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To notify

Marshal to


in, and the marshal shall also make entries on said list of all matters required herein to be made by the controller, but omitted by him, which shall come to the knowledge of the marshal, and all entries herein authorized to be made by the marshal shall have the like effect as if originally entered upon said list by the controller, and when so made the marshal shall forthwith cause the like entry thereof to be made upon the duplicate of said list on file with the recorder and notify the controller thereof.

§ 163-SEC. 26. (As Amended 1893.) The marshal shall pay taxes to within the time limited in said warrant pay over to the city treasurer the amount of the tax as mentioned in said list, and take duplicate receipts thereof from the city treasurer and attach one of the same to said tax list and return the the same to the office of the treasurer, whose duty it shall be to file and preserve the same, and entries therein may be made in the same manner by the treasurer as is herein provided may be made by the marshal with the like effect, which entry shall be forthwith reported by the treasurer to the recorder, and shall be entered upon the said duplicate list. The treasurer shall receive and receipt for any taxes on said list remaining unpaid or entered thereon by him, which collection shall be reported by him to the controller, and the common council may direct the collection of any such taxes remaining unpaid, by any appropriate action, and may punish for the keeping or harboring of any dog or dogs upon which said tax has not been paid.

may receive


for keeping
untaxed dogs.

liable, etc.

Recorder to

§ 164-SEC. 27. (As Amended 1893.) The marshal shall be personally liable to the city for the whole amount of the taxes mentioned in said lists, excepting such portion thereof as upon a showing of the reasons of his inability to collect he shall be relieved thereof by the city council. The recorder shall annually procure tags. in proper time procure at the expense of the city at least the number of tags that the lists mentioned in this act shall show to be the number of dogs in said city liable to taxation. The said tags shall be of brass or iron, shall be one inch in diameter and shall be numbered consecutively, and shall have upon one side thereof the words, "Marquette dog tax," with the proper year, and upon the other side the number of the license hereafter provided for.


Marshal to

To be

§ 165-SEC. 28. (As Amended 1893.) It shall be the duty give receipts. of the marshal, upon payment of any such dog tax to him, to deliver to the person or persons paying the same, a receipt therefor, showing the amount of such tax paid, and the number and sex of the dog or dogs upon which it is paid. Upon receiving presented to such receipt it shall be the duty of the person receiving the same to present the same to the recorder, whose duty it shall be to note in the duplicate list of dog taxes in his office, the payment of said taxes and date and amount thereof, and shall deliver to the person receiving such receipt one of said tags, numbered in its order, for each dog upon which tax is paid, and shall countersign and return said receipt to such person. It shall be the

recorder, etc.

Duty of



attached to

duty of the person receiving such tag or tags and the owner of Tags to be
every dog in said city, to cause one of said tags to be securely dogs.
fastened to or about the neck of each dog owned, kept or har-
bored by such person, by a proper collar of leather, brass, steel,
nickel, iron or other proper material, and kept thereon until the
first day of July next thereafter, and no longer; and in case of
the loss of any such tag, it shall be necessary for such owner or In case of loss
keeper to file an affidavit of such loss with the recorder, and
procure from him a duplicate of said tag and pay therefor a fee
of fifty cents to said recorder, who shall enter on said duplicate
list the fact and date of the issue of said duplicate tag, and shall
pay over said fee to the treasurer and report the same to the

of tags.


§ 166-SEC. 29. (As Amended 1893.) Any dog running at Killing of
large, without such collar having one of such tags attached there-
to, shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance
and may be killed and destroyed by the marshal or any police
officer or nightwatchman of said city, and it is hereby made the
duty of the marshal and the police and nightwatchman of said
city to kill and destroy all such dogs: Provided, The provisions Proviso.
of this section shall not apply to dogs owned by or in charge of
non-residents of said city, temporarily sojourning therein, when
accompanied by their owners or custodians.

animals may

§ 167-SEC. 30. (As Amended 1893.) Any person may kill Dogs worryany dog that he may see chasing, killing or wounding any sheep, ing domestic lamb, swine, cattle or other domestic animal out of the enclosure be killed. of the owner or keeper, unless the same is done under the direction of the owner or keeper, or any dog that may suddenly assault such person while peaceably walking or driving anywhere outside the enclosure or premises of the owners of such dog.

liable for

§ 168-SEC. 31. (As Amended 1893.) The owner or keeper Owner of
of any dog or dogs shall be liable in an action of trespass on the injury.
case for any damage or injury to any person or domestic animal
by such dog owned or kept by him, and in such action it shall
not be necessary to a recovery to prove the owner or keeper of any
such dog had knowledge of the vicious character of such dog, or
was accustomed to bite, worry or chase any person or domestic
animal, or any team, horse, sleigh, wagon, or other vehicle
outside the enclosure of the owner or keeper.

vicious dogs,

§ 169--SEC. 32. (New 1893.) No person shall keep, harbor Keeping of
or maintain on or about his or her dwelling, barn or other
premises any dog accustomed to biting or chasing persons or etc.
domestic animals, or known to have bitten, chased or worried
any person or domestic animal not the property of such owner
or keeper, and the owner or keeper shall within forty-eight
hours after receiving notice in writing of the vicious character
of such dog cause such dog to be killed.

§ 170 SEC, 33. (New 1893.) No female dog shall, while in Running at heat, be permitted or allowed to run at large in any place within large, etc., of said city, and during such period of heat such female dog shall female dogs.



Spurious tags.

be securely chained up within some building or enclosure in such
manner that such female dog cannot be seen from any public
ground, space, lane or alley within said city, nor from the doors
or windows or any public school or building, nor from the doors
or windows of any dwelling or building within said city.

§ 171-SEC. 34. (New 1893.) No person shall cause or per-
mit any tag made in imitation of the tag mentioned in this act,
or similar in size, shape and material thereto, or any tag issued
to another person or for the tax on any other dog, to be attached
to or worn by any dog in his possession or under his control.
§ 172-SEC. 35. (New 1893.)
(New 1893.) Any person violating any of
this chapter. the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of misdemeanor
and on conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not
less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and be im-
prisoned in the city or county jail not exceeding ninety days or
both at the discretion of the court.


Violation of



Fines, etc.

Collection of special

on general tax roll.

Controller to levy.

§ 173-SEC. 36. (New 1893.) The fines, forfeitures, penalties, fees and taxes prescribed and levied and collected under this act shall belong to the contingent fund of said city.

§ 174-SEC. 37. (New 1897.) After any special assessassessments ment, heretofore or hereafter made, has become payable the common council may at any time direct that any or all of the assessments unpaid thereon, and the costs, charges, penalties and interest thereon, shall be collected on the general tax roll. The controller shall levy the amount of such assessments and accrued costs, charges, penalties and interest, to be computed by him, upon the respective lots and premises against which such assessments were originally made and against the persons charge able therewith, as a tax in the assessment and tax rolls next thereafter to be made, in a column or columns for special assessCollection on ments; and thereupon the amount so levied in said rolls shall be


Sums collected to be

collected and enforced with the other taxes in said rolls and
shall be returned to the county treasurer and auditor general if
delinquent in the same manner; and subsequent proceedings
shall be had and sales made and deeds given therefor by the
auditor general, the same as on and for sales for other delin-
quent taxes, with the same force and effect; and said taxes shall
continue to be a lien upon the premises assessed until paid.

§ 175-SEC. 38. (New 1897.) All sums collected for such to city paid special assessment on any such tax roll, including redemptions and proceeds of sales, less lawful expenses of collection, shall be accounted for and paid to said city as other local taxes collected on any such rolls.

Collection of special

assessment otherwise than on general tax roll.

§ 176 SEC. 39. (New 1897.) Until the common council shall direct the collection of any special assessment on the general tax roll, and until the same has been levied thereon, collection of the same shall be proceeded with and enforced in such manner as is or may be provided by the charter and ordinances of the city; and when any such special assessments shall be levied on any general tax roll, entry of that fact and of the

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year's roll on which the same is levied, shall be made on the
special assessment roll on which such assessment was made.

§ 177 SEC. 2. (Act of 1897.) All acts and parts of acts Repeal.
contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

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§ 178-SEC. 1. (As Amended 1893.) The officers of said cor- Mayor. poration shall be entitled to receive out of the city treasury

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the following sums in full payment for their services: the mayor
shall not be entitled to receive any compensation; the controller, Appointed
recorder, marshal, city attorney, street commissioner, health
officer, park commissioner, cemetery commissioner, harbor-
master, city engineer and other officers whose compensation is
not herein otherwise provided for shall be entitled to receive
respectively such sums as the common council may allow, and
the marshal shall be entitled to receive the same fees for serving Fees to
process in behalf of the corporation as constables are allowed
for similar services, the treasurer, justices of the peace, and con-
stables shall be allowed the same fees as are by law allowed to
corresponding officers, unless in this act otherwise provided; the
aldermen shall not be allowed to receive more than one dollar Aldermen.
each in any year as compensation for their services, except
when acting upon the board of registration and board of elec-
tion, for which services they shall receive as follows: For ser-
vices upon the board of registration, three dollars per day; and
for services upon the board of election, five dollars for each
election. Supervisors and persons other than aldermen serving Flection
on either of said boards shall receive the same pay as herein
provided for aldermen. Clerks of election shall receive five
dollars for each election. Gatekeepers and other officers of elec-
tion whose compensation is not herein otherwise provided for
shall receive three dollars for each election.


§ 179 SEC. 2. The supervisors of said city, as herein before Supervisors.
provided, shall receive such compensation for their services,
while actually employed in their duty as supervisors, excepting
when employed as members of the board of supervisors, the same
sum as supervisors performing like duties in townships are, or
may be hereafter, allowed by law, which compensation shall be
audited and paid by the common council of said city.

§ 180-SEC. 3. (As Amended 1893.) The mayor shall be Mayor on
ex officio a member of the board of water and fire commissioners water board.
of said city, but without compensation.

§ 181-SEC. 4. Before [for] the collection of all taxes, the collection
city treasurer or other person appointed to collect the same, fees.
shall be entitled to receive such percentage as is, or shall be,
prescribed by law for township treasurers, and may be added
by him to the taxes in like manner as township treasurers are or

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may hereafter be authorized to add the same, and for the collection of all special assessments, the said treasurer or other person appointed to collect the same shall be entitled to receive such percentage as the common council shall by general ordinance prescribe, to be added and collected in the same manner as special assessments.

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§ 182-SEC. 1. The chairman of any committee or special committee of the common council shall have power to administer any oath or take any affidavit in respect to any matter pending before the common council or such committee.

§ 183-SEC. 2. Any person who may be required to take any oath or affirmation under or by virtue of any provision of this act, who shall, under such oath or affirmation, in any statement of [or] affidavit, or otherwise, willfully swear falsely as to any material fact or matter shall be guilty of perjury.

§ 184-SEC. 3. If any suit shall be commenced against any person elected or appointed under this act to any office, for any act done or omitted to be done under such election or appointment, or against any person for having done any thing or act by the command of such officer, and if final judgment be rendered in such suit, whereby any such defendant shall be entitled to costs, he shall recover double costs in the manner defined by law, and no court shall have jurisdiction of any such action while such person remains a resident of said city, except a court within such municipality, or the circuit court for the county of Marquette.

§ 185-SEC. 4. The duties of standing committees shall be prescribed by general ordinance. Such committees shall have power to subpoena witnesses, to compel their attendance, and production of the necessary papers in all examinations pending before them; and to that end the common council may prescribe and regulate the necessary proceedings and confer upon the marshal or other officers of the corporation all needful powers for the purposes aforesaid.

§ 186-SEC. 5. The common council shall hold regular sessions at such times and places as they shall by ordinance or by resolution direct, and may adjourn regular sessions from time to time as may be deemed expedient; and they may hold special sessions and adjourn the same in the same manner as regular sessions, and they may provide for calling special sessions otherwise than as herein provided.

§ 187-SEC. 6. All suits by or against said city shall be in the corporate name thereof, and all process or other papers in any such suits against said city, shall be served by leaving a Providthereof with the mayor or recorder of said city: copy ed, That after said city shall have appeared in such suit by at

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