1890. PROCEEDINGS OF COMMON COUNCIL. Sept. 24, Grading portion of Front street.. Nov. 17, Grading portion of High street. 1891. Jan. Jan. Jan. 5, Grading portion of Fair avenue. 5, House sewer connections and drainage May 4, Improvement of portion of Morton street.. May 4, Improvement of portion of Washington street May 4, Improvement of portion of Third strect May 5, Improvement of portion of Fifth street May 20, Repealing improvement of Third street June 15, Improvement, Arch street (amendment). June 15, Sewer in Lincoln avenue.. June 15, Improvement of portion of Crescent street. June 15, Improvement of portion of Adams street. July 17, Protection of public parks, cemeteries and grounds Sept. 7, Sidewalk on Fourth street. Sept. 21, Improvement of portion of Prospect street. 1891 PROCEEDINGS OF COMMON COUNCIL. Nov. 23, Sewer in Prospect street.. 12 13 14 15 16 Dec. 7, Vacating and abolishing a portion of Jackson street. 7, Improving Jackson street.. Dec. 1892. Feb. 15, Sewer in Third, Michigan, Arch and Front streets. 8, Meetings and proceedings of the common council. Mar. 12, Relative to public entertainments. May 2, Repealing dray license. May 2, Establishing pounds. May 16, Sewers in Crescent, Third and Prospect streets Mar. 6, Amending ordinance relative to the grading, paving and im provements of streets, etc.. April 6, Remitting penalties on special assessments. April 28, Pounds .. June 5, Special election on issue of bonds. June 5, Widening of a portion of Washington street. June 5, Widening portion of Third street.. June 12, Pounds, etc. Aug. 7, Issue of city hall bonds Aug. 7, Paving Front street. Aug. 7, City scales and weighmaster.. Aug. 7, Sale of hay, grain, coal and wood. Mar. 5, Collection of special assessments Mar. 5, Sewer in Ohio street. Aug. 6, Sewer in High street. Mar. 4, Telephone franchise. 51 53 54 55 59 60 April 23, Meetings and proceeding of the common council (amendment) 61 June 3, Preferring and trying charges against officers. 62 July 8, Establishing pounds.. 65 Sept. 3, Amending sections one to ten inclusive of ordinance regulating the construction of sidewalks, etc.... 65 Nov. 4, Changing the name of McMillan street to Division street... 69 70 70 1896. Feb. 3, Amending section two of ordinance relative to the sale of lands for delinquent assessments.. 72 Feb. 11, Railway approach and bridge over Presque Isle drive and grade of street.. 73 May 4, Establishing pounds. 74 1896. BOOK OF ORDINANCES.. ..VOL. 1 June 8, To prohibit the reckless exposure of persons to injury in connection with street railway cars and the stealing of rides on such cars.. June 17, Remitting interest upon special assessments. Sept. 8, Amending section three of ordinance defining the duties of fire warden, etc.. Sept. 8, Amending sections two, seven, nine and ten of ordinance relative to the fire limits. 1897. May 3, Establishing a pound.... May 3, Relative to opening and closing saloons.. Nov. 1, An ordinance relative to the burial and removal of the dead. Feb. 21, Amending Secs. 7, 8, 9 and 10 of ordinance relating to grad ing, etc., of streets... Feb. 21, Amending Secs. 5 and 6 of ordinance relative to police. Mar. 7, Relative to public health . . . . Apr. 25, Adopting rules of parliamentary practice. Apr. 25, Relative to police Apr. 25, Defining offenses, prescribing penalties and providing for the employment of offenders.. 75 76 77 78 79 81 81 83 84 84 86 88 89 90 90 92 93 .94 96 98 99 104 104 105 106 NUMBER, TITLES AND DATES OF ADOPTION OF THE "GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MARQUETTE." AS COMPILED AND PUBLISHED IN 1873 AND IN 1887. 1 An ordinance concerning ordinances. April 4, 1872. 2 An ordinance for the appointment of a street commissioner and defining his duties. May 22, 1871. 3 An ordinance relative to the grading, paving and improvement of streets, alleys and public places, and the use and protection thereof. June 1, 1871. 4 An ordinance regulating the construction of sidewalks, providing for the collection of assessments therefor, and prohibiting encroachments thereon. May 29, 1871. 5 An ordinance relative to the sale of lands for delinquent assessments and redemption thereof. April 4, 1872. 6 An ordinance providing for the organization of a city police. April 4, 1872. 7 An ordinance relative to a pound, poundmaster, and restraining animals. June 1, 1871. 8 An ordinance for the preservation of the public health, and creating a board of health and defining its duties. June 1, 1871. An ordinance respecting the public park and city cemetery, and providing for the appointment of a park and cemetery commissioner. April 4, 1872. An ordinance relative to the prevention of vice and immorality and the preservation of public peace and good order, July 17, 1871. 11 An ordinance relative to nuisances. June 1, 1871. 12 An ordinance relative to the fire limits, and the construction of buildings therein. April 4, 1872. 13 An ordinance defining the duties of fire warden, and for the protection of property from danger by fire. April 4, 1872. 14 An ordinance respecting public lamps and lamp posts. June 1, 1871. 15 An ordinance relative to drays and other vehicles. April 4, 1872. No. TITLE AND Date of ADOPTION. 16 An ordinance relative to licenses for shows, circuses and other exhibitions. April 4, 1872. 17 An ordinance relative to hawkers, peddlers and transient traders. 18 An ordinance relative to auctioneers. April 4, 1872. 19 An ordinance relative to the harbor of Marquette. September 30, 1872. 20 An ordinance repealing certain ordinances heretofore adopted by the village of Marquette. April 4, 1872. In addition to the foregoing, the compilation of 1887 contained the following ordinances not numbered: An ordinance against the use of sling shots. Dec. 3, 1883. An ordinance for the prevention of coasting, skating or riding on dog sleighs. Dec. 3, 1883. An ordinance granting a telephone franchise. June 5, 1882. An ordinance to regulate the blowing of steam whistles within the city limits. June 5, 1882. An ordinance relative to drays and establishing a hay and wood market. June 22, 1874. |