FOR CONDUCTING A SCHOOL, Through the Agency of the Scholars themselves: COMPRISING THE ANALYSIS OF AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION, MADE AT THE MALE ASYLUM, MADRAS, 1789-1796. EXTRACTED FROM Elements of Tuition, Part 2, the English School, Or the History, Analysis, and Application of the New System of Education, now in te Press. Dedicated, by Permission, "To His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury." FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. By the Rev. ANDREW BELL. D. D: L. L. D: F. As. S: F. R. S. Ed: Master of Sherborn Hospital, Durham. FOURTH EDITION, GREATLY ENLARGED. WITH AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION AND APPENDIX. "Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fitties, and rulers of tens "-Exop. xviii. 25 "Sicut firmiores in literis profectus alit æmulatio: ita incipi. entibus atque adhuc teneris, condiscipulorum quam præceptoris, jucundior, hoc ipso quod ¡aciñior, imitatio est.”—QUIN. London: Printed at the Free-School, Gower's Walk, Whitechanel. FOR JOHN MURRAY, 50, ALBEMARLE STREET; RIVINGTONS, ST PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD; HATCHARD, PICCADILLY; LŪNGMAN, HURST, AND CO PATERNOSTIR ROW; T. UNDERWOOD, 32, FLEET STREET; W BLACKWOOD, EDINBURG A; AND J. CUMMING, DUBLIN. 1813. The quotations, from the Report of the Military Male Orphan Asylum, at Madras, are, in this Edition, referred, not only as in the former, to the respective pages of the original publication of that Report in London, 1797-but also to the literal re-print thereof, just published, and entitled, "ELEMENTS OF TUITION PART I. "Or the Report of the Military Male Orphan Asylam of Egmore, at Madras, "With its original proofs and vouchers, as transmitted from India, and published in London, 1797, under the title of 'An Experiment in Education,' &c. "A new Edition: to which are subjoined additional Documents and Records, illustrative of the progress of the New System of Education in the School in which it originated and of its fruits in the character, conduct, and fortunes of its pupils. 18.3." The second part (stated p. 7. as if already published) is now in the Press, under the title of "ELEMENTS OF TUITION, PART H. THE ENGLIH SCHOOL: "Or the History, Analysis, and Application of the New System of Education," &c. &c. &c. This will be followed by "ELEMENTS OF TUITION, PART III. LUDUS LITERARIUS : "Or the Application of the Madras System of Education to Grammar and other Schools, for the higher orders of Children." Introduction; explanatory of the end, principle, and authenticated origin of the discovery made at Ma- dras-with notices of the subsidiary practices of the new system of education-as established in the Mi- litary Male Orphan Asylum of Egmore, East PART I. The Madras System of Education. CHAP. I. Scheme of a School. Classification, pupils, II. Instructions for modelling a School. General Laws. Classing-selection of teachers. Mode of getting and saying lessons. Short, easy, frequent, and perfect lessons. Instruments of inspection and discipline- Marked book. Registers, black-book-Weekly exa- imination-Punishments superseded-Summing up 13 PART II. Practices of the Madras Asylum. CHAP. I. Of the Alphabet, and writing on Sand 22 II. Of Monosyllables, previous Spelling, &c.-Perfect III. Of Words of more than one Syllable-Syllabic and other Reading-Described and exemplified. Sim- plifying and reducing to first elements. Reading word V. Morality and Religion-Taught in classes. Re- |