Asiatic subjects, and our connexion with them, are such as they ought to be for all time to come, seems too daring a conclusion ; and if a change, a great change be necessary, no reason can be assigned for its commencement at any future period, which... Christianity in India: An Historical Narrative - Página 487por Sir John William Kaye - 1859 - 522 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1824 - 884 páginas
...valuable paper he makes the following powerful appeal to the British authorities in behalf of India: " To rest in the present state of things, or to determine...alteration, at least no effectual and safe one. " The Mahomedans, living for centuries intermixed in great numbers with the Hindoos, produced no radical... | |
 | 1823 - 714 páginas
...ought to be for all time to come, seems too daring a conclusion ; and if a change, a great change he necessary, no reason can be assigned for its commencement...things may be left to their own course, or that our Eurojiean Settlements may prove a sufficient nursery of 568 OBITUARY. — Charles Grant, Ettj. [Dec.... | |
 | 1824 - 894 páginas
...valuable paper he makes the following powerful appeal to the British authorities in behalf of India: " To rest in the present state of things, or to determine...alteration, at least no effectual and safe one. " The Mahometans, living for centuries intermixed in great numbers with the Hindoos, produced no radical... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1824 - 910 páginas
...valuable paper he makes the following powerful appeal to the British authorities in behalf of India: " To rest in the present state of things, or to determine...alteration, at least no effectual and safe one. " The Mahomedans, living for centuries intermixed in great numbers with the Hindoos, produced no radical... | |
 | 1824 - 890 páginas
...valuable paper he makes the following powerful appeal to the British authorities in behalf of India: " To rest in the present state of things, or to determine...religious instruction for the natives, will be, in efl'ect, to declare, that there shall be no alteration, at least no effectual and safe one. " The Mahomedans,... | |
 | 1825 - 864 páginas
...paper, he makes the following powerful appeal to the British authorities in behalf of India : — " To rest in the present state of things, or to determine...alteration, at least no effectual and safe one. " The Mohammedans, living for centuries intermixed in great numbers with the Hindoos, produced no radical... | |
 | 1825 - 496 páginas
...present state of things, or to determine that the situation of our Asiatic subjects, and our connection with them, are such as they ought to be .for all time...alteration, at least no effectual and safe one. " The Mohammedans, living for centuries intermixed in great numbers with the Hindoos, produced no radical... | |
 | 1847 - 556 páginas
...present state of tilings, or to determine that the situation of our Asiatic subjects, and our connection with them, are such as they ought to be for all time...instruction for the natives, will be, in effect, to declare, thattliere shall be no alteration, at least, no effectual and safe one. The Muhammadans, living for... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1832 - 512 páginas
...present state of things, or to determine that the situation of our Asiatic subjects, and our connection with them, are such as they ought to be for all time...alteration, at least no effectual and safe one. The Mahomedans, living for centuries intermixed in great numbers with the Hindoos, produced no radical... | |
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