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" Committee, that it is the duty of this country to promote the interest and happiness of the native inhabitants of the British dominions in India, and that such measures ought to be adopted, as may tend to the introduction among them of useful knowledge,... "
Christianity in India: An Historical Narrative - Página 260
por Sir John William Kaye - 1859 - 522 páginas
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1813 - 930 páginas
...Intereft and Happinrfs of the Native Inhabitants of the Briti/h Dominions in Ind'w -, and fuch Meafures ought to be adopted as may tend to the Introduction among them oi nfeful Knowledge, and of religious and moral Improvement; and in furtherance of the above Objeas,...
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The Utica Christian Magazine, Volumen1

1814 - 496 páginas
...following Resolution, which had bcen previously agrced to in a Committce of the whole House, viz. " That it is the duty of this country to promote the...religious and moral improvement : — .That, in the furtheranee of the above objects, sufficicnt facilitics shall be afforded, by law, to persons desirous...
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A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe and St ...

Henry Ryder - 1814 - 268 páginas
...happiness of the Native Inhabitants of the British Dominions in India ; and such measures ought lo be adopted as may tend to the introduction among them...knowledge, and of religious and moral improvement ; and in furtherance of tfie above objects, sufficient facilities ought to be afforded by law to persons...
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Missionary Register, Volumen1

1816 - 550 páginas Gentlemen returned from that quarter ! The 13th Resolution was as follows : — Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That it is the duty...introduction among them of useful knowledge, and of religions and moral improvement: — That, in the furtherance of the above objects, sufficient facilities...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, Volumen1

Hugh Pearson - 1817 - 556 páginas
...debate and without a division. •• That it is the duty of this country to promote the inte" rest and happiness of the native inhabitants of the British...adopted as may tend to the introduction among them of useSee page 458. •• ful knowledge, and of religious and mora] improvement. " That in the furtherance...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D.D.: Late ...

Hugh Pearson - 1818 - 680 páginas
...without debate and without a division. " That it is the duty of this country to promote the inte" rest and happiness of the native inhabitants of the British...adopted as may tend to the introduction among them of use• See page 45S. " ful knowledge, and of rejigious and moral improvement. " That in the furtherance...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D ..., Volumen2

Hugh Pearson - 1819 - 424 páginas
...interest and happiness of the native inhabit" ants of the British dominions in India ; and that 'c such measures ought to be adopted as may tend « to the introduction among them of useful know" ledge, and of religious and moral improvement, " That in the furtherance of the above objects,...
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The baptist Magazine

1821 - 590 páginas
...share its advantages. BRITISH INDIA SOCIETY. THE ActSSGeo. III. c. 155. declares, that "it is the duly of this country to promote the interest and happiness...knowledge, and of religious and moral improvement." We are happy to hear that the natives themselves have co-operated wilh the servants of the East India...
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The Christian observer [afterw.] The Christian observer and advocate

1822 - 872 páginas
...promote the interest and happiness of the native inhabitants of the British dominions in India ; and such measures ought to be adopted as may tend to the...introduction among them of useful knowledge, and of religions and moral improvement.' Several associations have also been formed, which have in view the...
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A Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the ..., Volumen1

Joseph Chitty - 1824 - 1090 páginas the duty of this country to promote the interest and happiness of the native inhabitants of our dominions in India, and that such measures ought to...knowledge and of religious and moral improvement; that in furtherance of these objects sufficient facilities ought to be afforded by law to persons desirous...
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