! Modifications in Application of Part II. of Schedule to Ireland. 66. In part two of this schedule as applying to Ireland The expression "register of voters," in addition to the meaning specified in such part, means, in relation to any municipal borough subject to the provisions of a local Act requiring an annual revision of the lists of voters at municipal elections, the register of voters made in comformity with the said provisions of such local Act, and in relation to municipal boroughs to which Part II. of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1871, applies, the list to be made under the provisions of section twentyseven of the said Act, and in relation to other municipal boroughs a list which the town clerk of every municipal borough is hereby authorised and directed to make, in like manner in every respect as if the provisions of the said section were applicable to and in force within such municipal borough. The expression "county court" means the Civil Bill Court. The expression "town clerk" includes clerk to the commissioners, municipal commissioners, town commissioners, or township commissioners of any municipal borough, and any person executing the duties of such town clerk. The expression "council of the borough" includes commissioners, municipal commissioners and town commissioners of the town, and township commissioners of the township. The expression "one of Her majesty's principal Secretaries of State" means the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. * The name of the Sovereign may be altered when necessary. + Insert SECOND SCHEDULE. Note. The forms contained in this schedule, or forms as nearly resembling the same as circumstances will admit, shall be used in all cases to which they refer and are applicable, and when so used shall be sufficient in law. Writ for a County or Borough at a Parliamentary Election. * Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender "sheriff" of the Faith, to the returning or other officer. This pre † of the county [or borough) Whereas by the advice of our Council we have amble to be ordered a parliament to be holden at Westminster on omitted ex- the cept in case day of next. We command you that, of a general notice of the time and place of election being first Except in duly given, you do cause election to be made according election. a general election, in sert here in the place of A.B., deceased, or otherwise, to law of members [or a member] to serve in of § and that you do cause the names of such stating the members [or member] when so elected, whether they cause of va cancy. [or he] be present or absent, to be certified to us, in our Chancery, without delay. Witness ourself at Westminster, the in the year of our Lord 18 To the day of year of our reign, and in the Label or direction of Writ. + of A writ of a new election of members [or member] for the said county [or division of a county or borough, or as the case may be]. Endorsement. Received the within writ on the day of 18 (Signed) A.B., High Sheriff, [or Sheriff, or Mayor, or as the case may be]. Certificate endorsed on the Writ. I hereby certify, that the members [or member] elected for writ, are [or is] A.B. of (a) and C.D. of in pursuance of the within-written of in the county in the county of (Signed) A.BВ., High Sheriff [or Sheriff, or Mayor, or as the i case may be]. Note. A separate writ will be issued for each county as defined for the purposes of a parliamentary election. Form of Notice of Parliamentary Electon (b). The returning officer of the on the hours of of will, day now next ensuing, between the and proceed to the nomination, and, if there is no opposition, to the election, of a member [or members] for the said county [or division of a county or borough] at the* Forms of nomination paper may be obtained at tion of place and on *, between the hours of Every nomination paper must be signed by two registered electors as proposer and seconder, and by eight other registered electors as assenting to the nomination. * Note.-Insert descrip and room. (a) As to the writ of election and endorsement, see clause 44, ante, p. 56. (b) See clause 1, ante, p. 39. Every nomination paper must be delivered to the returning officer by the candidate proposed, or by his proposer and seconder, between the said hours of and at the * Note.-In- said * on the said day of Each candidate nominated, and his proposer and seconder, and one other person selected by the candidate, and no other persons, are entitled to be admitted to the room. In the event of the election being contested, the poll will take place on the may be]. day of Take notice, that all persons who are guilty of bribery, treating, undue influence, personation, or other corrupt practices at the said election will, on conviction of such offence, be liable to the penalties mentioned in that behalf in "The Corrupt Practices Prevention Act 1854," and the Ballot Act, 1872, and the Acts amending the said Acts. nominate the following person as a proper person to in MERTON Hon. George Tra- Swanworth, Berks Viscount. vis, commonly the 1 , do hereby assent to the nomination of the above-mentioned John Brown as a proper person to serve as member for the said (Signed) E.F. of G.H. of I.J. of K.L. of in Parliament. M.N. of O.P. of Q.R. of S.T. of Note.-Where a candidate is an Irish peer, or is commonly known by some title, he may be described by his title as if it were his surname. Form of Nomination Paper in Municipal Election. Note. The form of nomination paper in a municipal election shall as nearly as circumstances admit be the same as in the case of a parliamentary election (b). (b) See note to sect. 20, ante, p. 27, as to the signature of a municipal nomination paper. |