purpose of developing a sense of what real literature is, both in form and in spirit. While holding to these considerations, it was also kept in mind that the book must be a reading-book, in the school sense. It is to be used for improvement in the art of oral reading as well as for studies in literature. Therefore, a variety of styles in both prose and poetry is needed. This will explain why, in some instances, a particular selection is made from an author rather than some other selection. The more mechanical part of oral reading - the development and management of the voice, the rendering flexible the organs of speech and securing precision in their action - may receive due attention without much regard to the meaning of the exercises used in practice. But to gain the ability to read well orally - to convey exact thought and quicken feeling by the utterance, in appropriate tones, of what another has written - requires extended practice upon pieces rich in thought and various in style and sentiment. The brief biographical sketches of the thirteen authors represented here, while helpful for the information which they contain, will, it is hoped, inspire the reader to a further study of the authors and their works. As this book has been especially prepared for the advanced class in the grammar schools of Boston to meet an acknowledged want, there can be no doubt that it will render the same good service in classes of similar grade elsewhere. The selections from the following named authors are used by permission of, and by arrangement with, the authorized publishers of their works : WASHINGTON IRVING, J. B. O'REILLY, EDWARD EVERETT, . Messrs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. . Messrs. Little, Brown & Co. |