... to use the jargon of the Royal Navy. It is almost impossible to depict even to a modern engineer the layout of that extraordinary engine room. But an effort must be made because, take her for all in all, we shall not look upon her like again. She... Annis Warleigh's fortunes, by Holme Lee - Página 209por Harriet Parr - 1863Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1822 - 614 páginas
...humanized them — it placed the female sex in their proper rank. Josephine Buonaparte was a woman, who, take her for all in all, we shall not look upon her like again. She was the cause of her husband's elevation — moulded his disposition — and, finally, by a sacrifice,... | |
 | 1851 - 848 páginas
...that her private life has been as amiable and excellent as her public course has been distinguished. "Take her for all in all, we shall not look upon her like again ! " JULLIEN IN EDINBURGH. (From a Correspondent.} MY DEAR — — , As a subscriber to your worthy... | |
 | Richard Holt Hutton - 1880 - 350 páginas
...Thine absence leaves a dreary blank upon our hearth, a shadow on the heart of our little household. Take her for all in all, we shall not look upon her like again ! Pray forgive this digression. But it is only right that in concluding the history of my travels I... | |
 | 1885 - 608 páginas
...a Farthing, are too rambling, more a succession of charming bits than a well compacted whole, but " Take her for all in all, "We shall not look upon her like again." S. No, we shall miss her again and again, (hough we have so much of hers that can hardly be forgotten.... | |
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