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Marching on to Zion; Soon

we'll en ter

the pearly gate, Soon we'll gather home.

2 Toil and danger we shall meet. Marching on to Zion;

Thorns will pierce our weary feet, On our journey home;

Yet the King his own will cheer,
Marching on to Zion;

O how oft his words we hear,
On our journey home.-Refrain.

3 True and faithful let us be, Marching on to Zion;

Till our eyes the King shall see,

On our journey home; Hark, he bids us watch and wait, Marching on to Zion;

Till we reach the pearly gate,

On our journey home.-Refrain.

From "JOYFUL LAYS." By permission of Biglow & Main.

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Ye, by fiercer anguish torn,
In remorse for guilt who mourn;

4 Hither come, for here is found Balm that flows for every wound, Peace that ever shall endure, Rest eternal, sacred, sure.




Dan. 3. 16-28.

.Dan. 5. 1-12, and 25-28.

21. THE SECOND TEMPLE.. Ezra 1. 1-4, and 3. 8-13. 28. NEHEMIAH'S PRAYER.


Neh. 1. 1-11.

Neh. 8. 1-12.

14. ESTHER'S PETITION..Esther 4. 10-17, and 5. 1-3. 21. MESSIAH'S MESSENGER.. Mal. 3. 1-6, and 4. 1-6. 28. FIRST QUARTERLY REVIEW.


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FEBRUARY, 1886. VOL. XVIII, No. 2.

The Wesleyan Methodist Sunday

School Union.

Ar the session of the Wesleyan Conference in 1873 a proposition was made to establish a SundaySchool Union. It met with a hearty sanction by the Conference, and during the ensuing Conference year it was discussed by the various District Meetings and approved by them. At the next Conference session in 1874 a formal plan of organization was adopted, and the Connectional Sunday-School Union began its life.

Unlike the Sunday-School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, it does not depend for its literature on the Book Concern, but is itself a publishing society-having its own salesroom and its own editors. Its publications are issued under the direction of a subcommittee of the Conference Committee on Education, the Book Steward and Connectional editors being members ex officio. It is thus officially united with the Book Concern, and yet its publications are distinct.

The Union has a very beautiful and convenient home in a busy part of the city of London, at No. 2 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E. C. Here, besides the salesroom, there are editorial offices, a library, and a reading-room. Its catalogue of publications comprises library books, books of referenee, a number of choice periodicals, and various requisites for Sunday-school work.

The Secretary of the Union is the Rev. Charles H. Kelly, who has for his assistant Mr. William Binns. Both of these gentlemen are well known among our Wesleyan brethren as active and efficient Sunday-school laborers. Through their favor we have received from time to time the very valuable annual reports of the Union, as well as other publications. There are now connected with the Union 6,659 schools, having 125,502 officers and teachers, and 862,279 scholars. Of these there are VOL. XVIII.-2

connected with the Church 102,388 officers and teachers, and 105,123 scholars. Sessions of the schools are held both morning and afternoon, the average attendance in the afternoon being considerably larger than that of the morning. There are 2,803 Sunday-school libraries, containing 803,758 volumes.

The ten years of the work of the Union show a very gratifying increase in all these statistics. There is also an increase of interest in Sunday-school work throughout the Connection, which cannot be represented by mere numerical signs. The Wesleyan Sunday-School Union has proved itself worthy of a place among the active agencies of Christian work.

Its success has demonstrated the wisdom of the men who aided in its organization.

Your Sick Scholar.

THE subject of sickness ever threatens to become a prominent one. What if some pestilence-shadow darken the land! If the wings of the pestilence be not spread over us, other sickness may fatally overshadow us. Now, to the dark shadow of pain Christ opposes the light of his healing, comforting presence. When any home near him grew dark at the approach of sickness, he would take the face that would brighten, the voice that would cheer, and the touch that would heal. Let the Church imitate its adorable Head. The body is the gateway to the soul. The relief of physical pain may open the way for the admission of spiritual truth. The hospital is one excellent agency in a mission station. Whether we show our interest in this subject through our support of a local hospital or our ministry at the bed-side of a friend, let us not forget what is feasible. As Sunday-school workers, let us remember our privilege and our duty. Is any scholar on a sick-bed?, Now is the time to

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