Imágenes de páginas

ward is

register to be

§ 9—SEC. 6. (As Amended 1893.) When a new ward shall be When a new formed the board of registration thereof at its session next pre- formed a new ceding the next election therein shall make or complete a new made. register of the electors residing therein, and for that purpose shall remain in session three days; and notice of the formation of such ward, and that a new register of the electors will be made at that session shall be given with the notice required by law to be given of such session of the board.

to be made in


§ 10-SEC. 7. (As Amended 1893.) The boards of registration Registration in said city, at their sessions previous to the general election in eighteen November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety- hundred and four, shall make a re-registration of the qualified electors of their respective wards in books of the form provided by law. The same rules shall be observed in such registration as are provided by law for the registration of electors in cities, and a like reregistration of the electors of each ward shall be made at the session of the board next preceding the general election, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and every fourth year thereafter. When such new registry shall be made the names of persons known to the board of registration to be electors may be copied therein from the former registry of electors. No person shall vote at any election in such ward after such re-registration unless his name shall be registered in such new register. Notice that such re-registration is re- Notice of quired to be made shall be given with the notice of the meeting registration. or session of the board at which it is to be made.

register cer

§11-SEC. 8. (As Amended 1893). The name of no person shall Unlawful to be knowingly placed by any person upon the registration list of tain names. any ward whose name is upon the register of electors of any other ward of said city, and not canceled or marked therein to indicate removal; and no person shall knowingly apply for or procure the registration of his own name or the name of any other person upon the register of electors of any ward when said name is upon the register of electors of any other ward and not cancelled or marked thereon to indicate removal.



§ 12-SEC. 1. (As Amended 1893.) The following officers of Election of the corporation shall be elected annually by the qualified electors officers. of the whole city voting in their respective wards, viz: One mayor, one treasurer, one recorder, two constables, and such number of justices of the peace as may be required by section eight of this chapter. There shall also be elected at said election, by the qualified electors of each ward, on a ward ticket, one supervisor and one alderman: Provided, That at the annual election to be held in said city on 'the first Monday in April, aldermen to eighteen hundred and ninety-three, there shall be elected in the be elected.

Number of


Officers appointed by the mayor.

first, second and third wards, one alderman for each of said wards, who shall hold his office for the term of two years, and there shall be elected in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth wards of said city, for each of said wards, one alderman, who shall hold his office for the term of one year, and one alder man, who shall hold his office for the term of two years; and at each annual election thereafter there shall be elected, in each of the wards of said city, one alderman, who shall hold his office. for the term of two years: Provided, That the aldermen now in office shall continue in office for the remainder of the terms for which they were elected, as aldermen for the wards in which they reside, after this act shall go into effect.

§ 13-SEC. 2. (As Amended 1893.) The following officers shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the common council on or before the first Monday in May in each year, viz, One controller, who shall be assessor of the city; one marshal; one one street commissioner; one city attorney; one health officer, who shall be a competent and reputable registered physician, and who shall be the city physician; one park commissioner; one cemetery commissioner; one harbor master; one or more fire wardens for the city; a president of the council, who shall preside at all meetings of the common council in the absence of the mayor; and then at such other times as may be required the mayor shall appoint such other officers, not herein otherwise provided for, as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers herein granted, and as the common council may from time to time direct and approve. The common council may also from time to time provide by ordinance for the appointment by the mayor for such term as may be provided in the ordinance, of a additional city engineer or such other officers, whose election or appointment is not herein [specifically] specially provided for, as the common council shall deem necessary for the execution of the powers granted by this act, and may remove the same at pleasured. The powers and duties of such officers shall be prescribed by ordinance.

Council to provide by ordinance for

appointments by mayor.

Eligibility to office.


Present officers to continue.

Terms of office.

§ 14-SEC. 3. No person shall be eligible to either of said offices unless he shall then be an elector and resident of said city, nor shall he be eligible to any such office of any ward unless he shall then be an elector and resident of such ward; and when any of ficer elected or appointed for the city shall cease to reside in said city, or if elected or appointed for any ward shall cease to reside in such ward, his office shall thereby become vacant.

§ 15-SEC. 4. All the officers of the city of Marquette, residing and holding office therein at the time this Act shall take effect shall hold their respective offices for the term for which they were elected the same as though this Act had not been passed.

§ 16-SEC. 5. (As Amended 1895.) The mayor, treasurer, recorder, supervisors and constables shall hold their offices for the term of one year from the first Monday in April of the year when elected, and until their successors are qualified and enter upon the duties of their offices. The controller, marshal, street

commissioner, city attorney, health officer and harbor master shall hold their offices from the time when appointed until the fifteenth day of April of the next year thereafter, and until their successors are appointed and enter upon the duties of their offices.

the peace.

§ 17-SEC. 6. The justices of the peace shall hold their offices Justices of for the term of four years from the fourth day of July next after their election.

office of

§ 18-SEC. 7. (As Amended 1893.) The aldermen shall hold Terms of their offices for the term of two years from the first Monday in aldermen. April in the year when elected, and until their successors are elected and qualified and enter upon the duties of their offices, except when elected for short terms or to fill vacancies as herein otherwise provided.

Justices of

$19-SEC. 8. (As Amended 1893.) At the annual election to be Election of held in said city on the first Monday in April in the year one the peace, thousand eight hundred and ninety-six there shall be elected one terms of office justice of the peace for the term ending four years from and after the fourth day of July next thereafter, and one justice of the peace for the term ending three years from and after the fourth day of July next thereafter, and said last named justice shall be deemed to have been elected to fill a vacancy, and at each annual election thereafter there shall be elected such number of justices of the peace as shall be necessary to fill the vacancies then existing, or to arise within the ensuing year by the expiration of the term for which the incumbents were elected.



where held,

election to be

§ 20-SEC. 1. (As Amended 1893.) The annual city election Elections, shall be held on the first Monday of April in each year, at such places in each of the several wards as the common council shall designate, notice of which shall be given by the recorder at least Notices of ten days before the election, by posting the same in three places posted and in said wards, or by publishing the same in some newspaper published. printed in said city: Provided, That five days' notice of the election of eighteen hundred and ninety-three shall be sufficient. The supervisor and aldermen, together with a sufficient number Inspectors of of other electors of the said wards, to be selected viva voce by election, who the electors present at the opening of the polls, as may be required by the general election laws of the State to make a full board of election inspectors, shall be inspectors of such elections, and they shall be inspectors of the State, district, county and all other elections, and they shall appoint two suitable persons to act as clerks thereof, and in the case of the absence of one or Vacancies, both of such inspectors, the electors may choose, viva voce from how filled. their number, one or more to fill such vacancies, to whom as well as to the clerks appointed as aforesaid shall be administered

to constitute.

Certification of election.

Common council to meet and do

elected to office.

sons elected.

the constitutional oath by either of said inspectors, or by any justice of the peace or notary public. At such charter elections the said ward inspectors shall make one certificate of the number of votes given for each person for the several offices to be filled in and for the said city, and also one certificate of the officers elected in and for their ward, which certificate shall be immediately filed in the office of the recorder of said city. Upon the Thursday next following the day of said election the termine who common council shall meet at the office of said recorder and thereupon determine who, by the greatest number of votes given in the several wards at such election, are duly elected to fill the respective city offices; and it shall be the duty of said Notice to per-recorder immediately after such determination to cause notice to to be given to cach of the persons elected of their election. Each of said officers so elect and notified, except justices of the peace, shall, within ten days thereafter, take and subscribe the constiOath of office. tutional oath of office before any person authorized to administer oaths, and shall deliver the same to said recorder, who shall file the same in his office: Provided, That in the case of the election of any one or more justices of the peace the said recorder shall make a certificate thereof and cause it to be delivered to the county clerk, in the same manner as is required of township clerks. The controller, treasurer and marshal shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, give such security as the common council shall direct and approve; and in case any of the officers so elected shall neglect for the term of ten days to qualify as aforesaid or to give security, the office shall thereby become vacant.


Powers of


to apply.

§ 21-SEC. 2. The board of election in each ward, at elections board of elec- held therein, shall possess all the powers not inconsistent with this Act that boards of election in townships possesses under General laws and in pursuance of the laws of this State, and in all matters not otherwise provided for in this Act, the laws of this State applicable to the holding of township meetings shall apply to the holding of annual elections held under this Act, and all the laws of this State not inconsistent with this Act, applicable to the holding of general elections in the townships of this State, shall apply to the holding of general elections in the several wards of Ballot boxes. Said city. The common council of said city shall provide suitable boxes for each ward with locks and keys to be used as ballot boxes in such ward.

Who deomod eloctod.

§ 22-SEC. 3. The person receiving the greatest number of votes for any office in said city or ward shall be deemed duly elected to such office, and if any officers shall not have been chosen by reason of two or more candidates having received an equal num

NOTE TO SEC. 20. No person shall act as such inspector who is a candidate for any office to be elected by ballot at said election. [Act 202, 1893.]

NOTE TO SEC. 21. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD. The general law provides that when the supervisor shall be one of the board, he shall be chairman thereof, but if he be absent, such one of their number as the inspectors shall designate, shall be chairman.

not been given.

ber of votes for the same office, the inspectors of election in case of ward officers, and the common council in case of "city" officers, shall determine by lot which of the several persons so receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. If notice of any election shall not be given as herein required If notice has it shall be lawful for the electors to meet at the proper time and at the place of the last election, and hold the election, and may thence adjourn if necessary to some other place, as in township elections, and in case of the non-attendance or neglect of proper officers to act, the electors present may, viva [voce] voice [choose] chose inspectors to act in their places: Provided, That Proviso. if any election of officers under this Act shall not be held on the day provided for by this Act, [the] said corporation shall not. for that cause, be dissolved, but it shall be lawful to hold such [election] elections at any time thereafter, public notice. thereof being given as provided in this act for special elections, and the incumbents of the several offices at the time when such election should have been held, shall continue to hold their respective offices until their successors are so elected and have qualified.



§ 23-SEC. 1. Every office shall become vacant on the happen- ofeos, what ning of either of the following events before the expiration of vacates. the term of such office: The death of the incumbent, his resignation, his removal from office, his ceasing to be an inhabitant of the city or ward for which he shall have been elected or appointed, or within which the duties of his office are required to be discharged, his conviction of any infamous crime, or of any offense involving the violation of his oath of office, the decision of a competent tribunal declaring void his election or appointment, or his refusal or neglect to take his oath of office, or to give or render any official bond, or to deposit such oath or bond in the manner and within the time prescribed by law: Provided, Proviso. That in case any vacancy shall occur in the office of any justice of the peace in said city by the operation of this Act, the recorder shall immediately transmit to the county clerk of said county a notice in writing, officially signed by him, informing the county clerk that the office of such justice of the peace is



§ 24-SEO. 2. When any such vacancies occur in any of the of- Vacancios fices which are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the com- led by apmon council either by death, resignation, removal of the incumbent, or otherwise, such vacancy may be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term for which said officer was appointed, in the manner herein provided for such offices.

§ 25-SEC. 3. (As Amended 1895.) Whenover a vacancy oc- Of aldermen, curs in the office of alderman, the common council of said city shall by special

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