§ 543-SEC. 16. Each poundmaster shall place a sign in a Address sign. conspicuous place at the entrance to the pound with his name and the number and street of his residence thereon. [See § 554.] prohibited. § 544--SEC. 17. No person shall hinder, delay or interfere Interference with any one who is driving or carrying any animal or fowl to the public pound. § 545-SEC. 18. No person shall break, or attempt to break, Pound or assist in breaking into any pound. breaking. § 546-SEC. 19. No person shall take up, drive or carry to Wrongful the public pound any animal or fowl not legally liable to be im- taking up. pounded therein. of pound § 547--SEC. 20. Poundmasters shall possess and exercise the Police powers powers and duties of policemen for the preservation of the pub- masters. lic peace. tion and $548-SEC. 21. The poundmasters shall not receive any Compensaother compensation than that herein provided. They may be removal. removed at any time by the common council. animals to be § 549--SEC. 22. If any animal or fowl that may have been Escaped and lawfully impounded shall escape or be rescued, any poundmas- rescued ter, policeman or constable may, within seven days thereafter, re-taken. retake such animal or fowl, and the same may be held and sold as if no escape or rescue had taken place. on sale § 550-SEC. 23. Whenever any animal or fowl sold under Deficiency the provisions of this ordinance shall not bring enough to pay the recoverable. lawful charges against such animal or fowl, the deficiency may be recovered from the owner of such animal or fowl by suit in the name of the city, prosecuted by the poundmaster, and when recovered shall be disposed of as hereinbefore provided as to the proceeds of sales of impounded animals and fowls. against ers. § 551-SEC. 24. All complaints against poundmasters shall Complaints be in writing and be investigated by the committee on pounds, poundmastand the result of the investigation shall by that committee be reported to the common council, which shall take such action as the facts warrant. how pun § 552-SEC. 25. Any violation of the provisions of this or- Violations, dinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ishable. and costs, or imprisonment in the county jail or in the jail of the city of Marquette for a term not exceeding two months, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court before whom such conviction is had. $.553-SEC. 26. An ordinance adopted June 1, 1871, Repeal. (eighteen hundred and seventy-one) entitled "An ordinance relative to a pound, poundmaster and restraining animals" and all amendments thereto and all ordinances and parts of ordinances repugnant to or contravening any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed: Provided, That all poundmasters heretofore appointed by the mayor and common council shall hold office for the time for which they were appointed unless sooner removed. § 554-SEc. 27. Poundmasters shall have their office in the Office to be same room occupied by the city recorder and shall therein keep recorder. with all books, records and papers pertaining to their office and these When record- shall at all times be open to public inspection. In the absence of er to act. Notice of locality of office. the poundmaster from his office, it shall be the duty of the recorder, and the recorder is hereby given full authority to deliver to the owner any and all animals and domestic fowls impounded in any pound in the city, on payment of the established fees. The poundmaster shall conspicuously post at the entrance to each pound a notice designating the locality of his office. NOTE. See Act No. 248, Laws of 1879, to prevent animals from running at large, in cities and villages of over 7,000 inhabitants; printed in this volume. Registration. NUMBER 37. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THE MANNER OF VOT- ELECTIONS THEREON. ADOPTED JULY 6, 1897. The City of Marquette ordains: § 555--SEC. 1. Whenever any question of authorizing the raising of money by loan upon bonds to be issued upon the credit of the city has been ordered to be submitted to the qualified electors of the city at any annual or special election, it shall be the duty of the boards of registration of the several wards on the weekday next preceding any such election to meet When boards from 8 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m. at such places therein as may have been designated by the common council, for the purpose of completing the list of electors qualified to vote at such election; and the registers of electors of said wards shall be delivered to said boards for that purpose and such registration shall be conducted in the same manner as the registers of electors prior to elections for city officers, and said registers shall be returned forthwith to the recorder. to meet. Notice of election. Election, how conducted. § 556-SEC. 2. The recorder shall give notice of such election as required by the charter of the city; which notice shall contain a copy of the form of the question to be submitted as the same shall have been adopted for use upon the ballots to be provided for such election; which notice shall also state the places designated for holding such registration and election, and contain an announcement of such meeting of the boards of egistrationec. 8. On the day appointed for such election the 3. polls in the several wards shall be open and remain open such hours as may be required by law for city elections, and such election, except as herein otherwise directed, shall be conducted in all respects as near as may be in such manner as is or may be provided by law for elections for city officers. ballot. § 558-SEC. 4. Such elections shall be by printed ballot; the Vote by question to be voted on to be thereon stated in such form as may be prescribed, and to the right of such question on said ballot shall be printed the word "Yes" and the word "No", with squares for making, in the following manner: Form of question to be voted on Yes. No. Form of question. missioners § 559--SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the board of election Election comcommissioners of the city to prepare and furnish the ballots for duty. such election and appliances for marking the same in the same manner as for other elections, with the following heading and instructions placed at the head of such ballot, followed by the question to be voted on; to-wit: OFFICIAL BALLOT. PREPARED BY AUTHORITY. INSTRUCTIONS. Form of If you wish to vote in favor of authorizing the raising of the loan Instructions. mentioned in the question below, and the issue of bonds therefor on the credit of the city, mark an "X" in the square following the word "Yes" opposite such question on the ballot: If you wish to vote against authorizing such loan and the issue of bonds, mark an "X" in the square following the word "No" opposite such question on the ballot: Before leaving the booth fold the ballot so that the initials of the inspector may be seen on the outside. And said board shall also furnish to the inspectors of election Instruction of each ward not less than twenty-five instruction ballots; two ballots. of which shall be hung in each polling room and three on the outside of each building in which the voting takes place. etc. § 560-SEC. 6. The recorder shall furnish to the boards of reg- Recorder to istration and the election inspectors, at the expense of the city, all furnish boxes necessary ballot boxes, poll lists, tally sheets stationery and blank forms for oaths of election officers and certificates of the votes cast. § 561-SEC. 7. The votes cast at such election shall be can- Canvass and vassed and returns made as provided by law. return. Preamble. Acceptance. Destruction of monument ited. NUMBER 38. AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE MARQUETTE MON- ADOPTED JULY 15, 1897. Whereas, Peter White, John M. Longyear, Nathan M. Kaufman, Edward N. Breitung, Ellen S. White, Mary B. Longyear, Charlotte Breitung, John Vertin, G. Mott Williams, the Society St. Jean Baptiste and numerous other citizens co-operating with them, have erected and donated to the city a beautiful and appropriate monument to the memory of him whose unselfish devotion to humanity, ardent zeal and heroic deeds contributed to light the lamp of civilization upon these shores where now the people, in their organic capacity, proudly bear his name: The City of Marquette Ordains: § 562-SEC. 1. The people comprising this municipality hereby acknowledge their high appreciation of the public spirit of the donors; they officially and gratefully accept this magnificent gift to the public; they assume the guardianship of this beautiful and enduring conception by Gaetano Trentanove, of him whose patronymic these people bear, JACQUES MARQUETTE. In order therefore, that said monument may be preserved to commemorate to posterity the life and deeds of one who gave so much to make it possible for us and our successors to here enjoy the blessings of modern civilization, it is further ordained: § 563-SEC. 2. No person shall destroy, injure or deface in etc., prohib any manner the said monument, the statue of Marquette, its base, tablets or inscriptions, or any fence, turf, tree, shrub, plant, flower or other thing placed or kept for use or ornament in connection with said monument or the premises reserved or used therefor; nor shall any person attempt to destroy or injure or deface the same or any part thereof. Violation, how punished, Preamble. § 564-SEC. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the city lock-up or county jail for a period not exceeding ninety days; or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court before which any conviction shall be had. A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO DELINQUENT PER- ADOPTED MARCH 7, 1898. Whereas, There are standing charged on the books of the city against the city treasurer many delinquent personal taxes, most |