The Statutes at Large: From Magna Charta to ... 1869 ...Joseph Bentham, 1765 |
Términos y frases comunes
acts of parliament affigns alfo annuity or yearly arifing arrack authority aforefaid bank of England Britain cafe caufe centum per annum charges commiffioners cuftoms debts diſcharge eftates exchequer exchequer-bills excife exported faid act faid annuities faid company faid corporation faid duties faid fum faid governor faid late falt fame fecurity feffion fervice feven hundred feveral fhall fhare fhillings fhould filk filver five pounds fome forfeit forfeitures fubject fuch fuch perfon fufficient fums of money fupply further enacted governor and company hereby enacted high treaſurer hundred and twenty iffued intereft intituled juftices kingdom of Ireland Majefty Majefty's monies offence officers paid payable payment penalties pence pennies Scots perfon or perfons pounds per centum prefent proprietors publick purchaſe purpoſes purſuant raiſed refpective ſaid Scotland ſeveral ſhall South-Sea company ſtock ſuch thall therein mentioned thereof thousand pounds thouſand ſeven hundred uſe whatſoever whereas yearly fund
Pasajes populares
Página 388 - Defendants in such Action or Suit may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of this Act...
Página 317 - Correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding three calendar months...
Página 167 - ... the governor and company of the Bank of England, or by the governor and company of merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery...
Página 402 - ... one moiety to the informer, and the other moiety to the poor of the parish...
Página 101 - Ireland, to be sold for the use of the public ; for giving relief to lawful creditors, by determining the claims, and for the more effectual bringing into the respective exchequers the rents and profits of the estates till sold.
Página 315 - ... there to remain without bail or mainprize for any time not exceeding two calendar months, nor less than fourteen days, unless such penalties and forfeitures and all reasonable charges attending the recovery thereof shall be sooner fully paid and satisfied.
Página 208 - An Act for Raising a Sum Not Exceeding Two Millions Upon a Fund for Payment of Annuities after the Rate of Eight Per Cent. Per Annum and for Settling the Trade to the East Indies.
Página 111 - King's mod excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and the commons, in...
Página 249 - Sea ; and they were accordingly incorporated under the title of " the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the Fifliery,
Página 177 - Times purchase any Lands or Revenues belonging to the Crown, or advance or lend to their Majesties, their Heirs or Successors, any Sum or Sums of Money, by way of Loan or Anticipation, on any Part or Parts, Branch or Branches, Fund or Funds of the Revenues now granted or belonging, or hereafter to be granted or belonging to...