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Statutes at Large,


Second to the Eighth Year of Queen ANNE.




Statutes at Large,


Second to the Eighth Year of Queen ANNE.

To which is prefixed,

A TABLE containing the TITLES of all the STATUTES during that Period.


By DANBY PICKERING, of Gray's-Inn, Esq; Reader of the Law Lecture to that Honourable Society.


Printed by JOSEPH BENTHAM, Printer to the UNIVERSITY; for CHARLES BATHURST, at the Cross-Keys, oppofite St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, London. 1764.


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Containing the Titles pf all fuch Acts as are extant in print, from the Second to the Eighth Year of Queen ANNE.

Cap. I.

Anno 2&3 Anna.

OR granting an aid to her
Majesty by a land tax, to
be raised in the year one thousand

feven hundred and four. Cap. 2. For granting an aid to her Majefty, by continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for one year.

Cap. 3. For granting an aid to her Majefty, for carrying on the war, and other her Majefty's occafions, by felling annuities at several rates, and for fuch respective terms or eftates as are therein mentioned. Cap. 4. For the publick registring of

all deeds, conveyances, and wills, that shall be made of any honours, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, within the west riding of the county of York, after the nine and twentieth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and four. Cap. 5. To repeal a Provifo in an act

of the fourth year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, which prevents the citizens of the city of York from difpofing of their perfonal eftates by their wills, as others inhabiting within the province of York by that act may do. Cap. 6. For the increase of feamen,

and better encouragement of navigation, and fecurity of the coal trade.

Cap. 7. For enlarging the term of years granted by an act paffed in the feffion of parliament, held in the eleventh and twelfth years of King William III. for the repair of Dover harbour, VOL. XI.

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Cap. 8. For the erecting a work house in the city of Worcester, and for setting the poor on work there. Cap. 9. For granting to her Majesty an additional fubfidy of tunnage and poundage for three years; and for laying a further duty upon French wines condemned as lawful prize; and for ascertaining the values of unrated goods imported from the Eaft Indies.

Cap. 10. To enlarge the time for the purchasers of the forfeited eftates in Ireland, to make the payments of their purchase money. Cap. 11. For the making more effectual her Majefty's gracious intentions for the augmentation of the maintenance of the poor clergy, by enabling her Majefty to grant in perpetuity the revenues of the first fruits and tenths; and alfo for enabling any other perfons to make grants for the fame purpose. Cap. 12. For the raifing the militia for the year one thousand feven hundred and four, notwithstanding the month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid.

Cap. 13. For prolonging the time by

an act of parliament made in the first year of her Majefty's reign, for importing thrown filk of the growth of Sicily from Leghorn.

Cap. 14. For the better fecuring and regulating the duties upon falt. Cap. 15. For the better and more regular paying and affigning the annuities, after the rate of three pounds per cent. per annum, payable to feveral bankers, and other patentees,

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