Dies ira, dies illa Quantus tremor est futurus, Tuba mirum, spargens sonum Mors stupebit et natura, In Liber scriptus proferetur, Judex ergo cum sedebit, Quid sum, miser, tum dicturus? Cum nec justus sit securus. Rex tremendæ majestatis, Recordare, JESU pie, Quærens me venisti lassus, Juste judex ultionis Ingemisco tanquam reus, Qui Mariam absolvisti Mihi quoque spem dedisti. Preces meæ non sunt digna: Inter oves locum præsta Confutatis maledictis Ut consors beatitatis Oro supplex et acclinis, ! Translation of the above by LORD ROSCOMMON. [It is to be observed that his Lordship begins his version, or rather paraphrase, at the 5th stauza of the Latin: Dies ira, dies illa; and he has injudiciously altered Peter to David.] THE day of wrath, that dreadful day, Shall the whole world in ashes lay, As David and the Sibyls say. What horror will invade the mind, When the strict judge who would be kind, The The last loud trumpet's wond'rous sound Nature and death shall with surprize And view the Judge with conscious eyes. Then shall, with universal dread, The judge ascends his awful throne, Oh! then what int'rest can I make, Thou mighty formidable king,' Some comfortable pity bring. Forget not what my ransom cost, Thou, who for me didst feel such pain, Thou, whom avenging pow'rs obey, Surrounded with amazing fears, Thou, who wast moved by Mary's grief, Hast given me hope, Oh! give relief. Reject not my unworthy pray'r, Preserve me from the dangerous snare. Which death and gaping hell prepare. Give my exalted soul a place From that insatiable abyss, Where flames devour, and serpents hiss, Prostrate, my contrite heart I bend; Well may they curse their second breath, FOR THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. Verses written on a blank Leaf of the "Orphans of Llangloed." TRUE to fair RUE to life's changing scenes, fair moralist, Nor is the lesson of inferior worth, That saves the guiltless suff'rer from despair. Vol. X. Churchm. Mag. for March 1806. H h List LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. to A Archbishop of Canterbury, on the probable Number of the Clergy, and other Matters relating to the Church. 2s... Trikemeron Sacrum, or an abridg ed Preparation for receiving the Lord's Supper, with Forms of Service and Rules of Abstinence, to commence on Friday Noon, in the preceding Week. 1s. or on inferior paper 6d. Sermon preached in the Chapel of the Foundling Hospital, on the Fast Day. By the Rev. J. Hewlett, B. D. 1s. A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, Nov. 24, Interpretation of the 87th Psalm. By John Eveleigh, D. D. Provost of Oriel. 1s. The Reality of the Powder Plot vindicated from some recent Misrepresentations. A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1805. By Ralph Churton, M. A. Archdeacon of St. David's, &c. 1s. 6d. Letter to a Country Gentleman, containing some Remarks on the Principles and Conduct of those Ministers of the Church of England who exclusively style themselves Evangelical Preachers. 1s.6d. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. MR. Hayley has addressed a let- larly, endeared to the departed. ter to the persons who have subscribed for a monument. to the memory of Cowper the poet,in which he announces his intention of publishing the Latin and Italian poems of Milton translated by Cowper, with all that remains of his projected Dissertations on Paradise Lost, in one quarto volume, at the price of two guineas. At the samne time Mr. Hayley recommends, that instead of a marble monument, the produce be applied for the benefit of an orphan boy, the favourite godson and namesake of Cowper. "I am confident," says Mr. H. "that no tribute of respect to Cowper's memory could be more truly acceptable to his pure and beneficent mind than what I propose; and I feel a pleasure in believing, that I may gratify many of his admirers by offering them an opportunity of purchasing the posthumous poetry of my friend, and of indulging at the same time their feelings of tenderness and benevo lence towards an orphan particu now poet." The Rev. Mr. Van Mildert, rector of St. Mary le Bow, will, we understand, speedily publish, his sermons preached at Boyle's tecture. In noticing this, we beg leave to ask, what is become of that excellent endowment made by Lady Moyer for lectures on the divinity of Christ, &c. against Arians and other heretics? Is it lost? Mr. Mounsey, of Baliol College, Oxford, is about to publish, The Proverbs of Ali, with a Latin version, and notes, by Cornelius Van Weener. The work is proceeding on at the Clarendon Press, and will make one handsome quarto volume. Haas, the engraver of Basil, pro poses to publish an edition of the Old Testament in the Hebrew language, with characters which he has recently engraved. From a specimen of this edition it appears, that he has completely succeeded in giving a distinct form to such letters as have some resemblance, and |