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Inlaid arch and iron pillar said by tradition to reach to the centre of the earth.



young Davidson, of the Artillery, very severely burnt by the blowing up of a tumbrel. I don't think there can be any more casualties amongst the officers, or I should have heard of them. Bunny was in great distress yesterday evening at not having sent his letter in time. Tell Mrs Bunny he is in high health and spirits. I spoke to Duncan Pemberton for an instant. He is very well; his brother is not here.

The Guide Corps came in this morning under Daly, to whom I spoke. He is quite well. His corps has made a wonderful march. George Hall and Major Martin are occupying a post some four or five miles off. One of their men was in just now with a letter for Arthur Becher, and I spoke to him; they have remained staunch, and after the lesson the enemy got yesterday there is little chance of their proving traitors now.

General Reed arrived in camp yesterday, and came on here after the fight. He is in very infirm health. I was able to give him my charpoy, the only one that was up. Soobhan manages well.

(Diary) 9th June. The enemy behaved very well last night, allowing us a good night's sleep, which was much needed by the troops. Took a ride into the garden just across the canal; not much damage done to it apparently. In the morning early the Guides came in—a most soldierlike-looking set of fellows. In the afternoon, about two, grand attack on the Ridge, and all troops out; drive the enemy back. In the evening another attack: the Guides did good service.

DELHI CANTONMENTS, Wednesday morning, 10th June. The dâk-man, I understand, reports the road as quite open, and as long as our troops continue to move along there is every prospect of its remaining so. This is a great comfort; but if by any mischance you happen to be for a day or two without letters, you must attribute it to some obstruction on the road and not to anything going wrong here, for nothing can be progressing more favourably with us than matters are at present. Our guns are playing away from the heights on the devoted city, and a large mortar was got into position last night, and it is to be hoped they will be able to throw shells from it into the Palace; but I have

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