| Great Britain. Parliament - 1826 - 736 páginas
...preventing the mother from being separated from the child up to a certain age. That, no doubt, was good as far as it went ; but it did not go far enough to justify the statement, that efficient means had been adopted in five colonies to prevent the separation... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1888 - 1064 páginas
...doing the smallest injustice in this matter. He accepted the Amendment of the right hon. Gentleman as far as it went, but it did not go far enough, and the old principle remained exactly as it was before. The complaint was that the Boards of Guardians... | |
 | William Cobbett - 1831 - 958 páginas
...Member would ' not sit in the House for three months, ' without saying that the reform was ' well enough as far as it went, but it ' did not go far enough ; and he would 'ask them to let him prescribe, and " would advise them a dose of Hunt's " matchless... | |
 | 1831 - 426 páginas
...Member would not sit in the, House for three months', without saying that the reform was well enough as far as it went, but it did not go far enough ; and he would ask them to let him prescribe, and would advise them a dose of Hsnt't^ matchless composition.... | |
 | 1926 - 760 páginas
...witnessed autopsies and sometimes examined the organs on their removal from the body. All this was good as far as it went, but it did not go far enough. It was analytic rather than synthetic ; it was detached and abstract rather than integral and practical.... | |
 | 1927 - 612 páginas
...a roll of gummed paper tape and a machine for feeding it out and cutting it off. That was all right as far as it went, but it did not go far enough. Our idea of a mechanical invention was one that would serve some purpose beyond its mere mechanical... | |
 | Thomas Doubleday - 1856 - 552 páginas
...of persons (rentiers) to the restored government of the Bourbons. This reasoning was perfectly sound as far as it went ; but it did not go far enough. Public debts cut two ways. They attach to a government those who receive interest out of the taxes... | |
 | Annette (fict.name.) - 1864 - 182 páginas
...if she would like to say this from her heart. But it was only a passing wish. It was a right feeling as far as it went, but it did not go far enough. It did not work itself out into anything 'll NETTY S RECOVERY better than a wish ; and after a short... | |
 | Charles Kingsley - 1868 - 378 páginas
...to deliver all poor mariners from dangers of the seas. That was a natural prayer, and a pious one, as far as it went: but it did not go far enough. For, as a fact, God did not always answer it: he did not always see fit to deliver those who called... | |
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