Questions and Answers ON Domestic Relations Prepared with Reference to Browne, Schouler, BY E. RICHARD SHIPP, LL. M. WASHINGTON, D. C.: LAW BOOKSELLERS. 1904. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON DOMESTIC RELATIONS. 1. Define Domestic Relations. The rights and duties subsisting between persons or individuals in private life, as distinguished from the public relations of magistrates and people. 2. What are the several domestic relations as generally classified? (1) Husband and wife; (2) parent and child; (3) guardian and ward; (4) master and servant. (Browne's Domestic Relations; Tiffany, Domestic Relations.) 3. Give Blackstone's classification. Blackstone states the three great relations in private life to be: (1) master and servant; (2) husband and wife; (3) parent and child. Guardian and ward he speaks of as a fourth relation, created by law, for the purpose of establishing a kind of artificial parentage, in order to supply the deficiency, |