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"thy sins are forgiven thee," a meaning not intended, when we consider him who spoke them as "claiming the divine prerogative" thereby. It is well known that the Jews believed various diseases and other calamities to be directly occasioned by particular sins of the person so visited. This is proved by the question they put to Jesus respecting the man born blind, "who hath sinned, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" It is proved also by our Lord's question put to them respecting those on whom the tower of Siloam fell, and the Galileans whose blood Pilate mingled with his sacrifices. "Think ye that they were sinners above all ?" &c. Again we have a proof of it in the words of Christ to one whom he had healed, "sin no more, lest a worse thing befall thee." Bearing in mind this fact, recollecting that the persons who came to Jesus to get help regarded their own sufferings as fruits of sin, judgments sent upon them for particular offences, how natural does it seem that Jesus should say to those whom he recovered, "your sins are forgiven you," you are released from those judgments which have come upon you in consequence, as you believe, of your transgressions. He thereby assumed no more the divine prerogative, than by the act of healing he assumed omnipotence. He does not make the declaration on his own authority, any more than he performed the miracles by his own power. He does not say "I forgive all your sins," but your sins are forgiven. This implies at the utmost only an acquaintance with the will of God concerning them, sufficient to enable him to know how they were regarded by God. It is certain the Apostles claimed not the divine prerogative. Yet Jesus solemnly invested them with authority to "remit sin," having said to them first, "as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you." We may judge what this power implied from their history and writings. They brought on men certain diseases and

calamities, and they could remove them. Peter punished the lie of Annanias and Sapphira. Paul delivered some "unto Satan," that they might learn not to blaspheme. And James directs, "is any sick, let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick; and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another, that ye may be healed." If we had only consulted the words addressed to the Apostles by our Lord, we should have had as complete evidence that they "possessed the divine prerogative," as that he did, from the words he addressed to the sick of the palsy. We have only to compare what he says then, with what he says elsewhere, to escape the false inference respecting Jesus; as by comparing his commission to the twelve with their subsequent history and writings, we escape the false inference respecting them.

С. М.

For the Repository.


During the late session of the Legislature of NewHampshire, the committee appointed to nominate a chaplain, proposed Rev. Edward Turner, of Portsmou th a Universalist, as a suitable candidate for the appointment. The report of the committee was rejected, and two Calvinistic clergymen, Mr. Bouton and Mr. Williams, of Concord, were chosen to officiate as chaplains alternately. The choice was effected by a majority of twenty-five members, seventy-eight voting in favor of it, and fifty-three against it.

These proceedings have excited the greatest astonishment, and regret, on account of the decidedly republican character of the Legislature, before which they were had, and their disappointing the confidence in its liberality, which that character created. They have disappointed the reasonable expectations of a large, and highly respectable portion of the people of New-Hampshire, and have indeed fixed a blot upon the character of the State, in the estimation of all liberal minded men. They cannot be regarded otherwise, than as the result of either an inveterate, overheated bigotry, or a total want of independence. In either case they admit of no palliation.

The Universalists of New-England are as honest, industrious and orderly a class of people, as can be found in the community. This we challenge any sect to deny. It is equally undeniable, that they contribute as liberally to the support of government, and to the defraying of the public expenditures, as any religious sect whatever. And I do assert, without fear of contradiction, that a warm, undeviating patriotism is more uniformly characteristic of them, than of any other denomination of Christians in our country. All these facts staring us in the face, should make us blush for the treatment they have experienced from us. I do not belong to the sect of Universalists, myself; but they are no less entitled to my respect on that account. Mr. Turner's character was known to be unexceptionable; not an attempt was made to impeach it. It was the benevolence of his heart, and the honest conviction of his mind, with a no less honest avowal of that conviction, that procured for him the discountenance of an enlightened and liberal minded Legislature, and deprived him of his just share of those honors which our country has in store for the deserving. I say it was the kindness of his nature, and the honesty of his convictions, that did this. Vice, however abominable, may conceal itself under the covering of hypocrisy, and be honored for its dissimulation; while that mind, which is too honest to conceal its sentiments, and act the hypocrite, has nothing to expect but obscurity and disgrace. This indicates a truly enviable state of things. If I have not grossly miscalculated upon the candor and liberality of the people of this State, there is a "redeeming power" that will exert itself. From these proceedings what are we to expect? The same spirit, that has been exhibited in them, would not hesitate to rear an inquisition amongst us. It would build an altar upon our shores, and offer our religious liberty upon it, as its first victim.

The civil and political privileges of our country are of no value, if our enjoyment of them is to be subjected to the control of a religious despotism. Such control would taint, would corrupt, would poison them. It is time for us to take the alarm and secure our rights, by a judicious use of our suffrages.



Rev. Mr. B. a Universalist preacher, was ministering a few years since to his brethren in a certain town in New-Hampshire, when a clergyman's son saw proper to attend his meeting and gave very close attention to what was spoken. After he had returned home one evening, having attended the Universalist meeting, his father inquired of him where he had been, to which the son replied, "Sir, I have been to hear Mr. B. preach, the Universalist." "My dear son," said the father, "I wonder you will go there, you will ruin your soul forever, and break your father's heart beside " The son replied, "Father, Mr. B. spake many good things, I am sensible had you been there (without your prejudice,) you must have admired the sermon very much." "No," replied the father, with a stern voice, "I should not have liked a word of it, it is all nothing but a lie, make the best of it." "Well," replies the son to his father, "I want to know what is the reason that laymen of that denomination always twist you in the argument; Dea. B. Esq. H. and Mr. F. forever block your wheels and hold you fast when they talk to you about religion, and why is it so, if your opinion is truer than theirs?" "I will tell you, my son," says the father, "the devil helps them to scripture, and that is enough; I will talk with you no more." "But stop," says the son, "the devil must be a very foolish creature to help those men to scripture to prove his own destruction." The father retires and was silent.


On Monday, July 10, 1826, the corner stone of the meeting-house now erecting for the accommodation of the Universalist Society in this town, was laid in the presence of a large and respectable assemblage of citizens, with appropriate religious services. Prayers were offered by Rev. Benj. Whittemore, in a fervent and devout manner, in which the blessing of the Almighty Father of the universe was invoked upon this pious effort to establish a place of worship in this ancient town, where the religion of his Son should be preached with freedom, simplicity, purity and power.

A silver plate, with the following inscriptions,

To the One Immortal, Invisible, Independent, All-controlling, Un-controlled JEHOVAH,

Known to the Jews as the God of Abraham, and to Christians as the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For his worship and service this building is erected by the believers in his universal grace; honestly owning ourselves as Dissenters, not only from the church of Rome, but from the traditions of our fathers. Taking the Law and the Testimony, we look to Christ as the head of every man,

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