DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION, WITH CIRCULARS AND DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING THE SAME; SUBMITTED TO THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JUNE 2, 1868. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1868. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, Washington, D. C, May 30, 1868. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith to the Senate the report required of the Commissioner of Education by an act to establish the Department of Education, approved March 2, 1867. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Hon. B. F. WADE, HENRY BARNARD, Commissioner. President of the Senate. IN THE SENATE of the UniTED STATES, July 27, 1868. Resolved, That 3,000 copies of the annual report of the Commissioner of Education be printed for the use of the Commissioner; and that 1,500 copies of the accompanying documents, or so many of them, not exceeding 1,500, as he may deem proper, be printed and furnished to the Commissioner, either separately or together, as he may elect; and that 3,000 copies of his report upon educational interests of the District of Columbia be printed separately for the use of the Senate. Attest: GEO. C. GORHAM, Secretary. CONTENTS. Memorial of State and city superintendents of schools. Act to establish the Department of Education Schedule of information sought by the Commissioner Plan for collecting and disseminating information Classified index to subjects already investigated Tables exhibiting national land grants for educational purposes Constitutional provision of the several States respecting Education.. Page. |