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When you get up in the morning, and everything looks blue, and when you do not feel like doing anything, when life doesn't seem worth while, then is your opportunity to have it out with your enemy. Fight it out on the spot. Say to yourself; "No matter how I feel, I am going to look on the bright side of things. I shall not let gloomy thoughts rule me to-day. I shall show these little mental enemies of mine that I am going to run my own mental workshop. The king is going to rule to-day and every day hereafter." Brace yourself at the start, and whenever you feel the inclination to gloom throughout the day, by following the prescription of a well-known physician for depressed, nervous patients—"Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. up."

"Just try turning up the corners of your mouth, regardless of your mood, and see how it makes you feel; then draw them down, and note the effect, and you will be willing to declare, 'There is something in it,'" says this physician. He has his patients remain in his office and smile. If it is not the genuine article, it must at least be an upward curvature of the corners of the mouth, and the better feelings invariably follow.

He says that if people will turn down the corners of their mouths and use sufficient will power they can actually shed tears. On the other hand, if they will keep the corners of their mouths turned up, pleasant thoughts will take the place of gloomy


His remedy for the blues is the fruit of experience in his own home. His wife was of a morbid temperament, and when she was despondent, he would ask her to smile a little, until the saying came to be a household joke; but it brought good results.

I know a man who had long been a victim of despondency who cured himself by adopting the smile remedy. He said to himself, "I have been miserable long enough. I have been handicapped all my life by this miserable habit of the blues, and now I am going to quit. I'll keep the corners of my mouth turned up, and I'll grin, no matter how I feel." This resolution proved his salvation. He persisted in smiling until he actually changed his mental attitude and became quite happy and cheerful. His changed outlook reacted favorably upon his business, which improved wonderfully, together with his health.

A woman who has had great affliction says: "I have had nothing I could give but myself, and so I made the resolution that I would never sadden any one with my troubles. I have laughed and told jokes when I could have wept. I have smiled in the face of every misfortune. I have tried to let every one go away from my presence with a happy word and a bright thought to carry with them. Happiness makes happiness, and I myself am happier than I would have been had I sat down and bemoaned my fate."

John Wanamaker's advice to men at the beginning of a new year was, "Don't be blue. If I only thought of my mistakes I should be miserable all the time."

Many a once prosperous man has gone down in financial ruin because he dwelt so much on his mistakes and gave way to discouragement and the blues.

If you start out in the morning with the determination to allow nothing to throw you off your balance, to annoy you, to interfere with your efficiency, and if you do your utmost to keep that resolution, you certainly are not half as likely to fall and go to pieces over little things, or to become morbid and gloomy as you are if you make no resolution. In other words, it is a wonderful help to start out in the morning with the firm determination to win out in spite of all the enemy moods, all the accidents and vexations that may bombard us, to make the day efficient and successful.

There is no other way to make life yield its best than to make each day a success.



We feel the thing we ought to be beating beneath the thing we are—Phillips Brooks.


O you realize that every time you allow yourself to think you are a failure, a nobody, your mental attitude kills the very thing which you are pursuing, that you are really "queering" your success by your self-thought poisoning?

Men who have risen to high places have usually pictured themselves in these positions long before they attained them.

The mind always goes ahead of the plan and the plan always precedes the building, the achievement. If the plan is stunted the life structure will correspond. When you carry a poorhouse atmosphere with you, you are attracting the poorhouse, the poorhouse conditions. Holding the poverty thought keeps you in touch with poverty-stricken conditions.

If you expect to win out in life you must carry conquest in your very presence. Your attitude must be victorious.

Do not think of yourself as a human being dwarfed in any faculties or in any respect. Just imagine yourself as filling out the ideal of manhood or the ideal of womanhood, because we tend to measure up to our estimate of ourselves, to our ideal.

Whatever your mental attitude is you build into your life. As long as you think you are a nobody, there is no power in the world that can make you a somebody. Nothing will save you from your own condemnation of yourself, your own conviction of your inferiority, your unworthiness.

Always think the best of yourself. Carry a wholesome, whole, ideal picture of your health, of your ability, your success, your happiness. Never allow a dwarfed, imperfect picture to come into your mind.

How few of us realize that we head towards our ideals, our convictions, our dominant thought, that our lives pattern after the models we carry in the mind! What we visualize regarding ourselves, our future, become building points in our mind, and we are constantly creating about these models, following them out, perfecting and beautifying them with our hopes, our expectations of better things, or marring them with our fears, our doubts.

A great artist said he never looked at inferior pictures because if he did he would thus become too familiar with false artistic ideals and his own pencil would soon catch the taint of inferiorty.

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