ELECTION Laws. OFFENCES AGAINST ELECTION LAWS. Chapter 325 of Howell's statutes. Sec. 755-(1). If any officer on whom any duty is enjoined by law, relative to general, special, township, or charter elections, or the canvassing or return of votes given at any election, shall be guilty of any willful neglect of such duty, or of any corrupt conduct in the execution of the same, he shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding three years. Sec. 756-(2). If any person shall, by bribery, menace, or any other corrupt means or device whatever, either directly or indirectly, attempt to influence any elector in giving his vote, or deter him from, or interrupt him in, giving the same, at any election held pursuant to the provisions of law, such person shall, on conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 757-(3). Every person, not a qualified voter, who shall, at any election, willfully give in a vote for any officer then to be chosen, and every qualified voter who, at such election, shall vote or offer to vote in any township or ward in which he does not reside, or who shall vote or offer to vote more than once at the same election, either in the same or any other township or ward, or shall give in two or more votes folded together, shall on conviction thereof be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 758-(4). Every person who shall procure, aid, or counsel any person duly qualified to vote at the place where the vote is given or offered, to give or offer his vote at any such election, and every person who shall procure, aid, or counsel any person to go or come into any township or ward for the purpose of voting therein, at any election, knowing that such person is not duly qualified to vote in such township or ward, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished in the manner prescribed in the third section of this chapter. Sec. 759-(5). Any person, not duly authorized by law, who shall, during the progress of any election in this state, or after the closing of the polls, and before the ballots are counted and the result ascertained, break open or violate the seals or locks of any ballot-box in which ballots have been deposited at such election, or who shall obtain undue possession of such ballot-box containing such ballots, and conceal, withhold, or destroy the same, or who shall fradulently or forcibly add to or diminish the number of ballots legally deposited, and all persons aiding or abetting therein, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a term not exceeding ten years, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. Sec. 760—(6). It shall be the duty of every inspector of elections, sheriff, constable, and justice of the peace, knowing or having reason to believe that any offense punishable under the provisions of this chapter has been committed, to cause the offendor forthwith to be arrested, and to give information thereof to the prosecuting attorney without delay; and such prosecuting attorney shall adopt effectual measures for the punishment of all persons who shall violate the provisions of this chapter. BETTING ON ELECTIONS. Act 172, laws of 1861. Sec. 761-(1). Any person who shall, either directly or indirectly. bet, wager, or hazard any money, or other property, upon the result of the election of any officer of this state, or of the United States, shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to a fine at least equal in amount to the amount of money or the value of the property so bet, wagered, or hazarded: Provided, that in no case shall such fine be less than five nor more than five hundred dollars. BETTING UPON POLITICAL NOM- Sec. 762.-(1). Any person who shall keep any room or building for the purpose, in part or in whole, of recording or registering bets or wagers, or of selling pools upon the result of any political nomination, appointment, or election, and any person who shall record or register bets or wagers or sell pools on such result, or any person who shall wager any property, money, or thing exceeding one hundred dollars in value on such result, or shall keep or employ any device or apparatus for the purpose of registering or recording bets or wagers, or the selling of such pools, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on [upon] conviction thereof be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than one year, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. or by both such fine and imprís onment. Sec. 763-(2). Any person who shall wager any property, money or thing not exceeding one hundred dollars in value, or shall become the custodian or depository of any money, property, or thing of value, staked, wagered, or pledged, upon the result of any political nomination, appointment, or election, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than three months, or by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 1 MAINTENANCE OF POLITICAL PURITY. Act No. 190, laws of 1877. Sec. 764-(1). The following persons shall be guilty of bribery, and shall be punished accordingly: First. Every person who shall, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, give, lend, or agree to give or lend, or shall offer or promise any money or valuable consideration, or promise or endeavor to procure any money or valuable consideration to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any person in order to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any such act as aforesaid, on account of such voter having voted or refrained from voting for any person, candidate or ticket at any public election in this state; Second. Every person who shall, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf give or procure, or agree to give or procure, or offer or promise any office, place, or employment, or promise to procure or to endeavor to procure any office, place, or employment to or for any voter, or to or for any other person in order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any such act as aforesaid, on account of any voter having voted or refrained from voting for any person, candidate or ticket, at any such election; Third. Every person who shall, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, make any gift, loan, offer, offer, promise, procurement, or agreement, as aforesaid, to or for any person, in order to induce such person to procure or endeavor to procure the election of any person to any public office in this state, or the vote of any voter at any such election; Fourth. Every person who shall upon, or in consequence of any such gift, loan, offer, promise, procurement, or agreement, procure or engage, promise or endeavor to procure the election of any person or persons to any public office or offices in this state, or the vote of any voter at any such election; Fifth. Every person who shall advance, or pay, or cause to be paid any money to, or to the use of, any other person, with the intent that such money or any part thereof shall be expended in bribery at any such election, or who shall knowingly pay or cause to be paid any money to any person in discharge or repayment of any money, wholly or in part expended in bribery at any such election. Sec. 765-(2). Any person offending,according to the provisions of the preceding section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of two hundred dollars; but the bona fide payment by any candidate for office or other person for the fair and reasonable cost of printing tickets and slips or pasters, and of advertising in the newspapers or by posters any political meeting, and the reasonable and bona fide expenses of holding such meetings and procuring speakers, and getting out the people to the same, of obtaining and distributing papers and tickets and of bringing voters out to the polls; shall be held to be expenses lawfully incurred, and the payment thereof shall not be a contravention of this act. Sec. 766--(3). The following persons shall also be deemed guilty of bribery and on conviction thereof shall be punished as prescribed in the preceding section. First. Every voter who shall, before or during any election, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, ask, solicit, receive, agree or con tract for any money, gift, loan or valuable consideration, office, place, or employment for himself or any other person, for voting or agreeing to vote, or for refraining or agreeing to refrain from voting for any person, candidate, or ticket at any public election in this state; Second. Every person who shall after any election directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, receive any money or valuable consideration on account of any person having voted or refrained from voting, or having induced any other person to vote or to refrain from voting for any person, candidate, or ticket at any such election. Sec. 767-(4). No candidate for any public office shall corruptly, by himself, or by or with any person, or by any other way or means on his behalf, at any time either before or during an election, directly or indirectly give or provide or cause to be given or provided, or shall be accessory to the giving or providing, or shall pay wholly or in part any expenses incurred for any meat, drink, refreshment, or provision to or for any person, in order to be elected or for being elected, or for the purpose of corruptly influencing such person or any other person to give or refrain from giving his vote at such election; and every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of corrupt practice, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than twenty-five or more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 768-(5). The giving or causing to be given to any voter on any election day, on account of such voter being about to vote, or having voted, any meat, drink, or refreshment, or any money or ticket to enable such voter to procure refreshment, shall be deemed a corrupt practice, and persons convicted thereof shall be punished as provided in the preceding section. Sec. 769-(6). Any person who shall directly or indirectly discharge or threaten to discharge any person who may be in his employ for the purpose of influencing his vote at any election in this state, and any priest, pastor, curate or other officer of any religious association or society, who shall impose or threaten to impose any penalty of excommunication, dismissal or expulsion, or who shall command or advise under pain of religious disapproval, for the purpose of influencing any voter at an election in this state, shall be deemed guilty of corrupt practice, and on conviction thereof shall be punished as provided for in section four of this act. Sec. 770-(7). (7). If any candidate for any public office at any election in this state shall commit bribery, or any corrupt practice, as defined in this act, the election of such candidate, if he has been elected, shall be void, and if he shall enter into the office for which he was elected, an information in the nature of a quo warranto to oust him from such office, may be filed in the supreme court or the proper circuit court, under chapter two hundred and twenty-five of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and seventyone: Provided, such bribery or corrupt practice shall be proved by at least two witnesses. Sec. 771-(8). Any person who shall directly or indirectly by himself or by any other person on his behalf, offer or promise any office, place, or employment under the government of the United States, or promise to procure or to endeavor to procure any such office, place or employment, to or for any member of the legislature, or to or for any other person, in order to induce such member of the legislature to vote or refrain from voting for any person for the office of United States senator from this state, or shall corruptly do any such act as aforesaid, on account of any member of the legislature having voted or refrained from voting as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a period not exceeding five years, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. Sec. 772-(9). It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, barter, or give away any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, on the day of any election held within this state, under the constitution or laws thereof; and it shall be the duty of all mayors of cities, presidents of villages, and supervisors of townships, within five days previous to the days of election as aforesaid, to issue a proclamation, warning the inhabitants of the provisions of this act, and that all violations of the same will subject the offender to prompt and speedy punishment, and requiring sheriffs, marshals, constables, and police officers to close, and it shall be the duty of such officers to close all houses or places found violating the provisions of this act, and to report forthwith all violations of this act. to the prosecuting attorney and mayor, president or supervisors aforesaid, and whose duty it shall be to immediately prosecute such violations of this act. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than PROHIB Sec. 774. SOLICITATION ITED. By Sec. 33 of the election law it is unlawful for the board of election inspectors, or any of them, or any person in the polling room or any compartment therewith connected, to persuade or to endeavor to persuade any person to vote for or against any particular candidate or party ticket. Sec. 775. EXPENDITURES BY CANDIDATES. Sec. 43 of the election law makes it unlawful for any candidate for any elective office, with intent to promote his election, or for any other person, with the intent to promote the election of any such candidate, either: First. To provide or furnish entertainment at his expense to any meeting of electors, previous to, or during the election at which he [shall] may be a candidate; or, Second. To pay for, procure, or engage to pay for any such entertainment; or, Third. To contribute money for any other purpose intended to promote an election of any particular person or ticket, except for the defraying the expenses of office room or hall rent, postage, stationary and clerk hire, music at public meetings, the pay and expense of public speakers, transportation of committeemen, the pay of challengers at polls, and of persons to inspect the registration of voters and of persons employed to make lists of the voters in election precincts, and of printing, and the circulation of handbills and other papers previous to any such election, or for conveying electors to the polls. INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS. Sec. 776. Act No. 226, laws of 1879, as amended by Act No. 41, laws of 1881, (Howell's statutes, 2096-2102) makes provision for the inspection of public buildings in cities and villages, and makes it unlawful to use such buildings until they have been properly inspected and approved for use in accordance with the law. Sec. 777. Act No. 182, laws of 1877, (Howell's statutes, 2091-2094) makes it the duty of township boards, village trustees, and the city councils to appoint a committee of three (one of them the chief of the fire department, or the fire warden), to examine all hotels or public houses, more than two stories high, and having thirty or more rooms for guests, as to provisions for protection of guests from danger by fire, and to report to the appointing body, which body is required to cause needed changes to be made in accordance with the provisions of the act. The act also makes it their duty (with the village president or city mayor) to examine all such hotels or houses, or cause them to be examined at least once in each year. Act No. 170, laws of 1883, imposes duties on township and village boards and common councils in enforcing the provisions of said act with regard to fire escapes in hotels, boarding and lodging houses, and other places of assembly. BONDS TO INSURE PAYMENT OF WAGES, AND FOR MATERIALS USED IN PUBLIC WORKS. Act No. 94, public acts 1883. Sec. 778-(1). When public buildings, or other public works, are about to be built, repaired, or ornamented under contract, at the expense of this state, or of any county, city, village, township, or school district thereof, upon which build ings or works liens might attach for labor or materials, if belonging to private persons, it shall be the duty of the board, officers, or agents contracting on behalf of the state, county, city, village, township, or school district, to require sufficient security, by bond, for the payment by the contractor, and all sub-contractors, for all labor performed or materials furnished in the erection, repairing, or ornamenting of such building. Sec. 779-(2). Such bond shall be executed by such contractor to the people of the state of Michigan, in such amount, and with such sureties as shall be approved by the board, officer, or agent acting on behalf of the state, county, city, village, township, or school district as aforesaid, and conditioned for the payment by such contractor, or any sub-contractor, as the same may become due and payable, of all indebtedness which may accrue to any person, firm, or corporation, on account of any labor performed, or materials furnished in the erection, re pairing, or ornamenting of such building or works. Such bond shall be deposited. with, and held by, such board, officer or agent, for the use of any party interested. therein. Sec. 780—(3). Such bond may be prosecuted, and recovery had, by any person, firm, or corporation, to whom any money shall be due and payable, on account of having performed any labor, or furnished any materials in the erection, repairing, or ornamenting of such building, or" works, in the name of the people of this. state, for the use and benefit of such person, firm, or corporation: Provided, that the people of this state shall, in no case brought under the provisions of this act, be liable for costs. THE PUBLIC HEALTH. THE PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH; QUARANTINE, NUISANCES, AND OFFENSIVE TRADES. Provisions of chapter 39, Howell's statutes, Secs. 1634-1685. Sec. 781-(1634). Every township board of health shall appoint and constantly have a health officer of the township, who shall, where practicable, be a physician and sanitary adviser, and an executive officer of the board: Provided, that in townships where it is not practicable to secure the services of a well educated and suitable physician, the board may appoint the supervisor or some other person as such health officer. The board of health shall establish his salary or other compensation, and shall regulate and audit all fees and charges of persons employed by them in the execution of the health laws and of their own regulations. Within thirty days after the annual township meeting in each year, the board of health shall meet for the transaction of business and shall appoint or re-appoint a health officer, and shall immediately cause to be transmitted to the secretary of the state board of health, at Lansing, the full name and postoffice address of such health officer, and a statement whether he is a physician, the supervisor, or some other person not a physician. A special meeting of the board may be called by the order of the president or of any two members of said board. Sec. 782-(1635). The board of health shall make such regulations respecting nuisances, sources of filth, and causes of sickness, within their respective townships, and on board of any vessels in their ports or harbors, as they shall judge necessary for the public health and safety; and if any person shall violate any such regulations, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 783-(1636). The said board shall also make such regulations as they may deem necessary for the public health and safety, respecting any articles which are capable of containing or conveying any infection or contagion, or of creating any sickness, when such articles shall be brought into, or conveyed from, their township, or into or from any vessel; and if any person shall violate any such regulation, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 784-(1637). The said board shall also make all regulations which they may deem necessary for the interment of the dead, and respecting burying-grounds, for their township; and it shall also be the duty of said board to purchase in each surveyed township so much land for burying-grounds as shall be necessary for burying the dead of such township, provided suitable grounds therefor can be found and procured within the township, and if not, they shall then provide such grounds in the nearest adjoining township where such suitable grounds can be procured. Sec. 785-(1638). The board of health of the township for which such buryinggrounds shall be procured, and the suc |