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words rela

Delaware, entitled "Assessors," be and the same is hereby amended Certain by striking out the words "and if of slaves the sex" in lines four ting to and five of said section.

slaves stricken out.

and 12 of

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said chapter be further amended by striking out all of Sections? Section 9 of said chapter, and also by striking out all of Section said Chapter 12 of the same chapter.

stricken out.

slaves to be

SECTION 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the respective Levy Courts of the The assessseveral counties of this State, at their first meeting after the pas- ment of sage of this act, to cause to be stricken from the assessment stricken book in the respective counties of this State all assessments of sessment slaves, and to deduct the same from the assessment of such persons as may be found assessed therewith.

from the as



SECTION 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all editions of the Laws of this State hereafter to be Future pub published, the said Chapter 10 shall be published as hereby amended.

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An Act in relation to this State's Stock in the Farmers' Bank.

WHEREAS this State is the owner of [a] majority of the stock Preamble. in the Farmers' Bank, and has, by an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, given its consent that said bank shall be converted into a national bank;

AND WHEREAS by the charter of the aforesaid Farmers' Bank the State stock is not voted at elections of directors, but she has the right secured to her to appoint three of the nine directors who transact the business of the principal bank, at Dover, and also three of each of the nine who transact the business of each of the branches, thus giving the State twelve of the thirtysix directors of the bank, or one-third of the whole;

AND WHEREAS by the provisions of the eleventh section of the national banking law, being the act of Congress approved on the


third day of June, A. D. 1864, entitled "An act to provide a uniform currency by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the redemption thereof," each stockholder in a bank organized under its provisions is entitled to one vote for each share of stock held by him, which, upon conversion of the Farmers' Bank into a national bank, would give the Legislature the power to control the affairs of the new bank or banks, which power, in times of high political excitement, might be improperly exercised, and its existence would at all times be dangerous;

AND WHEREAS it is deemed best now to provide against the evil aforesaid; Now, therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, to be paid by ver of right the aforesaid national bank or banks to the State Treasurer for to vote State the use of the State, within thirty days after their organization

Of the wai


Act how

long to have force. Deposits.

Acceptance of act.

under the act of Congress mentioned in the preamble hereof, and a like sum to be paid to him annually thereafter by said bank or banks for the use aforesaid; and also that the stockholders of the said bank or banks will elect as part of the board of directtors thereof such persons, being qualified to serve as directors under the provisions of the act of Congress aforesaid, not exceeding three for each bank, as the Legislature shall designate by joint resolution passed at each biennial session, and will continue them in office until a new designation shall be made by the Legislature in manner aforesaid, the State will waive and will not exercise her right under the national banking law aforesaid to vote her stock in the election of directors of said bank or banks.

SECTION 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so long as the provisions of the aforesaid section shall be faithfully observed by the stockholders aforesaid this act shall have force and no longer; and furthermore, all deposits now authorized by law to be made in the aforesaid Farmers' Bank shall be made in the new bank or banks aforesaid, unless the General Assembly shall, upon due consideration and hearing of the said bank or banks, think fit otherwise to order.

SECTION 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act shall be accepted by the stockholders of the aforesaid new bank or banks within thirty days after the time of the conversion aforesaid or it shall be void; such acceptance shall be by resolution, and the fact of the adoption thereof shall be shown by certificate under the seal of the said bank or banks. The said certificate shall be delivered to the Governor and be filed by him in the office of [the] Secretary of State, who shall report the fact to the General Assembly.

Passed at Dover, February 13, 1866.

[blocks in formation]

An Act to increase the Salaries of the Chancellor and Judges of this State.





SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That Salaries of from and after the passage of this act the annual salary of the and Chief Chancellor, and Chief Justice also, shall be two thousand dollars, $2,000. and of each of the Associate Judges seventeen hundred dollars, Associates with an addition of two hundred dollars per annum to the AsSO- Associate for ciate for Kent county, for reporting the judicial decisions. The Kent County said salaries shall commence with the present year, and be paid $200. as heretofore: Provided however, That no Judge shall be allowed the benefit of this increase whilst he has any connection with a corporation, whether as stockholder in any right or as an officer. SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That hereafter it shall Judge not to not be lawful for any Judge to accept from any such corporation, &c., from for himself or his family, any favor or gratuity except where corporations the same is extended to all other citizens.

Passed at Dover, February 7, 1866.

When to



accept favor

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

An Act to amend Chapter 25 of the Revised Code, in relation to salaries Rev. Code,

of certain public officers.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

SECTION 1. That Chapter 25 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware be amended by striking out the word "four" in the fourth line of section one, and insert the word "five" in the place thereof; strike out the words "three hundred and fifty" in.


Secretary of
State $500.


surer $600.


the second line of Section 3, and insert the word "five "* in the State Trea place thereof; strike out the word "five" in 3d line of Section 4, and insert the word "six" in the place thereof; and strike out the word "five" in the first line of Section 5, and insert the word "six" in the place thereof.

Auditor $600

Future publications.

SECTION 2. That in all editions of the laws hereafter to be published, the said chapter and sections shall be published as hereby amended.

Passed at Dover, February 14, 1866.

* So in original and enrolled bill.




ment of

ad litem au

when Chan

cellor has

SEC. 1. Appointment of Chancellor ad litem

authorized where the Chancellor has
been counsel in cause.

Authority of.

Nature of decree.

SEC. 1. How enforced.

SEC. 2. Compensation.

An Act to provide for the appointment of a Chancellor ad litem in certain


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That where any cause is now, or shall hereafter be pending in the Court of Chancery, in which the Chancellor has been counsel, the Chancellor Governor, upon a certificate of that fact being sent to him by the thorized Chancellor, shall have power to appoint, either from the bench or the bar, as to him shall seem proper, a Chancellor ad litem to been counsel hear and determine the said cause; and the person so appointed shall have, for the purpose of such hearing and decision, all the Authority of jurisdiction and authority which by the constitution and laws of this State are vested in the Chancellor, and the decree made by Decree, how him shall, in all respects, be of the like nature as other decrees, and be enforced by the process of the Court of Chancery, and may be appealed, affirmed or reversed in the Court of Errors and Appeals.

in cause.

Nature of




SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That a person appointed Compensa Chancellor ad litem and exercising the duties of his appointment, shall be entitled to a reasonable compensation for his services. Before he enters upon the duties of his appointment he shall be duly sworn or affirmed as other judicial officers.


Passed at Dover, February 7, 1866.


11 Volume, 230. SEC. 1. Chapter amended.



An Act to amend an act entitled

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SEC. 1. Notaries for State and National Banks

authorized. Proviso.

An Act to amend the Thirty-sixth 11 Vol. 230. Chapter of the Revised Code.”

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the said act, entitled "An Act to amend the Thirty-sixth Chapter of the Revised Code," passed at Dover, on the sixteenth of Feb- Chap. 36. ruary, A. D. 1855, be and the same is hereby amended by striking amended. out the words, "and one for each bank in the State, now or hereafter to be chartered," in the eleventh and twelfth lines of Section Notaries for 1, and inserting in lieu thereof the words following: "and one for State and each bank and banking association in this State, whether State Banks auor National, now or hereafter to be chartered or organized under the laws of this State, or of the United States:" Provided however, Proviso. That the privileges and duties of the Notaries Public who may hereafter be appointed for the several banks within this State, whether State or National, shall be confined to the business of their respective banks and none other whatever.

Passed at Dover, January 24, 1866.





SBC. 1. Additional Notaries Public authorized. | SEC. 1. Three for each of the counties.

An Act authorizing the Governor of this State to appoint additional
Notaries Public.

Notaries au

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the Governor of this State be and he is hereby authorized to Additional appoint not exceeding three Notaries Public for each of the coun- thorized. ties in this State, in addition to the number now authorized by law to be appointed.

Passed at Dover, February 16, 1866.

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