REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION FOR THE YEAR 1888-89. VOLUME I. CONTAINING PART I.-Chapters I to X-A General and Comparative Exhibit of PART II.-Chapters XI to XXI-Normal Schools, Manual Training, WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1891. 1. .43 THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Created as a Department March 2, 1867. COMMISSIONERS. HENRY BARNARD, LL. D., JOHN EATON, PH. D., LL. D., NATHANIEL H. R. DAWSON, L. H. D., WILLIAM T. HARRIS, LL. D., PART I.-GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE EXHIBIT OF EDUCATION IN 263007 An American opinion on the vital differences between German and American schools. French students in German high schools. An Englishman's view of the German schools.. Graphic presentation of education in Europe and America.......................... |