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" We declare it to be our royal will and pleasure that none be in any wise favoured, none molested or disquieted, by reason of their religious faith or observances, but that all shall alike enjoy the equal and impartial protection of the law... "
Christianity in India: An Historical Narrative - Página 472
por Sir John William Kaye - 1859 - 522 páginas
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The Gospel magazine, and theological review. Ser. 5. Vol. 3, no. 1-July 1874

1859 - 632 páginas
...favoured — none molested or disquieted, by reason of their religious faith or observances, but that all alike enjoy the equal and impartial protection strictly charge and enjoin all those who may be m authority under us, that they abstain from all interference with the religious belief or worship...
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The Christian Witness, and Church Member's Magazine, Volúmenes16-17

1859 - 880 páginas
...none be in aiiywi=e favoured, none mo" lifted or disquieted, by reason of their reli" PIHH faith or observances, but that all shall •• alike " of the law ; and we do strictly charge and "rtjijin all illume who may be in authority " under us, that they abstain from all inter fctwice with...
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volumen85

1859 - 910 páginas
...that none be in any wise favoured, none molested or disquieted, by reason of their religious faith or observances, but that all shall alike enjoy the, that they abstain from all interference with the religions belief or worship of any of our subjects, on pain of our highest displeasure." There is no...
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Thoughts on the Policy of the Crown Towards India

John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow - 1859 - 398 páginas
...that none be in anywise favoured, none molested or disquieted, by reason of their religious faith or observances, but that all shall alike enjoy the equal...under us, that they abstain from all interference B 2 with the religious belief or worship of any of our subjects, on pain of our highest displeasure....
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The Christian observer [afterw.] The Christian observer and advocate

1859 - 890 páginas
...that none be in anywise favoured, none molested or disquieted by reason of their religious faith or observances, but that all shall alike enjoy the authority under us, that they abstain from all interferences with the religious belief or worship of any of our subjects, on pain of our ' highest...
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The baptist Magazine

1859 - 858 páginas
...molested or disquieted, by reason of their religious faith or observances, but that all alike shall enjoy the. equal and impartial protection of the law;...and we do strictly charge and enjoin all those who maybe in authority ualer us, 'thnt they abstain from all interference with the [religious belief or...
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The General Baptist repository, and Missionary observer [afterw.] The ...

1859 - 1002 páginas
...approval of other pirts of this able and important State Paper. Let the following be pondered : — " We do strictly charge and enjoin all those who may be in authority under us that they abstiin from all interference with the religious belief or worship of any of our subjects, on pain...
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The United Presbyterian Magazine

1859 - 588 páginas
...reason their religious faith or observances, but that all shall alike enjoy the equal and 'partial protection of the law ; and we do strictly charge and enjoin all those who ij be in authority under us, that they abstain from all interference with the reДОВ belief or worship...
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Church missionary intelligencer, Volúmenes11-12

1860 - 772 páginas
...favoured or disquieted by reason of their religious faith ; and that all in authority under her shall abstain from all interference with the religious belief or worship of any of her subjects.' To the principles thus declared by the Proclamation the Government of British India...
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Be just to India, by a member of the Cotton supply association [H. Ashworth.].

Henry Ashworth - 1861 - 30 páginas
...petitioners express their gratitude for the assurance of Her Majesty, that in the exercise of their religion all shall alike enjoy the equal and impartial protection of the law, and they cherish this charter of religious liberty with feelings which Asiatics alone can fully comprehend....
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