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done a little fighting among ourselves; Eh! captain? During the past ten years we have had riots that would be wars in the Philippines, and twice in five years portions of our country have been under martial law. Do you think we are capable of self-government ?"

Colonel Handy-"We have had two presidents assassinated within thirty-four years, another evidence of incapacity for self-government."

Private Smith-"We will not harry the captain any more. He means well enough, but, instead of considering the facts, he has accepted, without question, statements made by Spaniards or irresponsible persons who were either ignorant or careless as to the truth.

"General F. V. Greene, regarding whom General Merritt expressed the highest opinion as to judgment, veracity, and opportunity to ascertain the truth as to the Philippines, says the Christians in the Philippines number about 6,000,000, while the remainder of the population consists of Chinese, 75,000; Mohammedans, 309,000; heathen, 830,000. The heathen number about 50,000 on the island

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"The clothes worn by officers and men are purchased in Hong


of Luzon, and are the ancient Negritos, a few of whom had come down out of the mountains, where they live by fishing and hunting, and were used by Aguinaldo to assist in building trenches. Some of them were captured and photographed, and the photographs were reproduced in newspapers and magazines in the United States as fair samples of the Filipinos who had established a republic, and were fighting the United States. You know they would be about as representative of the Filipinos as a band of clouted Indians would be representative of the population of California. The other heathen are found on the small islands, which were regarded by the Spaniards as too insignificant and scattered to be even worth the attempt of conquest. According to General Greene, fully 5,000,000 of the 6,000,000 Christians are Tagalos and Visayas, and we know now that the entire Christian population is in sympathy with the Aguinaldo gov


Chairman-"I thought Aguinaldo's strength was limited to his army of or 40,000 men."


Colonel Handy-"Aguinaldo's army has always been just as large as could be made effective by his limited supply of firearms. He has kept it down to the armed force in order to keep as many men on the farms, producing rice, catching fish, and gathering fruits to sustain the population and feed the army.'

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Private Smith-"It is also true that the United States has found every employe, and every mayor we have installed in captured towns, Aguinaldo sympathizers. The Associated Press sent out the following dispatch:

'Recent events have proved somewhat discouraging to officials who are trying to accompany war with a policy of conciliation. Two municipal governments have collapsed through the treachery of the mayors. To-day the mayor of San Pedro Macati, who was elected by the people, under the direction of Professor Worcester, of the United States advisory committee for the Philippines, was brought to Manila and lodged in jail. The United States officers at San found that he was using his

Pedro Macati

office as a recruiting station for the Filipino army.


guised insurgent officers were helping him. The mayor of Balinag was also arrested and

confined in the same prison. The Americans found him passing between the lines of the two armies with incriminating documents, which the authorities secured. Another prominent native mayor is under surveillance.

When the result of the election at Imus, which General Lawton and Professor Worcester engineered, was announced, the Americans inquired as to the whereabouts of the people's choice, and were informed that he was in prison at Bilibid, where the authorities had placed him on suspicion of being a revolu tionist,'

"So you see the sentiment against American 'canned liberty,' as Tom Reed calls it, is about unanimous, and even if we accept Senator Platt's new declaration of independence, 'all just powers of government are derived from the consent of some of the governed,' we must find our saving 'some,' among the polygamous and slave-holding Mohammedans of the little Sulu group, who were bought by General Bates to fight the Tagalo and Visaya Christians, as the British hired the heathen Indians to fight the colonists."

Captain Bevans--" The treachery of those

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