Report on temperance physiology and hygiene in the schools of Connecticut. Report of the New York State central committee as to the results of the study of physiology and hygiene, being a reply to the State science teachers' association. The lessons of the exposition, by Howard J. Rogers, chief of the department of education. The educational exhibit at St. Louis, by Anna Tolman Smith, member of the jury of awards... Land-grant colleges and agricultural experiment stations, by A. C. True, Director of Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture. A Definition of Civilization (an address by W. T. Harris before the graduates at the commence- ment exercises of the Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa., March 2, 1899) Art Education the True Industrial Education (a paper read by W. T. Harris before the depart- ment of art education, National Educational Association, Nashville, Tenn., July, 1889)....... 1133 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Washington, D. C., October 2, 1905. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith the Annual Report of this Office for the year ending June 30, 1904. The enrollment in schools and colleges, public and private, during the year 1903-4 was 17,896,890, the same being an increase of 357,422 pupils over the previous year. Of this number there were enrolled in public institutions supported by taxation and funds belonging to States and municipalities 16,379,443 pupils, as against 16,127,739, the number reported for the previous year. The quota from private institutions corresponding in character to these was 1,517,447. Besides the enrollment in schools and colleges, public and private, there were pupils enrolled in special institutions more or less scholastic in their character and more or less of a practical business character, as follows: Enrollment in special schools in the United States in 1903-4. Adding the enrolled of these special schools (693,101) to the total of schools, public and private (17,896,890), giving general education, we have a grand total of 18,589,991. VII TABLE I. Common school statistics of the United States. 20.04 65.50 20.01 68.61 71.96 72.43 71.67 Average length of school term (days). Relation of same to enrollment (per cent).. 4,077,347 71.45 6, 144, 143 70.67 8,153,635 70.59 10,328,396 10,632, 772 59.3 10,716,094 11,064,164 62.3 64.1 11,054,502 11,318,256 68.1 68.6 68.2 69.5 Average number of days attended by each per Total number of days attended by all pupils.. 539,053, 423 132.2 69.2 130.3 69.6 134.7 143.0 144.3 800,719,970 1,098, 232, 725 1,477,016,244 1,534, 822, 633 1, 539, 576, 527 1,601, 169, 762 1,627, 405, 037 1,660, 507,716 143.7 144.7 147.2 Average number attended by each pupil en 101.7 102.1 77,529 122,795 125,525 131,207 122,986 163,798 238,397 283,065 200,515 286,593 363,922 414,272 423,062 431,918 Number of schoolhousese. Average monthly wages of male teachersd Average monthly wages of female teachersd... 38.7 441,819 42.8 449,287 34.5 455,242 31.7 29.9 29.1 27.4 26.0 25.0 $45.25 $46.53 $47.55 $50.96 Value of all school property 116,312 $40.51 $41.54 $130,383,008 $209,571,718 $342,531,791 $523,679, 996 $550,069,217 $572, 125, 215 $599,449,384 $643, 903, 228 256,789 son 5 to 18... rolled... 71.9 71.8 72.1 81.1 86.3 97.3 99.0 98.0 Male teachers.... Female teachers.. $49.05 $49.98 $38. 14 $38.93 $39.17 $39.77 178,222 224,526 244,833 248,279 251,487 254, 655 11.- Financial statistics. Receipts: From State taxes... From income of permanent funds and rents. From local taxes.. $7,744,765 $9,007,887 $9,152,274 $9,767,110 $10,022,843 $12,102,581 $26, 345,323 $10,193,093 $35,341,064 $37,886,740 $36,281,256 $39,215,910 $40,455,815 $97,222,426 $144,897,878 $42,552,969 $149,486,845 $163,897,478 $173,151,453 $173,730,858 $193, 215,794 $11,882,292 $14,090,384 $23, 240, 130 $25, 393, 493 $23, 107,392 $25,347,865 $33, 172, 139 $245,497,598 | $251,637,119 $279, 133,995 5.4 4.4 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.8 3.7 18.4 17.4 17.2 15.4 16.0 16.1 15.2 67.9 71.3 68.0 69.6 70.5 69.0 69.2 8.3 6.9 10.6 10.8 9.4 10.1 11.9 $26, 207,041 $31, 229, 308 $35, 450, 820 $39,872,278 $39,962,863 $46,289,074 $49, 453,269 |