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open from

§ 423-SEC. 1. All saloons and other places in said city Saloons may where spirituous, malt brewed, fermented or vinous liquors are six a. m. to sold and kept for sale are hereby authorized and empowered to eleven p. m. open such saloons or other places where such liquors are or any of them are sold, at six o'clock in the morning of each day, and remain open until eleven o'clock at night of each day, Sundays and legal holidays excepted.





It is hereby ordained by the common council of the city of

to require


§ 424-SEC. 1. The fire warden shall notice and correct any Fire wardens infraction of the laws and ordinances respecting the protection of complianc the city from fires in the city generally; and in case more than with fire laws one fire warden shall be appointed by the common council, it shall be the duty of each of the said fire wardens to act as such within and for the district designated for that purpose by the wardens. common council.


§ 425-SEC. 2. (As Amended 1872.) It shall be the duty of To enter the said fire warden, (or fire wardens in their respective districts) buildings. at least twice in each year, between the first day of November and the first day of May, between sunrise and sunset and at such other times as he may deem it necessary or be required by the common council to enter all buildings and enclosures in the city; to examine and discover whether the same are in a dangerous state, and if they are, to give notice to the owner or occupant, owners. requiring him immediately to place the same in a secure condition, and if the same be not forthwith done, to report the fact to the common council. He shall also have the power and it is To enforce hereby made his duty to see that all chimneys, hearths, fire struction of places, stoves and pipes thereto, ovens, boilers, fire-arches or etc.

To inspect.
Notice to

proper conchimneys,

Ashes and combustible materials.

Directions to be given, when.

Scuttles required on buildings in

fire limits.

Stove pipes and flues,

any structure or apparatus that may be dangerous in causing or promoting fires, are constructed or placed in such a manner as to secure the greatest protection against fire; also to examine the places where ashes are deposited or other combustible materials may be lodged; and the said fire warden (or fire wardens) shall give such directions in regard to the several foregoing matters, as he may deem expedient, either as to the removal, alteration or better care and management thereof; which directions shall be obeyed and complied with by the person or persons so directed, and at their expense.

§ 426-SEC. 426 SEC. 3. (As Amended 1896.) No building shall hereafter be erected within the fire limits, of more than one story in height which shall not be furnished with a scuttle or door to go out on the roof, and a convenient stairway leading to the same, and each month during which such building shall remain without such scuttle or door and stairs shall be deemed a separate violation of this section.

§ 427-SEC. 4. No pipe of any stove, fire-place or heating how erected. apparatus, shall be put up or used in any building, unless the same be conducted into a chimney of brick or stone; and in all cases where a stove pipe passes through the wood work of a building, it shall be separated from such wood work at least six inches, by metal or other incombustible material.

Care of combustible materials.

§ 428 SEC. 5. No person shall place or keep in any exposed place any hay, straw, wood shavings, or other like easily kindled combustibles, without having the same securely enclosed, so as to protect them from flying sparks of fire; and no person shall Setting fires. set on fire or burn, or cause to be set on fire or burned, any hay, straw, chips, shavings or other like combustible substances, in any street or within fifty feet of any building.

Keeping of ashes.

Open lights prohibited, when.



§ 429-SEC. 6. No ashes shall be kept or deposited in any wooden box or barrel, or in any place or receptacle deemed unsafe or dangerous by the fire warden.

§ 430-SEC. 7. No lighted candle or lamp shall be used in any stable, building or other place where hay, straw, shavings, or other like combustible materials shall be stored or lodged, unless the same is well secured in a lantern.

§ 431--SEC. 8. Any violation of or failure to comply with the provisions or requirements of this ordinance, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor exceeding one hundred dollars.





It is hereby ordained by the common council of the city of Marquette:


§ 432-SEC. 1. (As Amended 1889.) All that part of the Fire limits. city of Marquette embraced within the following limits shall constitute and be known as the fire limits of the said city, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center of Fourth and Bluff streets, thence on Bluff to the center of Third street, thence along the center of Third to the center of Ridge, thence easterly on the center of Ridge street to the west line of lot No. One in Hewitt's Addition produced to the center of Ridge street, thence southerly at right angles with Ridge street to the shore of Lake Superior; thence southerly along the shore of Lake Superior to the center of Fisher street produced to the shore of Lake Superior; thence westerly along the center of Fisher street. so produced to the shore of Lake Superior and on the center of Fisher street to the center of Fourth street; thence northerly on the center of Fourth street to the place of beginning.

fire limits.

§ 433-SEC. 2. (As Amended 1896.) No person shall erect Erection of or place and building or part of any building within said fire buildings in limits (except as hereinafter excepted, or unless duly authorized thereto by the fire wardens or common council acting in pursuance of the ordinances of the city) unless the same shall be constructed in conformity with the following provisions:

First. The outside and party walls of all buildings erected in Walls in certhat portion of said fire limits lying between the centers of tain district. Ridge and Rock streets and Lake and Third streets shall be made of stone, brick or other fire-proof material.

other places.

Second. In all other parts of the fire limits the outer walls Walls in of all buildings not made of stone, brick or other fire proof material shall be protected by an outside wall of brick or other fire-proof material at least four inches in thickness: Provided, That this sub-section shall not apply to buildings used exclusively for dwellings.

party walls,

Third. The roofs of all buildings erected within the limits Roofs. in this section above mentioned shall be made of metal, slate, gravel or other fire-proof material; the gutters shall be of metal, the cornices shall be of brick, stone or iron securely fastened; Cornices, the division walls shall be of stone or brick, not less than eight inches thick, and shall extend at least two feet above the sheeting of the roof, and in no case shall the sheeting of the roof ex· tend across any division or end wall, and all openings in division walls shall be protected by tight iron doors on each side thereof.


Thickness of outside walls.

§ 434-SEC. 3. (Adopted 1898.) Such outside or inclosing walls shall be of not less than the thickness in inches for the respective stories prescribed in the following table:

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Thickness of

All such party or division walls shall be of not less than the party walls. thickness in inches for the respective stories prescribed in the following table:


Repairs of partially destroyed buildings.

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§ 435-SEC. 4. No wooden building in said fire limits which may be hereafter partially destroyed by fire or otherwise, shall be repaired, unless the damages thereto are less than fifty per cent of its value, and if less than fifty per cent, no such building shall be repaired in such a manner as to be in any portion thereof higher or to occupy any greater space than before the injury Damage, how thereto. The extent of damage that may be done to any building may be determined by three disinterested persons resident of the city, one of whom shall be selected by the owner of the building, the second by the common council, and the two so


chosen shall elect a third, and the decision of the persons so appointed or a majority thereof, shall be final and conclusive.

wood build

§ 436-SEC. 5. No wooden building or part of building Removal of within the fire limits shall be removed to any other lot within ings. the same, nor shall any such building be removed into the fire limits; nor shall any such building within the fire limits be Raising and raised above its present height, nor enlarged or altered in such enlarging. a manner as to occupy more space than at the time of the adoption of this ordinance.


§ 437-SEC. 6. Sheds not exceeding twelve feet in height at sheds, etc., the peak or highest part thereof, and privies not exceeding ten feet square, and twelve feet in height at the peak, may be constructed of wood, and shall not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance: Provided, That the term "shed" be so con- "Shed" strued as to mean a structure with a roof sloping only one way, defined. with one or more sides of such structure entirely open; but all depositories for ashes, within or without the fire limits, shall be built of brick or other fire proof material, without wood in any part thereof.

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§ 438-SEC. 7. (As Amended 1896.) The fire wardens may Wardens may authorize in writing the erection, enlarging, raising, repairing tion, repairs, or removal from one lot to another, of wooden buildings within etc. said fire limits under such restrictions and upon such conditions as they shall in any case see fit to prescribe, but in no case where the risk of fire to any adjacent building would in their judgment be materially increased thereby. The fire wardens shall keep a Record of record of all such permits issued by them, and file a copy thereof with the recorder: Provided, That in case any person shall Appeal to be aggrieved by the action of the fire wardens in refusing any permit or in prescribing such restrictions and conditions, the party aggrieved may appeal therefrom to the common council by filing a notice of such appeal with the recorder and causing notice thereof to be published in a public newspaper of said city within ten days from any such action appealed from and the common council may thereupon by resolution affirm, modify or revoke such action of the fire wardens; Provided, The appellant shall have caused notice of such appeal to be published in some public newspaper of said city at least one week before the meeting at which the common council shall act upon such appeal.

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§ 439-SEC. 8. Any owner, builder or other person who Violations, shall own, build or aid in the erection, repairing, enlarging, ished. raising or removal of any building or part of building within the said fire limits, contrary to or in any other manner than authorized by the provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court or magistrate for the first offense, and to a like fine for every forty-eight hours such person shall fail to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, or continue in violation thereof.

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