of pain
by, 68; centre of defensive
movements, 93

Spiritual substance, see Soul
Spiritualistic theories of con
sciousness, 462

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