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intituled "An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales" (a); and The expression "polling place" means, in the case of a borough, such borough or any part thereof in which a separate booth is required or authorised by law to be provided; and (b)

The expression "agents of candidates," used in relation to a polling station, means agents appointed in pursuance of section eighty-five of the Act of the session of the sixth and seventh years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter eighteen (c).

(a) The following are the boroughs specified in Schedule E. of the 2 & 3 Will. 4, с. 45:

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(b) See sect. 15, ante, p. 16, as to the term polling booth,

and clause 15, ante, p. 45, as to polling stations.

(c) By 6 & 7 Vict. c. 18, s. 85, for the more effectual detection of the personation of voters at elections, it is enacted, that it shall be lawful for any candidate, at any election of





Presteigne (Town)

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Modification in Application of Part One of Schedule to Scotland.

58. In Scotland, the place of election shall be a convenient room situate in the town in which the writ for the election would, if this Act had not passed, have been proclaimed.

59. In Scotland, the candidates may respectively appoint agents to attend at the polling stations. The ballot papers and other documents other than the return required to be sent to and kept by the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, shall, in Scotland, be kept by the sheriff clerks of the respective counties in which the returns (including those for burghs) are made, and the provisions of this schedule relating thereto shall be construed as if the sheriff clerk were substituted for Clerk of the Crown in Chancery.

60. In Scotland, the term "district borough" shall mean the combined burghs and towns specified in Schedule E. of the Act of the session of the second and third years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter sixty-five, intituled "An Act to amend the Representation of the People in Scotland;" and in Schedule A. of the Representation of the People 31 & 32 Vict. (Scotland) Act, 1868.

a member or members to serve in parliament for any county, city, or borough, previous to the time fixed for taking the poll at such election, to nominate and appoint an agent or agents on his behalf to attend at each or any of the booths appointed for taking the poll at such election, for the purpose of detecting personation; and such candidate shall give notice in writing to the returning officer, or his respective deputy, of the name and address of the person or persons so appointed by him to act as agents for such purpose; and thereupon it shall be lawful for every such agent to attend during the time of polling at the booth or booths for which he shall have been so appointed.

c. 48.

61. The provisions of the Act of the session of the second and third years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter sixty-five, intituled "An Act to amend the Representation of the People in Scotland," in so far as they relate to the fixing and announcement of the day of election, the interval to elapse between the receipt of the writ and the day of election, the period of adjournment for taking the poll in the case of Orkney and Shetland, and of the district of burghs comprising Kirkwall, Wick, Dornoch, Dingwall, Tain, and Cromarty, and to the keeping open of the poll for two consecutive days in the case of Orkney and Shetland, shall remain in full force and effect, anything in this Act or any other Act of parliament now in force notwithstanding; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to exclude Orkney and Shetland or Orkney or Shetland, or the said district of burghs, or any of the burghs in the said district, from any of the benefits and obligations of the other portions of this Act.

Modifications in Application of Part One of Schedule

to Ireland.

62. The expression "Clerk of the Crown in Chancery" in this schedule shall mean, as regards Ireland, "the Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper in Ireland."

63. A presiding officer at a polling station in a county in Ireland need not be a freeholder of the county.



64. In the application of the provisions of this schedule to municipal elections the following modifications shall be made:

(a.) The expression "register of voters" means the burgess roll of the burgesses of the borough, or, in the case of an election for the ward of a borough, the ward list (a); and the mayor shall provide true copies of such register for each polling station :

(b.) All ballot papers and other documents which, in the case of a parliamentary election, are forwarded to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery shall be delivered to the town clerk of the municipal borough in which the election is held, and shall be kept by him among the records of the borough; and the provisions of part one of this schedule with respect to the inspection, production and destruction of such ballot papers and documents, and to the copies of such documents, shall apply respectively to the ballot papers and documents so in the custody of the town clerk, with these modifications (b); namely,

(a.) An order of the county court having jurisdiction in the borough, or any part thereof, or of any tribunal in which a municipal election is questioned (c), shall be substituted for an order

of the House of Commons, or of one of Her

(a) As to the burgess roll, see 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 22, and as to ward lists, see ibid., sect. 45.

(b) See clauses 36-43, ante, pp. 52–55. (c) See the Corrupt Practices (Municipal Elections) Act, 1872.

Majesty's superior courts; but an appeal from such county court may be had in like manner as in other cases in such county court;

(b.) The regulations for the inspection of documents and the fees for the supply of copies of documents of which copies are directed to be supplied, shall be prescribed by the council of the borough with the consent of one of Her Majesty's prinicipal Secretaries of State; and, subject as aforesaid, the town clerk, in respect of the custody and destruction of the ballot papers and other documents coming into his possession in pursuance of this Act, shall be subject to the directions of the council of the borough:

(c.) Nothing in this schedule with respect to the day of the poll shall apply to a municipal election (a).

Modifications in Application of Part II. of Schedule to Scotland.

65. In part two of this schedule as applying to Scotland

The expression "register of voters " means the register, list, or roll of persons entitled to vote in a municipal election made up according to the law for the time being in force.

The expression" county court" means the sheriff court. The expression" town clerk" includes the clerk appointed by the commissioners of police under the Act of the session of the thirteenth and fourteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter thirty-three, intituled "An Act to make more effectual provision for regulating the police of towns and populous places in Scotland, and for paving, draining, cleansing, lighting, and improving the same," and of the General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862.

(a) See clause 14, ante, p. 44,

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