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"The conversion of the Jews.---It seems promised that they are to return to their own land.

"The universal prevalence of the gospel.---Notions of the Millennium.

"The final resurrection.---Retrospect of the Lectures.---The future triumph of faith."

Mr. Nares supports the opinion that Papal Rome is the antichrist of St. John and the man of sin of St. Paul, and he has placed the usual arguments for that judgment in a striking point of view. This is an opinion as old at least as the Reformation, and certainly existing circumstances do not warrant us in departing from it.

"I cannot think," says Mr. Nares, "that the present are times for concealing or departing from the opinion held by the first Reformers of religion, and supported by the soundest and acutest theologians of the Protestant persuasion; and particularly by the best divines of our own distinguished church. The founder of these lectures, a man of no small powers of mind, was so persuaded of the importance of these truths, that he made the supporting of them an express condition for his preachers. Nor can any one with propriety undertake to give the lectures, who is not so persuaded."

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We here seize the opportunity which the consideration of this subject affords us, of earnestly recommending a Sermon entituled, Antichrist, or the Man of Sin," preached before the university of Oxford in 1802, by Ralph Churton, M. A. and printed at the university press in 4to. in 1804.

Mr Nares states the general conversion of the Jews to Christianity to be an event "as certain as the word of prophecy can make it:" but he is not equally confident with some modern writers, that they will be restored in triumph to the land which was given originally to their fathers.

"It is not impossible," Mr. Nares cautiously observes, "that the expressions employed respecting their land, may be altogether figurative. The material point of belief is, that their rejection, though it be long, shall not be perpetual; and that an error, fortified by so many prejudices, shall at length give way to the irresistible evidences of truth."

With respect to the doctrine of a Millennium, thougk the learned lecturer says, that " it has in some hands been made extravagan tand dangerous," he yet inclines to the opinion, "that there will be such a period upon earth,

earth, when the truth shall prevail among men, and the glory of the Redeemer shall be much more manifest than it had ever been before."..

We shall here close our account of these interesting lectures, which display sound divinity, and exhibit truly what the title proposes, a "Chronological View of the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church."

Were we disposed to express any dissatisfaction, it would only be this, that so many and such important subjects as are here introduced, have not been, in such able hands, treated at a greater length.

A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St Andrew, in Holborn, on Sunday Jan. 5, 1806; on occasion of the Death of the Rev. CHARLES BARTON, M. A. late Rector of the said Parish. By the Rev. CHARLES PRYCE, M. A. late of Merton College, Oxford; joint Curate of St. Andrew's, Holborn. 8vo. Pp. 17.


UNERAL discourse are not very customary at present, except among the Dissenters. When striking occasions however, offer, particularly the deaths of exemplary characters in public stations, they are calculated to produce a salutary effect. There is something at all times in mortality which affects the mind with a serious consideration; but when men of brilliant talents, or of distinguished virtues, are taken away, the impression made by the loss, is particularly sensible; and the Christian minister who improves the opportunity by calling the attention of his hearers to the affecting subject, will have the satisfaction of having delivered a word in season, even though he should not thereby save souls from death by converting them from the error of their ways.

The perusal of this sermon has given us a degree of melancholy satisfaction; for we can bear witness, from our own personal knowlege, to the useful virtues of the ex cellent divine who is the subject of it and we have to regret the loss of a parish priest who possessed all the solid qualifications of that important character, together with the amiable virtues of the private Christian.

This discourse to his memory does honour to the feelings and the abilities of the author, and, as it is published by request, we have no doubt, but that the delivery of it made a suitable impression upon the hearts of the hearers.

After considering and improving the subject of mortality, the preacher calls the attention of his congregation to the character of their deceased pastor as follows:

"These solemn emblems must forcibly bring to your recollection the example of him who has so frequently occupied the place from which I now address you. "Bear with me" then, my brethren, whilst I endeavour to lay before you a brief sketch of those excellencies which marked the character of your departed minister, my sincerely lamented friend.

"Pursuing the line already pointed out, let us attend to what were the most prominent traitsin his religious, social, and domestic conduct.

"With respect to the performance of public religious duties, you yourselves know his diligence and attention, you know that he was anxious to promote both by his influence and example, your spiritual and eternal welfare. I appeal to you for proof of this: they are facts well known to you all. His situation amongst you, as minister of a large and populous parish, was a charge, the importance of which he seemed to be fully aware of. Whilst health and strength permitted him, ever was he ready to perform the sacred duties of his office, and assist in the dispensation of God's word and ordinances. And even whilst reclining on the bed of sickness, the spiritual concerns of the people committed to his charge were the frequent objects of his anxious enquiry. He seemed to consider that he was entrusted with an office of awful responsibility, for which hereafter he was to render an account to the Great Shepherd of souls. And whilst this zeal and diligence was displayed in the performance of public duties, need we doubt that the private duties of religion, which more immediately concerned the welfare of himself, and those most dear to him, were disregarded ?

"With respect to his performance of social duties, many amongst you, I am persuaded, can in like manner bear testimo ny. The servant of God was also the friend of man. Maintaining at all times a just propriety of demeanour, his temper was warm, frank, open, affable, generous. His sentiments and proffered offers of friendship proceeded, I may affirm, from the heart. Some here present, who experienced this much longer than I had the happiness, nay, even from his earliest years, I am convinced, would assert the same.-His regard for the spiritual welfare of his flock has already been noticed; nor was his regard to their temporal concerns less conspicuous. It was yesterday remarked to me by one now before me, that he had seen him Vol. X. Churchm. Mag. for Jan. 1806. I frequently


frequently exploring the recesses of the poor and necessitous, and never turned sway from the cries of the deserving suppliant. Did this require additional confirmation, the care which he evinced tomards the welfare of those poor children might be adduced; not forgetting them even in death, but bequeathing a perpetual token of his regard *,

"Not, however, to dwell on his public character, let us turn our attention to his performance of private duties, and view him in his domestic capacity. Here then you must remember the tender husband, the affectionate father, the kind and leniant master. For these several characters he was eminently distinguished. And who amongst us, reflecting on the helpless state of infancy, can forbear to lament, that a longer opportunity was not afforded for the exercise of these duties? But we must submissively bow to the dispensations of the Most High. Our nature may occasion the tear to flow, which our religion must wipe away. God, we trust, will prove " a father to the fatherless," and a protector of the widow.

"The minister, the friend, the husband, the father, the master, here described, who was born and passed his earliest and and maturer years among you, is now taken away. Ere another Sabbath has elapsed, I shall have performed the last melancholy office assigned to me, and his remains will be deposited in the silent grave †.

"But whilst we cannot forbear lamenting on this sad occasson, "let us not sorrow as men without hope." "If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, those also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." Let us then hope that our deceased friend may be of this blessed number; and that, removed from his earthly tabernacle of flesh, his soul may be admitted to those regions of uninterupted bliss, where death shall be for ever" swallowed up in victory."

"To us who survive these scenes of mortality a warning lesson is held forth. We who are " living, know that we shall" in like manner " die." God only knows how soon we ourselves may like him be consigned to our native dust. Parent and chil dren, husband and wife, brother and sister, may, as in the case we regret, be called away from each other. What then remains but that we may " be also ready;" that our consciences being disburdened from the weight of sin, we may, like him, " expire without a struggle."

* Mr. Barton has bequeathed a legacy to St. Andrew's Charity School. + Mr. B. died at Bath on the preceding Sunday, in the 55th year of his age.

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A Tribute to the Memory of LORD NELSON, in a Sermon preached on the General Thanksgiving-Day, Dec. 5th, 1805, in the Octagon Chapel, Bath. By the Rev. JOHN GARDINER, D. D. Pp. 31. Rivingtons..



E praised volume of Sermons by this author in our fourth volume, page 52, 182, as possessing more than usual excellence, and we are willing on the present occasion to repeat our commendation. Dr. Gardiner is a popular writer; his manner is insinuating; his language is elegant; and his mode of speaking, we will add, for we have occasionally heard him in his chapel at Bath, extremely impressive. The collection made in consequence of this Sermon was, considering the seize of the chapel, very considerable; for the address is indeed well calculated to interest the affections. Of Lord Nelson, Dr. G. has made a high, but a just panegyric. After speaking of his intrepidity and valour, he thus describes his hero's fall :

"He who had subdued so many others, fell conquered himself; but, blessed be God! amidst triumphant shouts, which announced him conqueror in his turn, author of a victory glorious and momentous beyond example, and no less seasonable for his country's support, than meritorious in its accomplishment. He fell as every model of true heroism would wish to fall, in seeing an enemy prostrate at his feet, and gratefully lifting up his soul to the Supreme Disposer of the event. He fell prematurely indeed for his fellow citizens, for their anxious hopes and wishes, for their grateful embraces; but not prematurely for the consummation of his own and his country's renown."

To excite the benevolence of his auditory, Dr. Gardineraddresses them with much feeling and persuasion.

"Let then the principles and sentiments which I have recommended, influence our actions. Our God is a holy God; his eyes are purer than to behold evil. If he never forsakes those who love and obey him, he cannot restore to favour long those who rebel against him. Let then a general reformation of morals be an infallible criterion of the extent and sincerity of our gratitude and ardour of our praise. God heareth not sinners. To induce him then, to employ future instruments like the past in our behalf; let us employ the only means in our power, to secure his favour and protection, repentance, amendment of life. "Aspir


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