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Aberdeen, Brown & Co.
Alnwick, Smith.
Ashford, Jennings; Elliott.
Ashton-under-Line & Staley
Bridge, Cunningham.
Banbury, J. G. Rusher.
Bangor, Shone.
Barnet, Cowing.
Barnstaple, Brightwell.
Bath, Silverthorne.
Birmingham, Langbridge.
Blackburn, Morrice.
Bolton, Heaton & Sons.
Boston, Noble.

Bourn, Daniells.

Bradford, Taylor.

Braintree, Joscelyne.

Bridport, Tucker.

Bristol, Vickery.

Burnley, Sutcliffe.




Carlisle, Thurnam.
Carmarthen, White.
Carnarvon, Potter & Co.
Chatham, Burrill.
Chelmsford, Guy.
Cheltenham, Lovesy.
Chertsey, Wetton.
Chester, Seacome: Prich-
ard; Boult & Catherall.
Chichester, Glover.
Clitheroe, Whalley.
Cockermouth, Baily.
Colchester, Albin.
Colne, Earnshaw.

Derby, Wilkins & Son.
Devizes, Randle.
Devonport, Byers.
Doncaster, Brooke & Co.
Dover, Batchellor.
Dublin, Curry & Co.

Bury, Lankester; Thomp-Dundee, Shaw.


Bury, (Lanc.) Crompton.
Cambridge, Stevenson.

Canterbury, Barnes.
Cardiff, Bird.

Durham, Andrews.

Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd.
Exeter, Hannaford.
Falmouth, W. Ellis.

Faversham, Thiselton.

[blocks in formation]

Berlin, A. Asher.-Hamburg, Perthes & Besser.-Leipsic, Black & Armstrong, (of London.)-St. Petersburgh, A. Asher
United States of America, French and Adlard, New York.-Upper Canada, Rowsell, Toronto.






practice, valuable part of,


Christianity no bar to innocent plea-

sure, 29

a joyful religion, 228

Churchyard Scene, 191

City of Segovia, account of, 65

Delhi, account of, 130, 186

Copenhagen, account of, 74

Canton, account of, 162

Clarendon, Lord, extract from, 228

Col de Balme, 242

Coleridge, selections from. 191, 192

Collegiate Church of Manchester, 194

Coloured Spectacles, 222

Company, choice of, 147

Constitution of the Atmosphere, 91

the British, 95

Convent, reflections on quitting, 179
Conybeare, Bishop, selections from,
26, 173, 220
Copenhagen, account of the City of,

74-its early history, 74-battle
of, 74-siege of, in 1807, 75-situa-
tion and extent, 75-the Sound, 75
-harbour, &c, 76-streets and
squares, 76-houses, 77-religion,
77-churches and palaces, 78-
museum, observatory, university,
&c., 79-manufactures, 79-com-
merce, 80

Coral Insect, lines on, 7

Creation, on the study of, 98

Crowns and Coronets, account of, 15
Cultivation of Flax and Hemp, 145
Curiosity of an honourable mind, 192
Curious method of showing gratitude,

[blocks in formation]

English Morris Dance, 153
Epsom Salt, process of obtaining, 156
Equality, not met with in life, 221
Errors and Superstitions, Popular, 128,
151, 188

Eruption of the Souffrière, 231

Essential Salt of Lemons, 188

Evening Walk in Bengal, 173

Expedition to the Brocken, 189

[blocks in formation]

pride, vanity of, 173

Farindon, selection from, 175

Fetishes, account of, 151

Fishing, method of, in New South
Wales, 7

Flax and Hemp, cultivation of, 145
Flowers, various, native countries of,

lines on, 135
Food, Woody Fibre an Article of, 181
Forest Trees, Notes on, No. V., the

Elm, 12-VI., the Larch, 23-VII.,
Spanish Chestnut, 52-VIII, the
Lime Tree, 64-IX. the Weymouth
Pine, 88-X., the Horse Chestnut,
104-XI., the Great Maple, 144-
XII., the Lombardy Poplar, 157-
XIV., the Walnut, 192-XV., the
Cedar of Lebanon, 199-XVI., the
Acacia, 216-XVII., the Oriental
Plane, 236

France, Gambling in, 179

Friendship, false, Arabian proverb on,

different views of, 179

Health, value of, 194

Heath and Valley, Portuguese, 63

Heber, Bishop, lines by, 173

Hemans, Mrs., sonnet by, 235

Hemp and Flax, cultivation of, 145

Hippopotamus, the, 239

Holly Tree, lines on, 46

Home, pleasures of, 147

Honour, true man of, 91

Horse Chestnut Tree, 104

Howe, selection from, 99

Human enjoyment, limits of fixed, 51

soul, active principle in, 179

heart, power of nature on, 159

Hume, selection from, 126

Hypocrisy, temptation to, 191

Ice-Palace at Moscow, 13
Idleness, evils of, 214
Ill-humour, danger of indulging, 150
Illustrations of Life Assurance, 212, 229
Imminent Peril, Night of, 109
Immortality not an acceptable gift, 222
Indian Rubber Tree, account of, 20
Instruction, lines on, 150
Instruments of Percussion, 160
Instruments, Musical, account of, No.
I., 3-II., 28-11I., 60-IV., 100-
V., 160-VI., 224

Integrity, value of, 236

Invitation to Selborne, 11

Island of St. Vincent, Burning Moun-
tain in, 231

Jonson, Ben, song by, 222
Johnson, Dr., extracts from, 110, 191,
197, 220

Jewel Hunter, adventures of a, 85

Kirke White, lines by, 61, 94

Labour and Capital, 133
Larch, the, 24
Large Black Ant, 5
Late Spring, ode on, 231
Learning, pursuit of not injurious

Legends and Fictions of the Middle
Ages, No. I., 21-11., 30-III. 44
-IV..61-V., 101-VI.. 158-VII.,
174-VIII, 182-1X, 198-X., 222

Lemons, Essential Salt of, 188

Lending, necessity of caution in, 110

Letter, a, 199

Life Assurance, illustrations of, 213


greatest pleasure of, 147

Lime Tree, the, 64

Lines on the Princess Victoria's Birth-

day, 195

Little Mind, sign of a, 126
Locomotive Engines and Carriages, 5
Physiology of, 69

Lombardy Poplar, 157

Love of country, 63

Love, maternal, 53

Lozenges made of Starch, 135

Ludwig, John, account of, 53

Macao, Cave of Camoens at, 55

Macaulay, lines by, 21

Machinery, Ship-biscuit made by, 154

Maguesia, 196

Man, who the wisest and happiest, 108
accountability of, 26, 173

strength, food, and clothing of, 46
present position of, 70, 126

Manchester, Collegiate Church of, 194
Manners and Customs of the Chinese,

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Mont Blanc, some account of, 242

Moore, Dr., selection from, 215

Moral government, means of not want-

ing, 228

Morning in a Persian Village, 127
Morris Dancers, ancient English, 153
Moscow, Ice-Palace at, 13

Mother, loss of a, 136

Mountain of Salt at Cardona, 184
Music, the best recreation, 22
Musical Instruments, No. I., Wind
Instruments, 3-II., 28-III,
Stringed Instruments, 60-IV., 100
-V., Instruments of Percussion,
160-VI., Eolian Harp, Musical
Glasses, and Suuff-boxes, 224
Musk Rat, the, 126

Natural History, errors in, 188
Nature, wonders of, 3

[blocks in formation]

Passaic, Falls of the, lines on, 59
Peasantry of China, 233
Percussion Instruments of, 160
Persian Village, Morning in a, 127
Philosop hers' Stone, the, 172. 215
Physiology of a Locomotive Engine,

Pickering, lines by, 135

Pious example, influence of a, 156
Pleasure of Life, greatest, 147
Pomegranate, the, 232

Popular Errors and Superstitions, No. V., Talismans, 128-VI, Fetishes, 151-VII., Errors in Natural History, 188

Port Jackson, account of, 122
Porter, Miss, selection from, 159
Portugal, danger of travelling in, 70
Portuguese Manners, 4

Heath and Valley, 63
Robbers, anecdote of, 70
Dogs, 150

custom, anecdote arising out of a, 176 Position of Man, 126

Present mercies not to be despised,

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Printing for the Blind, 197

Process for obtaining Epsom Salt, 156
Prout, selection from, 197
Providence, intention of, 95
Providential care, unity and univer.
sality of, 93

Punishment, Criminal, in Ceylon, 2
Quarles, selection from, 144

Raleigh, Sir W., lines by, 22
Randolph, selection from, 192
Reading, good intention in, 127
Reason, use of, 197

Recreation, proper mode of using, 156
Reflections on quitting a Convent, 179
Peligion, no honesty without, 71

certain remedy for grief, 111 state of, in West Indies, 148 advantages of, 215

sense of in affliction, 220

Acacia, The, 216

leaf and blossom of, 216

Eolian Harp, 225
African Trumpet, 4

Alby (France) Cathedral of, 209
Alligator, bullock attacked by an, 25
Ancient Hunting-horn, 4
Pan-pipes, 28
Bagpipe, 23

Arch of Septimius Severus, 33

Bath, Abbey Church, 89

Bern, Switzerland, Town of, 17
Botany Bay, Ravines South of, 225
Bullock attacked by an Alligator, 25

Caffres and their kraals, 217
Camoens, Cave of, 56

Cauton, scene on the river at, 161
Cape of Good Hope, view of Cape
Town, 41

Cardona, salt mountain at, 184
Cartland Craigs and Bridge, 32
Cathedral of Alby, 209
Cedar of Lebanon, 200

leaf, flower, and

cone of, 200 Cereus, night-blowing, 176

Ceylon, punishments in, 1

Chamouni, Valley of, 248

Chandery Choke, Delhi, 129

Charlottenburg, Palace of, 77

Chess, Satan playing at, with man, for his soul, 169

Chinese Mouth-organ, 28

-Boat-trackers refreshing, 81
-Stringed Instruments, 100
-Drums, 160

[blocks in formation]

Religious principle, balance of mind | Short separation tends to happiness,

regulated by, 64

Remarkable Echo, 151
Riddle, a, 224

Robin, peculiarity of the song of, 53
Rogers, lines by, 171

Rome, account of the City of, Part
III., 34-Great Forum of ancient
Rome, 34-public buildings, &c.,
in the ancient Forum, 34-modern
Forum, 36-arch of Septimius
Severus, 36-pillar or column of
Phocas, 37-Comitium, 37-other
remains in the Forum, 38-Part IV.,
Palatine Hill, 114-rise of the
Palatine, 114-golden house of
Nero, 115-desolation of the Pala-
tine, 115-ruins of the Palaces of
the Caesars, 116-Farnese villa
and gardens, 117-Temple of Peace,
117-Circus Maximus and others,
118-Part V., the Capitoline Hill,
202-Capitol of the Monarchy, 202
-of the Republic, 203 of the Em-
pire, 204-of the Middle Ages, 205
the Modern Capitol, 207-the Tar-
peian Rock, 207
Russian Vapour Baths, 125

St. Goar, remarkable Echo at, 151
St. Radigund's Abbey, ruins of, 112
St. Vincent, Burning Mountain in, 231
Salt Mountain at Cardona, 184
Saxon peasant, account of a self-taught,

Scenery, Australian, 142

Science, Amusements of, No. I., 141-
II., Geometry, 220

Scott, Sir W., selections from, 87, 220
Sea, the, 189

remarks of Bishop Horne on, 99
Secker, selections from, 55
Security, False, 44

Seed, selections from, 150, 156, 157, 195
Segovia, account of the City of, 65
Selborne, description of, 9
Selden, selections from, 69
Self-conceit, 191

Servants, gratitude of old, 135
Shakspeare, some account of, 138
-Cliff, 138

Shetlanders, superstitions of, 182
Ship-biscuit made by machinery, 154


Sick bed, difficulty of attending on a, 63
Silver Mines in Great Britain, 94
Sinclair, selections from, 63, 191, 215
Siphanto, Island of, 106
Sketches of New South Wales, No.

XV., Natives, method of Fishing,
7-XVI., some account of Sydney,
&c., 122-XVII., Botany Bay, 133
-country south of Botany Bay,

Song of the Breeze, 87
Sonnet of Camoens, 56

Mrs. Hemans, 235 Souffrière, Isle St. Vincent, eruption

of, 231

Southey, lines by, 46, 111
Spanish Armada, lines on, 21
Spanish Chestnut, the, 52
Spectacles, coloured, 222
Spectator, extract from, 91, 95
Speech, faculty of, 93
Spiders, Natural History of, No. I., 11
II., 23

Spring, lines on, 100

Starch used for Lozenges, 135 Stranded bark and life-boat, 69 Stillingfleet, selections from, 3, 21, 47, 126

Studious life not prejudicial, 140 Superstitions, Popular, of the Middle

Ages, No. 1., 21-II., Mythology of the Nursery, 30-III., Nursery Tales, 44-IV., 61—V., 101-VI., 158-VII., 174-VIII., 182—IX., 198

Switzerland, Town of Bern in, 18 Sydney, New South Wales, account of, 122, 133

Table, behaviour at, 29

Talismans, account of, 128
Taylor, Jeremy, extract from, 191
Temptation to hypocrisy, 191
Teutonic Mythology, 31
Time, value of, 86

To-morrow, lines on, 139
Tongue, Government of the, 47
Treasures of the Deep, 111

Trollope, Mrs., selections from, 189, 237

Truth compared with falsehood, 59

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Hunting Horn, Ancient, 4
Irish Harp, ancient, 60
Jewish Trumpet, 4
Larch, the, 24

leaves, blossom, and seedpod of, 24 Lebanon, Cedar of, 200

Lime Tree, 64 leaves and blossom of, 64 Lombardy Poplar, 157 leaf and catkins of,


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Magic Square and Circle, 142
Manchester, collegiate church of, 193
Matlock High Tor, 72

Mer de Glace, on Mont Blanc, 241
Mitford Castle, ruins of, 49

Mont Blanc, and the Valley of Chamouni, 248

Morris Dancers, ancient English, 153

Natives of New South Wales fishing with the line, 8 North Foreland Lighthouse, 57

Oriental Plane, 236 of, 236

leaves and blossoms

Palace of the Cæsars, Rome, ruins of, 113

Pan Pipes, Ancient, 28
Pantheon at Rome, 201
Peasants, Chinese, 233
Pomegranate, the, 232

Port Jackson, Fort Macquarie and
part of Sidney Cove, 121
Principal street in Delhi, 129
Punishments in Ceylon, 1

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leaf, fruit, and catkins of

War Fetishes, Congo, 152 Welsh Triple Harp, 60 Weymouth Pine, 88

of, $88

leaves and blossoms

Whampoa Pagoda, 168

Yew Tree, ancient, in Dibden church

yard, 48

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