Imágenes de páginas
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

For à, aa, ai, au, ay, e, ee, ea, ei, ey; as in Aaron, gain, gauge, stray, melee', great, vein, they.

For å, ai, ua; as in plaid, guaranty.

For å, au, e, ea, ua; as in haunt, sergeant, heart, guard.

For å, au, aw, eo, o, oa, ou; as in fault, hawk, George, cork, broad, bought.

For å, ai, e, ea, ei; as in chair, there, swear, heir. For è, ea, ee, ei, eo, ey, i, ie; as in read, deep, ceil, people, key, valise, field.

For &, a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eo, ie, u, ue; as in any, said, says, head, heifer, leopard, friend, bury, guess.

For ê, ea, i, o, ou, u, ue, y; as in earth, girl, word, scourge, burn, guerdon, myrrh.

For ì, ai, ei, eye, ie, oi, ui, uy, y, ye; as in aisle, sleight, eye, die, choir, guide, buy, my, rye.

For i, ai, e, ee, ie, o, oi, u, ui, y; as in captain, pretty, been, sieve, women, tortoise, busy, build, hymn.

For ò, au, eau, eo, ew, oa, oe, oo, ou, ow; as in hautboy, beau, yeoman, sew, coal, foe, door, soul, blow. For ỏ, a, ou, ow; as in what, hough, knowledge. For 8, ew, oe, oo, ou, u, ui; as in grew, shoe, spoon, soup, rude, fruit.

For ù, eau, eu, ew, ieu, iew, ue, ui; as in beauty, feud, new, adieu, view, hue, juice.

For ů, o, oe, oo, ou; as in love, does, blood, young.

For ů, o, ov, ou; wolf, book, could.
For ou, ow; as in now.

For oi (ai), oy; as in boy.


For f, gh, ph; as in cough, nymph.

For j, g; as in gem, gin.

For k, c, ch, gh, q; as in cole, conch, lough, etiquette For s, c; as in cell.

For t, d, th, phth; as in danced, Thames, phthisic. For v, f, ph; as in of, Stephen.

For y, i; as in pinion.

For z, c, 8, x; as in suffice, rose, xebec.

For z, g, 8; as in rouge, osier.


For ng, n; as in anger,

For ch, t; as in fustian.


For sh, c, ch, s, ss, t; as in ocean, chaise, sure, assure, martial.


The following words are arranged for an exercise in Spelling, by sounds. The names of the letters are not to be given; but the elements are to be produced separately, and then pronounced in connection, thus: v å st, pronounced vast; år m-arm; host-host; mỏ v-move, &c. The attention of the pupil should be especially directed to silent letters, or those that are not sounded in words where they occur. In the following exercise they appear in italics. We would impress it especially upon the teacher, that the best way to secure a distinct and forcible articulation is to give the pupil a daily exercise of this kind.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



1. From the omission of one or more elements in a

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3. From substituting one element for another; as,

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For a further exercise in ARTICULATION, let the pupils, separately and in concert, read each of the following sentences several times, uttering the Elements in italics with force and distinctness.

1. He accepts the office, and attempts by his acts to conceal his faults.

2. The bold, blustering boys broke bolts and bars.

3. He trod boldly the halls of his ancestors.

4. These acts of government will result in a general and great increase of crime.

5. There are rags, figs, and drugs in these bags.

6. He was attacked with spasms and died miserably by the road side.

7. He longs to sling the tongs with all his strength.

8. Regardless of troubl's and wrongs, he curb'd the anger of that disturb'd rabble.

9. He reads the acts of the government, and expects to learn the facts in the case.

10. If he reflect, he will take prompt means to secure their clubs and save his ribs.

11. Death ravaged for months throughout the whole length and breadth of the land.

12. For the hundredth time, he spoke of lengths, breadths, widths, and depths.

13. Whispers of revenge passed silently around among the troops.

14. He laughs, and quaffs his ale, knowing that the rafts and skiffs are on the reefs near the cliffs.

15. What thou wouldst highly that thou wouldst holily.

16. Your false friends aim, by stealth, to secure the wealth for which you delv'd, and lost your health.

17. As the water gush'd forth, he wish'd he had push'd the dog from the path, and hush'd the child.

18. Her faults were aggravated, and held up to universal scorn and reproach.

19. The ragged madman, in his ramble, did madly ransack every pantry in the parish.

20. Directly after these accidents, numerous attempts were made to emigrate.

21 The peevish, feeble freeman feebly fought for freedom. 22. It will pain nobody, if the sad dangler regain neither rope.

23. Fane, fortune, and friends favor the fair.

24. Theodore Thickthong thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb.

25. Beneath the booth, I found baths, laths, cloths, moths, paths, sheaths, and wreaths.

26. Prithee, blithe youth, do not mouth your words when you wreathe your face with smiles.

27. The best defenders of liberty do not commonly vociferate most loudly in its praise.

28. That fellow shot a spărrow on a willow, in the nǎrrow meadow, near the yellow house.

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