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bote, the fust I were uvver on, havin sean one at Rockitts a good eel biggern this one. Oneesy way uv travlin are a steembote, which it shakes with venjints in its innards all the tiem, like it had a agur, and the water belo, which, ef the consern got blode up, is boun to droun you certin, ixceptin you wus a mity good swimmer, which I aint, bein subjic to the cramps uv the laags in a ordnerry milpon. It's 7 miel to Washingtun on the kontinyully tremblin steembote, but it doant look nigh so fur up the river, which it is broad here is a hundud Appymattuxes at Fomvil, and nuthin to intrupt the vew but a few passin sale vessils.

The steembote skufflin along the buzzum uv the P'tomuck like a snaik-dockter, I stud and lookt at Washingtun, and lookt at it, and lookt at it. Billy, it shines in the distans uv a wintry evenin with a strange sort uv look. Thar it is, the grate big sitty, stretcht out upon the groun, with splended bildins and steeples and monyumints, looking like a picktsher which you know it is reeal; and how all uv it got thar, you doant know; and who's thar, and what's goin to bekum uv you thar, you doant know; and yew feal sorry fer yourself, home is so fur away, tho you left it like yistiddy. How it is with uther peepil, I cant say, but with me goin into a big sitty is atendid with a cents uv fear and danger, which is vaeg, and all the werse fer bein so. The housis look mitey fine, but the sky over the sitty and back uv it is dark and distrest. But the bottim part uv the sky evvrywhar is sad, evin in the mornin at sun up, ef you look at it good. I doant understand it.

Seein Washingtun in the ginrul, you doant know what you sea, unlest thar is sumbody thar to tell yew. I were two much ockyupied lookin, I did'nt ass no questshins. What most ingaged my atentshun wus the marvel bildins, and a thing that when I cum to find it out were anuther Washingtun monyumint, the same is that in Richmun, bilt in memry

uv Ginrul Washingtun, only this one is a heep higher and diffrintly shapt. A tremendjus tall, square post of white rock, this one is; with the frame uv a hen-hous on top uv it. It sets on the rivver bank, and a lonesomer, outlandisher thing you can't imagin. It taint finisht yit by a long shot. They tell me its to be 600 feat high, and were risin wrappidly, untwell the den No-Nuthins got holt uv it and stopt it, sense which nobody goes anear it, and it stands thar like the pizen tree we reed uv in jografy which peepil are afeard to breethe the ar in the naberhood uv it. I declar pintidly, it are a shame fer the Amerrykin peepil to do in this way.

Next to the desertid monyumint, my mine was drawd to the Capitul-Capitul uv the hole United States; a supub eddyfiss which I wont describe at this tiem. The reesin why I doant, it aint finisht. In fac, Billy, nuthin aint finisht in this toun, ixcept it is roskallity, which thar is no knead uv enny futher apropriashuns fer the ixtenshin uv.

When the bote reecht the warf, (warf is sum bodes nailed down on sum stobs, stuck in the bottum uv the rivver, runnin out from the bank, whar you stop and hitch the bote and git off at,) thar insood anuther sean, as the Him Book says, uv kunfewshun and creecher cumplaint, with hax and hac-drivers holrin, and hominy busses and peepil gittin off, sumthin like at the deep O in Richmun, but not so bad and terryfine to a boddy. Now I did'nt know nuthin about Washingtun, and did'nt know whar to go to git to stay all nite, so I stretch my year and skint my eye and nuvver let on but what I were intirely soun on the goos, all rite, upside up, good


A fello goin by sais to anuther fello, he sais :

"D'ew reckin he'll be at Broun's?" The other fello sais:

"Well, I dunno; I reckin so; Broun's is a Suthun hous you know.”

And they went on, and I went rite

* Mr. Addums frequently uses "is" in place of "as."

arfter, gittin into Broun's hominybust, fer I liked the name of Broun, it soundid so naterul. But I did'nt expeck thar was a man uy that commun naim in a big sitty like Washingtun. It jis shows how fer from the fax uv the kais a man's idees is which spens his dais at hoam, seein only his akewaintentsis. Peepil is peepil, Billy, evverywhar, and they aint much bigger nor enny better one plais then anuther; ef ennything they are wuss.

Doant you think I had anuther fuss about my chex, (a chek are a roun or square or dimund shapt pease uv mettil, pewter sumtimes, but ginnyrully brassa brass reseat the trunk man gives you fer yo trunx when you git in the car, which you must give it back to him agin befo you kin git yo trunx,) arfter all my sufrin in Richmun? Its the trooth, Billy, ef uvver I tole it; and it cum, is I sed befo, uv startin a Fridy. I orto uv give my chex to a man on the steembote which clext them. I wont narate the botherashin uv it all; but it perswadid me mo and mo uv the vally uv that which were inside the trunx which give me so much trubble. I sais no mo at presint.

Way went the hominybust, goin to Broun's, hax folrin behine, and sum runnin ahed, grate noise inside, and the travlers sayin uv nuthin to 1 nuther, but lookin out the winders to sea what they could sea. Thar is housis and peepil,

uv cose, but nuthin wuth menshin untwil you git to the Smithsonium Institewt, which it is on yo lef han is you go to Broun's. This manshin are not a gearl's skool, like the Buckingame Institewt, but what the meenin uv it is doant apear to be ginrilly understood. Fum awl I cood gether, the objic is to tend to the wether; you've heerd uv the cluk uv the wether; well, he lives in this bildin, sumwhar; it bein vary large nobody doant verry oftin lay eyes on him. In regard uv its exturnels, the Institewt remines me uv a par uv casters. Its culler is wred, and when I has lookt at it freekwently, it looks like a hole passel uv steepills had got lost, and wus kunsultin together how to git back to the cherchis whar they belonged. But I shill hav mo

to say on this pint in anuther letter. Onqueschinubbly, it are a strange kun


When we got to Broun's, which we did pritty soon, I felt a fealin uv aw, fer it wer a imments struckcher. Its lenth, Billy, is neerly a squar, (but you doant no what a squar in a sitty is; I'll tell you sum these tiems,) and its about is high is you kin fling a rock, bilt all uv white marvel the frunt uv it, the back uv it bein commun bric, and not so high in the ar. Inside thar wus the same krowd and the same fuss that I tole you uv at the Ixchain in Richmun, only at Broun's evvryboddy wus a grate man.

I liked Mr. Broun. He wus a small man, with sandy whiskers on his jaw, drest jam up, and very perlite. I put my name doun on his book in my best riting with pekewlyer sattisfackshin. I follerd a Ishmun up stars loaded with my trunk, ixpectin the same granjer uv marvel I had sean on the frunt uv the hous to pervade evvrywhar. But I wus disapintid cummin to my room, and struck with reeal wunder and delite. Evvrything were so intirely natchrul, fer a momint I did'nt know whar I wus. "Are this a room in Broun's marvel pallis?" I assed myself. Whar is the fashunubble trundle-bed with the rollin foot bode, whar the marvel top washstan, the splended bewro, the gold imbroyderd kertins, and things? They warnt thar, Billy. No, thank the Lord! The bed were a good, narrer, high bed, highpostid, but without enny teester and vallins-jest sich a bed as the kuntry afodes most eunywhar. In like manner, the washstan uv plane wood, with a little ole pitcher and bole that lookt so frenly to me, well knowin uv thar familyur patten. The white kertin uv the winder had the ginuine Buckingame frindge, and Billy, the lookin-glass were identicully the same which par bought when he went to Richmun to see Lee Fate, the French Ginrul which fot the Revolushun with Washingtun. Ef thar had bin a rag-earpit, split-bottum cheers, and a fier-plais instid uv a great to burn rock cole, the thing would uv bin kumpleat. As it wus, it lookt so much like

hoam, I lade doun and went to sleap befo I node it.

Nite had cum when I riz frum my slumbus. Tryin to git to the suppur table, I got out uv doors, fer Broun's in a komplekatid hous with many passagis and star-cases. The hac-drivers, standin outside with wips in thar hans, like to took me by vilents. Nuvver did I sea fools mo ankshus about 1 po man they had'nt heerd uv, much mo sean, befo. They wantid to show me the fashins, but what did I keer 'bout fashins, bein uv a sighintiffick man on bizniss uv the utmus impawtents? But a carridge-driver wus alwais distracktid and opinyunatid, doun to a nigger which drives a ox cart fer fodder. I cust all uv um, and went to supper up in the secund story.

Brown's dinin room aint eekul to Ballud's. Its kunsiderably bigger, dividid by foldin doughs, seperatin the ladis eetin room from the men's, and havin a vriety uv tabils. Powful eetin goes on here, speshilly at dinner, which they gives you an akount uv, printid on a peese uv papur, named a bill uv far. I wantid sum cole chine and turnup sallet fur suppur, but cuddint git enny. Uv the eetin at this tavun, which it is verry abundunt day and nite, I kin dwell on it no mo, seein how long this letter drors.

Arfter supper I set in that part uv the hous in tween the frunt dough and the plais whar you sine yo name on the book, a paved plais, havin seets uv hoss-har roun the walls, and pritty orphan okynpide by peepil which asembils heer to set and do nuthin. I set thar tel midnite, reedin the fisonomy uv the crowd, and formin apinyuns which I shill diliver myself uv not now. Neether am I a goin to give you my thots uv the genual apeerunts of Wushington as I sean it nex day day in the mornin and fur sevrul dais in sucksesshun. I tern to a matter uv higher impote. It are this.

I foun that Brown charged Too Dollus and a Haf a day fur bode, with a extry charge uv Fifty Scents fur fier uv rock cole which I had when the rain cum leckin intoo my charmber. Too hoeksids, and three lodes uv loose, cuddent stan this long, you may be sho: wharpun I

flode aroun to fine a wremmydy-in uther wirds, a cheeper plais, howevver much I diddint like cheep dooins in this pint uv vew, that it interfeerd with the dignitty and impawtents uv my skeam, which you understand very well, knowin is well is I doo the vally uv wrispectabillyty in this life.


Akordingly, arfter exercizin grate judg mint in slektin the man hoom to inquier uv in the kase, I, (as the Bibil sais,) drawed nigh untoo a sorter yung gentilmun which set aloan frum the kumpany, whar nobody cood heer me how ignunt I He was a man of cents, evvydently; had him a clur, pale face, without enny beerd; and his eye was soft and kunsiderin-not one uv them hard, sharp eyes that is alwais lookin out like a hungry shote fur shelled corn arfter it has eet it all up. His face was cole as well as pale, and when he shakt me by the han, he barly techt it. You'll say this are a bad sine, and I used to think so too. But I has ubserved this, Billy.

Aickry cole has the whitest ashes, but arfter you git throo the ashes, it's the hottest kind uv a cole-and nuthin wraps itself titer roun a thing than a snaik. Tharfo I dont put no overwhelmin confidents in these heer warm felloes that shakes you so harty by the han, wroppin thar fingers tite and holdin you longer'n you wanter be hilt, and tellin you afecksnitly how glad and all they is to sea you.

Well, it turned out igzackly is I ixpectid. This gentilmun, which I has sense becum well akwainted with him, arfter listinin indiffrintly to my cundishin and lookin at me verry camly, took a interest in me and helpt me cleen throo to whar I am at this momint.

His name wus Mr. Argruff, and he cums to sea me and I go to sea him. He's a frenly man, certin.

Me and Mr. Argruff was too dais goin roun to the bodin housis; I reckin we went to a hundud. But he diddent goe with me to the fust one, becos I, bein like evvryboddy else, wus afeard to let out all at wunst how I wurnt abil, for the presint, too pay fur a wrispecktabble plais, sech as my projick dimmanded,

and, arfter a while, will onquestshunab bly bring. So I went by mysef to a hous he pinted out to me, and when I see the lanlady, (the desentist I has yet sean,) she curtshid perlitely, and I inquired, techin my hat, fur a room. She sais, "Ar you a member, ser?”

I reflectid a minnit, and anserd, "Yes'm, oh, yes'm."

She lookt at me rite good, and then she shode me a apartmint not much bigger'n a tater-hole, nisely fernisht to be sho, but barly big nuff to tern roun in. I tole her I were a sizybil man, which liked elbo room. She lookt at me agin. "Whut Stait ar you from?" she


"Ole Ferginny, mum."

She lookt at me agin, harder'n evver. Then she took me to anuther compartmint, uv far size, but planely fernisht as to bed, carpit, etsettry. It were pritty dark in thar, and a few chunks uv wood, the fust I had sean, wus smouldrin on the hath. She shet the dough. I felt commykill, but I sea the room was lit by a winder in the sealin, called a sky-lite. She sais, talkin rapidly, as wimmen most in ginrully do:

"This is a verry nise room, one uv the most kumfutable in the hous, and so cunveanyunt, and yit out uv the way like. Gurner Peters staid here all lass sesshin, saying it wus a charmin room; and Judge Forney, he had it fur three years; jest arfter Genrul Scott and the Forrin Ministers and thar ladies got rooms with me. Oh! we alwais have plesent kumpny, and my boders, bein pleesed, dont leeve me, but this is the fust uv the sesshin like, which is the reesin I have a few spare rooms, but only a verry few. The room aint cleend up this mornin, our made was taken sick lass nite, but it's a fine room, the ferniteur is not ig zackly new, which soots a singul gentilmun that doant like to feel crampt. Here's yo tabil, and ef you rite much, the lite falls strait down on yo papur. This winder, openin intoo the Cote," (here she hisetid a winder, I thought warnt thar at all,) “gives you cool ar all day long, speshilly in summer. I know you'll like to set at this winder and choo

tubacker, which it is the habbit with all Ferginny gentilmen, and thar is a fine wall you ken spit aginst."

Imagin, Billy, a squar inside uv a icehous, verry deep, bilt up uv bric, and a winder cut in the extreem bottom, lookin into the inside uv it, and you'll have sum idee uv this winder and the fo walls uv a high hous runnin up around it. I sertny like to set at a up star's winder, in my cote off, uv a summur day, and spit ambeer aginst the neck uv a chimbly, but I doant almier a room with a winder openin out upon nuthin but darkness and brix.

So we kuddent agree about neither uv them rooms, altho one had a fine wall to spit on, and so we went up a flite uv steps to look at another room. You no she had verry few to spar. Well, this was a reel splendid room, but she assd too much munny fer it, and then we lookt at three or fo mo, but all wus too high prised. All the tiem I wus lookin at rooms, she was lookin at me in a way that made me feal verry cuyus, fur I had heerd that evvryboddy in Washintun, wimmen and all, wus mighty cute, and I thought I seen she knew what I cum for. It's alwais the way with enny boddy that's got a secrit. How coud she know what I wus arfter? The thing were igsplained when I went to go. She diddent git mad becos I diddent bode with her, but jest as I wus leevin, she sais,

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She lafft so good nachud, I felt sorry I kuddent afode to stay thar and spit on her wall. When I went back to Broun's and had foun Mr. Argruff, (he dont bode thar,) I tole him about it, and he lafft and sed he must go with me and help me out. So he did. We went, and we went, and went, until we found a plais that he sed was the plais for me, which is the plais I'm now ritin in.


Two dais we wus at it, and Billy, the Lord now, (as yo Pa sais,) I diddent bleeve the sivvilized wirld cuntained the dirty housis, and dirty, po, miserbul, retchid, slip-shod, draggledy, har-uncombed wimmen that I seen them too dais. uv um look so pittyful, and sum so meen and feerse; and skeersly one uv um wus drest desent. I swar I felt sorry fur the sitty uv Washintun; but then agin the ladies in the streat apear to have mity nise close, and sum uv um magniffysent. How to akount fur this, I dont no. Washintun is a unakountabul plais, men is well is wimmen.

All uv um wantid me to bode at thar housis, and all offud me sich indeusments that I wood have takin at the droppin uv a hat, but for Mr. Argruff sayin no. One po, kine-harted cretur almost beged me to take a garrit room at her hous, reckummendin it highly.

"It's a sweet, little room," she sais, "retired, and havin a good vew uv the Avnew," (that's the main streat in Wash

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it. Thar is no fire-plais, but it's rite warm ixcept in ixtreme cole wether, and you need'nt bump yo hed ef you be keerful to stoop. It's nisely furnisht, and the sealin slopes a little, but you wont bump yo hed in the middle uv the room, and you are rite tall too."

The po cretur seamed to think all wus rite ef I diddent bump my hed. I ixpect hern has been bumpd, and she is techt in the brane. Anuther reckmendid her attentive mades, anuther her nigger boy, anuther this, and anuther that. All had sum grate men livin with um, and all lookt as if they sufferd much frum sumthin or ruther. I inclien too the apinyun that menny uv them drinks. They tell me the hole town uv Washintun is a bodin hous, and that the po wimmen that keeps boders is increesin wrappidly evvry year, and with thar increase thar is a increase uv misry, you may rest ashode. In fac a bodin hous keepin womun is a sine bode of misry, nuthin mo, igsept in a few kases.

When finely I got to whar I now am I sed to Mr. Argruff, it were hard work to git sootid. Yes, he sed, but I had had a eesyer time and better luck than most peepil that cum to this sitty to sojern, and I reckin maybe he's rite. I stop heer, sendin my luv to all inquirin frens, and keepin in resurve a thousan things fur my necks. Good-bi, Billy.

From yo faithful fren,


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