to keep financial accounts of city....
to countersign bonds, orders, licen-
ses, burial permits and deeds.... 80
audit accounts and demands
against city, boards and schools a80
to countersign and register orders
drawn in payment of claims.... a80
may subpoena and examine wit-
nesses relative to accounts...... a80
to examine books, papers and ac-
counts of city and boards...... a80
power to administer oaths generally a80
to keep a record of bonds issued by
city, boards and schools.....
to keep account of funds, taxes, as-
sessments, licenses and expendi-
tures of city, boards and school
to advertise and receive proposals
for contracts.....
to sign contracts and agreements.. c80
to keep record of officers and em-
ployes of city,boards and schools d80
to certify pay rolls and wages of
to audit claims against park and
cemetery commission
may require reports from officers,
boards and persons in charge of
public property...
how to make special assessment roll 152
to make and deliver to marshal dog
tax list..
compensation to be fixed by council 178
to enter in books memoranda of ex-
penditures for light and power.. 244
to spread library tax annually..... 261
CORPORATION, name, powers and
rights of, see city.
not dissolved by failure to hold elec-
in enforcement of state laws to be
paid by county...