through life, and at last may you resign your immortal spirit to him that gave it, with the greatest composure of mind. Let religion be with you; not the cold and barren offspring of speculation, but the warm and vigorous dictates felt in the heart. Unmoved by veneration, can you contemplate that grandeur and majesty, which his works every where display? Untouched by gratitude, can you view profusion of good which in this pleasing season of life, his beneficent hand pours around you? The heart should then spontaneously rise into the admiration of what is great, glow with the love of what is fair and excellent, and melt at the discovery of tenderness and goodness. Where can any object be found so proper to kindle these affections as the Father of the universe and the author of all felicity? And finally, when you shall have come to the last closing scenes of this mortal life, may you have the happiness to know that you have most faithfully served your God, and be received into the kingdom of the blest to praise God and the Lamb forever and ever. It would be very agreeable to have you visit this peaceful abode when convenient. Parents unite in requesting us to present their respects to you. All who know you, feel interested in your health and happiness, bot none more warmly than your obliged and affectionate grand-children. My friend, you may trivial deem To youth, to friendship, and to you. Friendship is a name by few possessed, D. PATISON PIERCE. From the Vermont Gzetteer. DESCRIPTION OF HARTLAND. Hartland, a post town in the eastern part of Windsor county, is in lat. 43° 34' and long. 4° 30′, and is bounded north by Hartford, east by Plainfield, N. H. from which it is separated by Connecticut river, south by Windsor, and west by Woodstock. This township lies 50 miles southeasterly from Montpelier, and 62 northeast from Bennington, 100 from Boston, 230 from NewYork and 427 from Washington city. It was chartered by the governor of New Hampshire, July 10, 1761, by the name of Hertford, containing 25,350 acres. The charter was confirmed by New-York, in 1766. The name was altered to Hartland, June 15, 1782. The settlement of the township was commenced in May, 1763, by Timothy Lull from Dummerston, in this state. At this time there were no inhabitants on Connecticut river between Charlestown, then No. 4, and Hartland. A few families had, however, settled in Newbury, about 40 miles to the north of this place. Mr. L. moved into the town in the following manner. Having purchased a log canoe, he proceeded in that, up Connecticut river, with his furniture and family, consisting of a wife and four children. He arrived at the mouth of a considerable brook in Hartland, where he landed his family, tied his canoe, and, breaking a junk bottle in presence of his little family, named the stream Lull's brook, by which name it has ever since been known. He proceeded up the brook about a mile to a log hut, which had been previously erected, near the place now called Sumner's village. Here he spent his days, and died at the advanced age of 81 years. His first child, born in town, Timothy Lull, is still living on the same farm. He was born in December, 1764, on which occasion the midwife was drawn from Charlestown by the father upon the ice, a distance of 23 miles, upon a hand-sled. Mr. Lull had to suffer many privations and hardships for several years; but possessing a strong constitution and a vigorous mind, he overcame all obstacles, accumulated a handsome property, lived respected and died generally lamented. The first settlers of the township were mostly emigrants from Massachusetts and Connecticut. The town was organized in 1767, and Zadock Wright was first town clerk. The religious denominations are Universalists, Christians, Congregationalists and Baptists. There are two houses for public worship, one erected in 1788, and the other in 1822. The latter belongs principally to the Universalists. Elder Timothy Grow has been for many years minister of the Baptist church in this town. Rev. Robert Bartlett has been lately settled over the Universalist society. The other clergymen are Rev. John Smith, Moses Tewksbury and Seth E. Winslow. The physicians are Friend Sturtevant, S. P. Page, Sylvester Marcy, and John Harding. This is a rich farming township and its surface is pleasantly diversified with hills and vallies. Connecticut river washes the eastern boundary, and at Queechy falls on this stream, are several mills, situated on the Hartland side. Queechy river runs across the northeast corner and Lull's brook through the southern part of the town, and afford some of the best mill privileges in the state. On the lands of David H. Sumner, Esq. has recently been discovered a valuable bed of paint. It is abundant and of an excellent quality. The town is divided into 18 school districts, in each of which is a school-houseHere are two small villages, five grist, 14 saw, one clover and three fulling mills, two woollen factories, two distilleries, two tanneries, four taverns and two stores. Population in 1820, 2553. From the Christian Intelligencer. CHRISTIAN VISITANT NOTICE. The undersigned, appointed by the Eastern Association of Universalists at its late session to revive the publication of the Christian Visitant, takes this method to give general notice, that Proposals for the second volume have been published and sent to Agents in different parts of the State, with whom subscribers may leave their names and the amount severally subscribed, and of whom they will in due time receive their copies. Agreeably to a vote passed by the Association, subscribers will be furnished with Visitants at 2 cents each. They will be published monthly, on good paper, with new and handsome type, each containing 12 duodecimo pages. Twelve successive numbers will, therefore, complete the year, and constitute a volume, to which will be added a title page and index. Hence one set of Nos. for the year will cost only twenty-five cents; two full sets, fifty cents; three volumes, seventy-five cents; and four copies of each of the twelve several numbers, one dollar, &c. No subscription less than the first sum can be received. As the design in publishing Visitants is, to furnish our brethren with cheap and useful articles for general and gratuitous distribution, it is hoped that the friends of the publication will subscribe for a plurality of copies, regulating the amount of their subscriptions by the number of copies they may wish to retain and lend, or distribute gratuitously. The first No. of the second vol. will be published about the middle of October next; previous to which time it is hoped all subscribers will endeavour to have their returns made to the Editor. The Visitant will be generally devoted to illustra tions of texts which are supposed to be opposed to the doctrine of Universal Salvation; but will occasionally contain such other kinds of articles as may be deemed serviceable in the cause of truth. The undersigned would also give notice to the friends of liberal christianity in other States, that their patronage is desired, and would be gratefully received. Any number of subscribers where, for the want of suitable information on the part of the Editor, no prospectus has been forwarded, may agree upon an agent, who wil! be acknowledged as such by him. He may remit to the undersigned whatever sum may be subscribed, and the corresponding proportions of Visitants will be faithfully forwarded in due time, either by mail or private conveyance, according as such subscribers may direct. The better to accommodate patrons in other States, the Editor hereby takes the liberty to appoint the following gentlemen to be general Agents for the Visitant, hoping they will do him the favor to serve as such, viz. Rev's Edward Turner, Portsmouth, N. H. Seth Stetson, Salem, Mass. Hosea Ballou, 2d, Roxbury, Mass.; Wm. Brown, Esq. P. M. Plymouth, Mass. Warren Wing, Esq. P. M. Greenwich Village, Mass.; Rev's Robert Bartlett, Hartland, Vt. John Bisbee, Hartford, Conn. David Pickering, Providence, R. I. and Abner Kneeland, N. York City. This popular little work, published by authority of the Eastern Association, a work which has received many decided testimonials of public approbation in favor of its utility in the cause of God's impartial and universal grace and salvation, it is believed may be recommended to the favorable notice and general patronage of "our brethren of like precious faith." It is not published as a source of pecuniary profit to any one. It is only contemplated that the subscriptions shall cover all the expenses of publication. The labor and time of the Editor claim no other reward for him than the rich one of being, in some humble degree, instrumental in maintaining the honors, and asserting the unbounded triumphs of that competent Savior who came |