Journal of the Senate of the State of New YorkNew York State Senate, 1931 Some vols. previous to 1830 have appendices consisting of reports of various State offices. |
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Página 1258
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. Ordered , That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly , with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same . The Assembly bill ( No. 693 , Rec . No. 57 ) entitled " An act ...
New York (State). Legislature. Senate. Ordered , That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly , with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same . The Assembly bill ( No. 693 , Rec . No. 57 ) entitled " An act ...
Página 1279
... Senate has concurred in the passage of the same . The Assembly bill ( No. 2483 , Rec . No. 567 ) entitled " An act conferring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear and deter- mine the claim of Arthur McConville against the State ...
... Senate has concurred in the passage of the same . The Assembly bill ( No. 2483 , Rec . No. 567 ) entitled " An act conferring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear and deter- mine the claim of Arthur McConville against the State ...
Página 1477
... Senate has concurred in the passage of the same . The Assembly sent for concurrence a resolution , introduced by Mr. Garnjost , in the words following : Resolved ( if the Senate concur ) , That Assembly bill ( No. 1110 , Rec . No. 464 ) ...
... Senate has concurred in the passage of the same . The Assembly sent for concurrence a resolution , introduced by Mr. Garnjost , in the words following : Resolved ( if the Senate concur ) , That Assembly bill ( No. 1110 , Rec . No. 464 ) ...
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Journal of the Senate of the State of New York New York (State). Legislature. Senate Vista completa - 1897 |
Journal of the Senate of the State of New York New York (State). Legislature. Senate Vista completa - 1907 |
Journal of the Senate of the State of New York New York (State). Legislature. Senate Vista completa - 1923 |
Términos y frases comunes
act to amend AFFIRMATIVE Baxter Desmond Baxter Desmond Hickey Berg Downing Hofstadter Brereton Dunnigan Howard Buckley Evans Kirkland Burchill Fearon Kleinfeld Byrne Feld Knight calendar legislative days Campbell Frost Lord Cheney Gates Love Cilano Hastings Mastick Clerk return county highways Crawford Hewitt McCall Desmond Hickey McNaboe Downing Hofstadter Nunan Dunnigan Howard O'Brien entitled An act Evans Kirkland O'Brien favor thereof Fearon Kleinfeld Palmer Feld Knight Patrie final passage form for three FRANKLIN D Frost Lord Pitcher Gates Love Quinn Hastings Mastick Schackno Hewitt McCall Slater Howard O'Brien D T Kirkland O'Brien H L Knight Patrie Campbell Patrie Campbell Frost President put put the question Quinn Williams Cilano read the third return said bill rules were suspended Senate has concurred Senate would agree Senators elected voting third reading three calendar legislative three-fifths being present Twomey Buckley Evans unanimous consent voting in favor Westall Byrne Feld Wicks Cheney Gates Williams Cilano Hastings