(4.) The chairman of quarter sessions and the justices of the peace having jurisdiction in any county or riding assembled at such special sessions appointed in manner aforesaid, or at any adjournment of the same before the first day of December next after the passing of this Act, shall make an order dividing such county or riding of a county into polling districts, and appointing in each such polling district a place (in this section referred to as a "polling place") for taking the poll at contested elections of members to serve in parliament for such county: (5.) Every such division shall be made in such manner so that, as far as practicable, every building or place in such county in which petty sessions are at the time of the passing of this Act held shall be a polling place: Provided always, that where it appears to the chairman and justices assembled at special sessions that, for the purpose of affording full facilities for taking the poll at contested elections, there should be polling places in addition to such buildings or places where petty sessions are held as aforesaid, they shall appoint so many polling places in addition to such buildings or places as they may think necessary, and constitute a polling district for each such polling place: (6.) Every order shall specify the barony or baronies, half barony or half baronies, townland or townlands, parish or parishes, and places constituting each such polling district : (7.) A copy of every such order shall forthwith be sent by the clerk of the peace for such county to the clerk of the said Privy Council, who thereupon shall submit the same for confirmation by the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council in Ireland, in the manner by this Act provided, and such order shall not be of any validity until the same has been so confirmed: (8.) Notice of the intended confirmation of any such order shall be given by the clerk of the said Privy Council at least one month before the day fixed for such confirmation by the publication of such notice and order in one or more newspapers circulating within such county or riding to which the order has reference : (9.) It shall be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, on the day fixed for the intended confirmation of any such order, to confirm the same as it stands, or with such variation, alteration, or modification as may seem fit: Provided always, that where any person is dissatisfied with any such order it shall be lawful for such person, within fourteen days after the publication of the notice of the intended confirmation of such order, to appeal against the same, and such appeal shall be in writing, stating the grounds thereof, and shall be signed by such person, and shall within such time be lodged with the clerk of the Privy Council; and it shall be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, previous to the confirmation of any such order, to hear and determine such appeal against the same, and to make such order as to the costs of such appeal as may seem meet: (10.) When any such order has been confirmed as aforesaid, the clerk of the said Privy Council shall transmit a copy of the same to the clerk of the peace of the county to which the same relates, and shall cause the same to be published once in the Dublin Gazette, and once in the newspaper in which the notice of intended confirmation was published: (11.) The provisions of the Act of the session of the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter twentytwo, for ascertaining the voters in the new or altered polling districts referred to in the ninth section of the said Act, and for making separate lists of voters, and otherwise in relation thereto, shall extend and apply to every case in which any order in relation to any county has been confirmed under the authority of this section, in like manner as if such sections were herein re-enacted, and the polling districts to which the same refer or apply had been polling districts constituted under the authority of this section; and the register of voters in force in such county at the time of confirming such order as amended by the printed books given into the custody of the sheriff of such county in manner by the said Act provided, and the said printed books, shall be the register of persons entitled to vote at any election of a member or members to serve in parliament which shall take place in and for such county until the first day of January next after the giving of the said books as aforesaid: Provided always, that in the construction of the said provisions, the terms "the passing of this Act" and the "said Act" shall respectively be construed to mean the confirming of any order made under the authority of this section and this Act: (12.) At any election of a member or members to serve in parliament for any county to which any such order relates held after the confirming of any such order, and before the register of voters to be formed subsequently to the date of the confirming of such order under the provisions of this section shall be in force, the poll shall be taken as if no such order had been made: (13.) All precepts, notices, and forms relating to the registration of voters shall be framed and expressed in such manner and form as may be necessary for the carrying the provisions of this Act into effect: (14.) When the chairman of quarter sessions and justices of the peace having jurisdiction in any county or riding in Ireland, assembled at any general or quarter sessions in any division of such county or riding are of opinion that for the purpose of affording further facilities for polling at contested elections there should be within such district polling places in addition to the places appointed in manner aforesaid, they may by resolution determine that at the next general or quarter sessions in such division of such county the necessity for such additional polling places shall be considered by the chairman and justices assembled at the same. (15.) The clerk of the peace of such county shall, within five days after the making of such resolution, send a written or printed copy of the same to the chairman and to every justice of the peace having jurisdiction within the county to which the same relates, and shall cause a copy of such resolution to be published twice in each of two consecutive weeks in some newspaper circulated in such county. (16.) The said chairman and justices assembled at such general or quarter sessions holden next after the making of such resolution shall consider whether additional polling places are necessary, and if they are of such opinion they may, by an order to be made in like manner and subject to the same provisions as to the making, confirming, and taking effect of the same as Amendment voting in wards in certain boroughs. are in this section contained in relation to orders to be made at special sessions under the authority of the same, appoint such other places to be polling places as they shall think fit, and shall constitute polling districts for such polling places: (17.) No election shall be questioned by reason of any polling district not having been constituted in conformity with the provisions of this Act, or (18.) When any day fixed for taking the poll at any shall mean the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and 19. Where the name of any person is required to be of law as to inserted in any list of voters for any ward of any city, town, or borough under the provisions of section seven of the Act passed in the session of parliament held in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter sixty-eight, as qualified in respect of any property qualification, or as the occupier of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments situate in whole or in part beyond the limits of such ward, then and in every such case the names so required to be inserted shall be placed in alphabetical order in a separate part of such list to be styled "the list of rural or out |