KEY NUMBER SYSTEM This is a Key-Numbered Volume Each syllabus paragraph in this volume is marked with the topic and Key-Number section under which the point will eventually appear in the American Digest System. The lawyer is thus led from that syllabus to the exact place in the Digests where we, as digest makers, have placed the other cases on the same point---This is the Key-Number Annotation. THE NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT WITH KEY-NUMBER ANNOTATIONS VOLUME 178 PERMANENT EDITION (NEW YORK STATE REPORTER, VOL. 212) CONTAINING THE DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME AND JUDGES OF THE COURTS REPORTED DURING THE PERIOD COVERED BY THIS VOLUME SUPREME COURT-First Department. | SUPREME COURT-First Dept.-Cont'd. Justices of the Appellate Division. JOHN PROCTOR CLARKE, PRESIDING JUSTICE. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. FRANK C. LAUGHLIN. WALTER LLOYD SMITH, ALFRED R. PAGE. EDGAR S. K. MERRELL. EUGENE A. PHILBIN. Justices of the Appellate Term, 1919-Cont'd. October. P. HENRY DUGRO. JOHN PROCTOR CLARKE. VICTOR J. DOWLING. JOSEPH E. NEWBURGER. LEONARD A. GIEGERICH. PETER A. HENDRICK. NATHAN BIJUR. EDWARD J. GAVEGAN. (v) SUPREME COURT-First Dept.-Cont'd. | SUPREME COURT-Second Dept.-C't'd. Justices of the First District-Cont'd. RICHARD H. MITCHELL, ROBERT F. WAGNER. Second Department. Justices of the Appellate Division. ALMET F. JENKS, PRESIDING JUSTICE, ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. ISAAC.N. MILLS. Justices of the Appellate Term, 1919. Justices of the Ninth District. MARTIN J. KEOGH. Third Department. Justices of the Appellate Division. JOHN M. KELLOGG, PRESIDING JUSTICE. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. GEORGE F. LYON. JOHN WOODWARD. AARON V. S. COCHRANE. HENRY T. KELLOGG. Justices of the Third District WESLEY O. HOWARD. WILLIAM P. RUDD. GILBERT D. B. HASBROUCK, Justices of the Fourth District. Justices of the Sixth District. MICHAEL H. KILEY. Fourth Department. Justices of the Appellate Division. FREDERICK W. KRUSE, PRESIDING JUSTICE, ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. NATHANIEL FOOTE.1 JOHN S. LAMBERT. PASCAL C. J. DE ANGELIS. WILLIAM W. CLARK.2 Justices of the Fifth District. Justices of the Seventh District. WILLIAM W. CLARK. ADOLPH J. RODENBECK, ROBERT F. THOMPSON. March. LESTER W. CLARK. CHARLES H. KELBY. DAVID F. MANNING. May. LESTER W. CLARK. LESTER W. CLARK. December. LESTER W. CLARK. Justices of the Second District. WILLIAM J. KELLY. HERBERT T. KETCHAM. Retired December 30, 1919. 2 Designated to Supreme Court, Fourth Department, January 1, 1920, to succeed Nathaniel Foote. • Elected November 4, 1919. |