Imágenes de páginas

In Southern Texas, Rev. B. D. D. Greer, a travelling evangelist, has discovered that the gospel which he preaches is our gospel; and, assisted by us, he will continue preaching in small towns and villages in his own tent, but now under the Unitarian banner.

Rev. George W. Stone, Field Secretary for the Pacific Coast, reports many promising new fields as greatly needing our work, especially in Oregon, California, Arizona, and Montana. In the thirty-four weeks of his service he has preached 34 times, and made 23 other addresses while travelling widely throughout his broad territory.

Rev. F. C. Southworth has travelled extensively in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio, visiting most of the churches within his territory, many of them repeatedly. He has preached 63 sermons, given 35 addresses, taken part in 8 other services of dedication or installation, and spoken and otherwise acted in our cause in 74 conferences or important meetings. He has written or dictated 2,800 letters, and has been in almost constant correspondence with Orthodox ministers seeking our fellowship. He claims that the purely negative work accomplished during the year in keeping out incompetent and dangerous men has more than justified the amount spent for the salary of a Western secretary.

Rev. Mary A. Safford, Secretary of the Iowa Unitarian. Association, has preached or made lectures and addresses 128 times, has attended 134 conferences and committee meetings. She has preached, on an average, more than twice each Sunday in the year, in addition to teaching an adult class every Sunday, and often holding special meetings. Her record of travelling (12,103 miles), while less than that of the field secretaries, is large for a more restricted area,

Rev. D. W. Morehouse, Superintendent for the Middle States, also reports extensive travelling within the boundaries of his conference, and the careful study of many new fields. He reports 18 sermons preached, 18 other addresses made, 9 important journeys to conferences with business committees, and 5 installation services in which he has taken part.

Rev. George H. Badger, Field Secretary for New England, has visited 79 of the New England churches, taken part in 4 installations and anniversaries, has preached 56 times, and made 26 other addresses. He has given a great deal of time to the development of the platform meeting system in New England, speaking at very many of them, and in nearly every case being responsible for the other speakers. He has made a week's campaign in the North Middlesex Conference, a similar one in Worcester County, and another in the Connecticut Valley, in each tour speaking practically every evening in the week.

In Michigan, Rev. Florence Buck has served as our field agent since September, and has followed the wise method. of devoting herself to one place after another sufficiently long to create a new interest, and leave the church to the care of a settled minister. At the same time she has made repeated journeys from town to town within the limits of the State, and demonstrated by her successes the great value of thus placing field agents in charge of limited territories.

In Colorado, Rev. George N. Falconer has been similarly occupied since January 1, devoting his time to Boulder, Cripple Creek, and Victor, Col., and, finally, Boisé, Ida. In the latter place his endeavors have resulted in a church.







April 30. To balance, cash on hand


April 30.

[ocr errors]

To amount of receipts on sundry accounts, viz. :
DONATIONS: Amount received from

societies, Sunday Schools, other

organizations, and individuals,
for general objects of the Asso-
JAPAN MISSION: Amount received
from societies and individuals,
for new hall in Tokyo. .




received for this Fund from bequest, pay



ments on account of church loans, and interest 13,589.96 GENERAL FUND: Amount received

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

SKEEL FUND: Amount of bequest of the late
Mrs. Ann Augusta Skeel, New York, N. Y.,
unconditioned, and established as a Fund
bearing her name, under vote of Directors.
OLZENDAM FUND, No. 1: Amount of bequest
of the late Miss Sidonia C. Olzendam, Man-
chester, N. H., unconditioned, and estab-
lished as a Fund bearing her name, under
vote of Directors.



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