Chaplain to His Royal Highness the Duke of York, LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. AND C. RIVINGTON, N° 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. TO THE RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT, CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER, &c. &c. &c. TREASURER TO THE HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN'S-INN. SIR, THESE Difcourses being a Tribute of Gratitude to the Hon. SOCIETY of LINCOLN'S-INN, which has been pleased to hear them favourably, your situation for the present year, as Treasurer to that learned body, suggested the propriety of this Address. If it be faid that your political fituation had, perhaps, more attraction, I will not deny, Sir, that, had I not been long accustomed to admire and to esteem you in that capacity, 1 should not, probably, have been ambitious to |