| Alexander Pope - 1717 - 468 páginas
...prize, And high in air Britannia's ftandard flies. See ! from the brake the whirring Pheafant fprings, And mounts exulting on triumphant wings. Short is...and panting beats the ground. Ah ! what avail his gloffy, varying dyes, His purple creft, and fcarlet-circled eyes, The vivid green his fhining plumes... | |
 | 1720 - 302 páginas
...brake the whirring pheafantfprings^. And mounts exulting on triumphant wings. Short is his joy; he feek the fiery wound, Flutters in blood, and panting beats the ground. Ah!' what avail- his glofly, varying dyes, His purple creft, and fcarlet-circled eyes, The vivid green his ftiining plumes... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1722 - 294 páginas
...prize. And high in air Britannia's ftandard flies. See ! from the brake the whirring pheafant fpring", And mounts exulting on triumphant wings. Short is...and panting beats the ground. Ah ! what avail his glofly, varying dies, His purple creft, and fcadet-circled eyes, The vivid green his fliining plumes... | |
 | Henry Needler - 1735 - 252 páginas
...Ar& flowly moves amid the waving Blaze. TU*. f See ! from the Brake the whirring Pheafant Iprings, And mounts exulting on triumphant Wings; Short is...Blood, and panting beats the Ground. Ah! what avail his gloffie, .varying Dyes, His Purple Creft, and Scarlet-circled Eyes, The iant, the Parrot, the * Swan,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 240 páginas
...And high in air Britannia's ftandard flies, I rO See ! from the brake the whirring pheafant fprings, And mounts exulting on triumphant wings : Short is...and panting beats the ground. Ah ! what avail his glofly, varying dyes, 115 His purple creft, and fcarlet-circled eyes, The vivid green his fhining plumes... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 236 páginas
...And high in air Britannia's ftamlard flies, I IO See ! from the brake the whirring pheafant fprings, And mounts- exulting on triumphant wings : Short is...blood, and panting beats the ground. Ah ! what avail his'gKHy, varying dyes, 115 His purple c'reft, and fcarlet-circled eyes, The vivid green his finning... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1752 - 396 páginas
...And high in air Britannia's flandard flies. jio See! from the brake the whirring phcafant fprings, And mounts exulting on triumphant wings : Short is...Flutters in blood, and panting beats the ground. Ah 1 what avail his glofly, varying dyes, i j£ His purple creft, and fcarlct-circled eyes, The vivid... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1754 - 262 páginas
...And high in air Britannia's ftandard flies. no See ! from the brake the whirring pheafant fprings, And mounts exulting on triumphant wings: Short is...and panting beats the ground. Ah ! what avail his gloffy, varying dyes, 115 His purple creft, and fcarled-circled eyes, The vivid green his mining plumes... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1757 - 280 páginas
...And high in air Britannia's ftandard flies. 1 10 See ! from the brake the whirring pheafant fprings, And mounts exulting on triumphant wings : Short is...Flutters in blood, and panting beats the ground. Ah ! tvhat avail his glofly, varying dyes, i 15 His purple creft, and fcarlet-circled eyes, The vivid... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1760 - 316 páginas
...And high in air Britannia's ffcandard flies. no See ! from the brake the whirring pheafantfprings, And mounts exulting on triumphant wings : Short is...and panting beats the ground. Ah ! what avail his glofly, varying dyes, 1 1 5 His purple creft, and fcarlet-circled eyes, The vivid green his mining... | |
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